Bertil Einar Gedda (06-12-1912 - 08-03-1991) Swedish composer
Bertil Gedda was a poet, chess player and composer. An article by Sven-Göran Malmgren in Swedish about his achievements can still be
found on
He excelled at selfmates.
Gedda, Bertil Einar
nd WCCT F, 1980
rd Place, 1980-1983
Show Solution1. Bf6 ! (2. Rxd2+ Bxd2 3. Rxb6+ Rb7#)
1... Rxd1 2. c4+ Sxc4 3. Rxb6+ Rb7#
1... e3,exf3 2. Se7+ Rxe7 3. c4+ Qxc4#
1... e5 2. Rc5+ Ke6,Kd4 3. Qd5+ Rxd5#
1... Ra7 (~) 2. fxe4+ Qxe4 3. c4+ Qxc4#
Battery play, pins.
Gedda, Bertil Einar
Schach-Echo, 1971 (6650)
Show Solution1. Rb6 ! (2. Rd6+ Kc3 3. Qa5+ Kb2 4. Rd2+ Bc2#)
1... Rxa2 2. Sc1+ Kd4 3. Qd6+ Kc3 4. Qd2+ Rxd2#
1... Bxa2+ 2. Sc1+ Kd4 3. Qd6+ Kc3 4. Rb3+ Bxb3#
1... e3 2. Sa5+ Kd4 3. Rd6+ Ke4 (Kf5) 4. Qd3+ Bxd3#
Difficult play with four different and long variations.
Norman Alasdair Macleod (06-12-1927 - 02-10-1991) Scottish composer and Grandmaster
Norman Macleod was a very good chess player and president of the British Chess Problem Society from 1979 to 1981. He composed in all genres and was an International Judge.
John Rice wrote a book dedicated to his chess composing career: "
The Chessboard Adventures of Norman Macleod" (1997).
Macleod, Norman Alasdair
The Problemist, 1973
st Prize
Show Solution1.Sb3! (2.f3# A/Sc5# B/Sd2# C/Rd4# D/Qxb4# E/Qd4# F)
1...Bxb7/c6 2.f3# A
1...c5 2.Sxc5# B
1...hxg3/Rxg3 2.Sd2# C
1...cxb6 2.Rd4# D
1...e5 2.Qxb4# E
1...exd6/cxd6 2.Qd4# F
Macleod, Norman Alasdair
Memorial Paros, 1976
th Prize
Show Solution1.Rb4-e4 Kd1xd2 2.Re4-c4 b3xc4#
1.Rb4-d4 Sd6-c4 2.Rd4-e4 Sc4-b6#
1.Rb4-c4 Sd6-e4 2.Rc4-d4 Se4-c3#
1.Rb4-c4 b5-b6 2.Ba4-c6 b3xc4#
Tempo play by the black Rook.
Norman Macleod & Byron Zappas, Benidorm 1990 |
Βύρων Ζάππας (06-12-1927 - 05-01-2008) Greek composer and Grandmaster (Byron Zappas)
Byron Zappas was a player and solver and started composing strategic threemovers. He composed in all genres but mostly orthodox problems.
More details about him can be found
on Emmanuel Manolas website - among other information, he published, in 1990, the book “
Chess Compositions” with selected problems of his, with analysis and explanation of themes.
Emmanuel Manolas also presents the Zappas theme:
A flight of the black King is guarded by three white pieces. There are three tries which fail, as a result of the cyclic neutralization of the three guards by the White and the Black.
Zappas, Byron
nd WCCT A2, 1980
nd Place, 1980-1983
Show SolutionSet play:
1...Qe7/Qe8/Qc6[a]/Qf7/Qg8/Qd5[a]/Qc4 2.Rf3#[A]
1...Qxb6[b] 2.Rf4#[C]
1...Qxa2[c] 2.Rf2#[D]
1...Qxe5 2.Rf3#[A]/Rxe5#[B]
1.Qg6? (2.Qxg3#)
1...Qc6[a]/Qg8/Qd5[a] 2.Rf3#[A]
1...Qxb6[b] 2.Rf4#[C]
1...Qxa2[c] 2.Rf2#[D]
but 1...Sd4!
1.Kh4? (2.Rf3#[A])
1...Qxb6[b] 2.Rf4#[C]
1...Qxa2[c] 2.Rf2#[D]
but 1...Qc4+!
1.Kxg3? (2.Rf3#[A])
1...Qxb6[b] 2.Rf4#[C]
1...Qxa2[c] 2.Rf2#[D]
but 1...Qg8+!
1.Bf4! (2.Rd2#)
1...Qe3/Qe2/Qe1/Qc6[a]/Qd5[a] 2.Rd5#[E]
1...Qxb6[b] 2.Rc5#[F]
1...Qxa2[c] 2.Re5#[B]
1...Qxf5+ 2.Qxf5#
Changed mates.
By an amazing coincidence, Hugo Knuppert composed
the same problem (mirrored position) for the WCCT and the composers were awarded the 1st-2nd prize ex-aequo.
Zappas, Byron
The Problemist, 1986
Show Solutiona) 1.Qb6-c6 Qh1-h2 2.Se4-c3 Sb3-c5#
b) 1.Rb5-d5 Qh1-c1 2.Se4-g3 Sb3-a5#
Pin play, unpinning, exchange of functions.
Николай Филиппович Власенко (06-12-1941 - 2010) Russian composer (Nikolay Filipovich Vlasenko)
Nikolay Vlasenko edited chess columns in magazines and newspapers of Karelia, according to
Grigory Popov. He composed mostly direct mate miniatures.
Власенко, Николай Филиппович
Вестник проблемиста 1992
th Prize
Show Solution1.Qf6? (2.Qc3#)
1...Ka3[a] 2.Qb2#[A]
1...Ka5[b] 2.Bc3#[B]
1...Kc5 2.Qd4#
but 1...Kb3!
1.Qd7! ZZ
1...Kb3/Ka3[a] 2.Qa4#[D]
1...Kc4/Ka5[b] 2.Qb5#[C]
1...Kc5 2.Qd4#
Changed mates, flight-giving key, model mates.
Peter Sickinger (06-12-1943) German composer and FIDE Master
"Mit 120 PS" |
Peter Sickinger composes three- and moremovers as well as selfmates.
He wrote "
Mit 120 PS" - a collection of 120 commented problems.
Sickinger, Peter
Freie Presse, 1974 (1572)
st Prize
Show Solution1.d2-d4 ! (2.c2-c4/c2-c3#)
1...Sg7-e6 2.Se4-d6 ~ 3.Sd6-c4#
1...Sg7-f5 2.Se4-f2 ~ 3.Sf2-d3#
1...Sg7-e8 2.Se4-c3 ~ 3.Sc3-a4#
White takes profit of the obstruction of the bQ by the bS.
Sickinger, Peter
Probleemblad, 1979
st Prize
Show Solution1.Ke8-f8 ! (2.Qa8-e8+ Rb7-e7 3.Qe8xe7+ Bg8-e6#)
1...Ba1xc3 2.Se3-c4+ Ke4-d3 3.Sc4-a3+ Bg8-c4#
1...g5-g4 2.Se3-d5+ Ke4-f5 3.Sd5-f4+ Bg8-d5#
Battery play, battery creation.
Nikola Stolev (06-12-1947) Macedonian composer and FIDE Master
Nikola Stolev |
Nikola Stolev is the helpmates editor of "
StrateGems" and a helpmate composer. He wrote with Živko Janevski "
Sovremeniot pomošen mat vo dva poteza: The Modern helpmate in two"(1989). He also composes direct mates.
Stolev, Nikola
Kotelec, 1991
nd Prize
Show Solutiona) 1.Qb1-b6+ Qf1-f2 2.Ke7-d6 Qf2-c5#
b) 1.Qb1-g6+ Qf1-g2 2.Ke7-f6 Qg2-g5#
Diagonal orthogonal correspondence, pin mates.
Pelle moves.
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