Wednesday, December 19, 2012

December 20th

Karl Kaul (20-12-1906 - 21-04-1985) German composer

Karl Kaul
[Kartothek A-K page 156]

Karl Kaul composed direct mates and selfmates.

Kaul, Karl
Deutsche Schachzeitung, 1961

#3 6 + 1

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Albert Abramovich Grigorian (20-12-1925 - 2009) Armenian composer

Albert Grigorian
[Grigory Popov]

Albert Grigorian composed direct mates, helpmates and series movers and was a prolific composer.

Grigorjan, Albert Abramowitsch
Rochade Europa, May 2009 (2381)

ser-#23 3 + 6

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Владимир Ильич Тимонин (20-12-1939 - 03-08-2011) Russian composer and FIDE Master (Vladimir Ilich Timonin)

Vladimir Timonin
[Grigory Popov]

Vladimir Timonin was specialized in threemovers.

Тимонин, Владимир Ильич
Всероссийский конкурс 1964
1st Prize

#3 v 8 + 11

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Eric Huber (20-12-1971) French-Romanian composer and International Master

  • Born and raised in France, moved to Romania at 26 and was initiated into chess composition by Valeriu Petrovici.
  • IM in solving, International Judge in fairy problems, collaborator of some magazines: the Romanian "Buletin Problemistic", Paul Răican's "Quartz", the international "Mat Plus" edited by Milan Velimirovic, and the early "e4 e5".
  • Specialized in fairy problems and frequent co-author with Vlaicu Crişan.
  • Wrote with the same accomplice Vlaicu Crişan "Aurora - A Collection of 100 Chess Problems by Yoshikazu Ueda". 
  • Organizes and judges with Vlaicu the yearly Tzuica Tourney, dedicated to helpselfmates.
  • Recklessly started a blog dedicated to chess composers in January 2012 but miraculously survived the ordeal - at least until the end of 2012.

Huber, Eric
Quartz, 2001

b) bRa6->e8
4 + 4

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Huber, Eric
Die Schwalbe 206th TT, 2011
1st Prize

h#2           2 solutions
Take & Make
            7 + 6

Take & Make:
When capturing, the capturing piece must make an additional move, like the piece captured. If this extra move isn't possible, then the capture is illegal. Checks are orthodox. Pawns may never appear on the bottom rank (1st rank for white, 8th rank for black). The move isn't finished until after the extra move has been made. Rebirths, promotions, etc, occur after the extra move.

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  1. Many happy returns of your birthday!
    Needless to say how much I appreciate your daily chess composers blog. It makes my internet day. Keep on the good work!
    Gerard Bouma

    1. Thank you Gerard ! I hope you have discovered some interesting composers, as I did while researching materials for the blog.

  2. Happy Birthday Eric!!
    LOL -- "Recklessly started a blog..." and, recklessly left out his own photo!?

    1. You are not the first person to notice that reckless omission ! The photo can be found on this page:
      It's amazing how few pictures of myself I have :-)

  3. Dear Eric,

    now it's too late for birthday wishes, but it's never too late for a hint:
    The second name of Timonin is Iljich (not Ivanovich), even according to your own cyrillic pattern.

    Best, Manfred
