Tuesday, December 25, 2012

December 26th

Joseph Ney Babson (26-12-1852 - 20-12-1929) American composer

Joseph Babson

Joseph Babson, 1882
[Cleveland Public Library Digital Gallery]
Thanks to P.Hoffmann and Z.Kornin for the link

Joseph Babson composed mainly selfmates.
His name has remained forever associated to the task of the 4 reciprocal white and black promotions: he imagined this idea in 1913 and it was the theme of the Babson tourney in 1925. Tim Krabbé's article "Sons of Babson" is well remembered by chess problem aficionados and can be read here.

Babson, Joseph Ney
American Chess Bulletin, 1925

s#3 14 + 9

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Saturnin Limbach (26-12-1907 - 11-12-1984) Polish composer and FIDE Master

Saturnin Limbach

Saturnin Limbach composed more than 4,000 problems and was specialised in selfmate and Bohemian problems. He held the chess column in the "Gazeta Czestochowska" from 1956 until 1984.
Saturnin Limbach was an International Judge.

Limbach, Saturnin
Szachy, 1980
1st Prize

s#3 13 + 10

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Zivko Milovanović (26-12-1908 - 16-04-1978) Yugoslav composer

Zivko Milovanović composed mostly helpmates.

Milovanović, Zivko
Israel Ring Tourney, 1965
4th Prize

h#3 5 + 8

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Василий Алексеевич Миронов (26-12-1919 - 2001?) Russian composer (Vasily Alexeyevich Mironov)
Vasily Mironov was a direct mate composer.

Миронов, Василий Алексеевич
Mat (Beograd) 1980
4th Prize

#3* 7 + 10

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Христофор Саввич Анимица (26-12-1935 - 26-10-1987) Russian composer (Khristofor Savvich Animitsa)

Khristofor Animitsa composed in all genres.

Анимица, Христофор Саввич
Revista Română de Şah, 1980

h#23 solutions
7 + 10

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Since the previous problem is anticipated, here is another one:

Анимица, Христофор Саввич
Revista Română de Şah, 1985

h#22 solutions
6 + 10

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Євген Сергійович Орлов (26-12-1939) Ukrainian composer (Evgen Sergyiovich Orlov)

Орлов, Євген Сергійович
ЮК Г.Козюра-50, 2006
4th-5th Prize

h#22 solutions
b) wSg7->c6
4 + 8

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Николай Иванович Кралин (26-12-1944) Russian composer and Grandmaster (Nikolay Ivanovich Kralin)

Nikolay Kralin with Y.Afek

Nikolay Kralin is an endgame study composer but he also occasionally composes problems (selfmates, direct mates, helpmates).

Кралин, Николай Иванович
Бюллетень ЦШК СССР 1973 (19)
1st Prize

= 5 + 5

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Кралин, Николай Иванович
October Revolution JT, Молодость Грузии 1977
2nd Prize

+ 5 + 4

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Roberto Stelling (26-12-1961) Brazilian composer

Roberto Stelling

Roberto Stelling is the Brazilian delegate at the WFCC, a solver several times Brazilian champion and an occasional composer.
You may visit his chess blog with a short presentation of his results.

Stelling, Roberto & Sonnenfeld, Felix Alexander
Canadian Chess Chat, 1984 (1282)

h#2b) bQe6->e5
4 + 6

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Johan Scheel (26-12-1889 - 04-12-1958) Norwegian composer

Johan Scheel
"Internationale Galerie moderner Problem-Komponisten", Hans Schaffer, 1930.
[Source Wikimedia]

Johan Scheel was a Norwegian composer of two- and threemovers. He published more than 750 problems and started composing in the Bohemian style.
He compiled an early anthology “200 Schakopgaver” (Kristiania, 1924) which did not fully satisfy him, according to G.W. Chandler, in his "Orbituary : Johan Scheel", The Problemist, July 1959. After 1940 he blended the Bohemian style with some more strategic ideas, which lead for instance to his well-known 1st Prize, US Chess Federation 1948.
Alain Godbout wrote "256 problèmes choisis de Johan Scheel" (Editions de l'Apprenti Sorcier, 2001) dedicated to Scheel's whole work.

Scheel, Johan
Tidskrift för Schack, 1912
1st Prize

#3  7 + 3

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Scheel, Johan
Stratford Express, 1950
1st Prize

#3  6 + 10

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Витольд Витольдович Якимчик (26-12-1909 - 28-05-1977) Russian composer and International Master (Vitold Vitoldovich Yakimchik)

Vitold Yakimchik
[Source SuperProblem.ru]

Vitold Yakimchik composed 120 studies (source).
The translation of his interview from Shakhmaty v SSSR ix l971 can be found in eg-127 (pages 250-257).

Якимчик, Витольд Витольдович
Shakhmaty v SSSR 1934
4th Commendation

=  5 + 4

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Якимчик, Витольд Витольдович
Shakhmaty v SSSR 1963
1st Prize

=  5 + 3

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  1. Animitsa's h#2 is totally anticipated by the classic Iosif Krikheli, 3 Pr Sredba na Solidarnosta 1971 (PDB P0526964).

    1. Correct: Krikheli's problem can be found here http://www.yacpdb.org/?id=92637

  2. SCHEEL, Johan (26.12.1889–04.12.1958), Norwegian chess composer of three-mover problems with model-mates. Author of “200 Schakopgaver” (Kristiania, 1924). Lawyer.
    He has published more than 700 problems and many of them got a first prizes.


    1. Thank you Ivan, it would have been a pity not to mention Johan Scheel. His problems are highly enjoyable and two of his works are now quoted on this page.
