George Hume (16-12-1862 - 14-01-1936) British composer
George Hume
[Changing Fashions; Scan by M. McDowell] |
George Hume was one of the main actors of the "
Good Companion" Chess Club. He collected twomovers and used this collection to detect anticipations.
He participated to the edition of many books of the White Christmas Series such as "
Changing Fashions", "
Valves and Bi-Valves", "
Flights of Fancy in the Chess World" or "
The Good Companion Two-Mover" published in 1922.
Hume, George
Good Companions (April Complete Blocks) 1922
rd Prize
Show SolutionSet play:
1...Kxd4 2.Qg1#
1...Sb2~ 2.Sa4#
1.Sxa2! ZZ
1...Kxd4 2.Qg1#
1...Sb2~ 2.Bxb4#
1...Sd3 2.Qc3#
Hume, George
Brighton Society, 1897
st Prize
Show Solution1.Be2-g4 ! ZZ
1...e3-e2 2.Bg4xf5+ Rb5xf5#
1...b4xa3 2.Qb3-b1+ Rb5xb1#
1...Qa5-d8/Qa5xa3 2.Qb3-d3+ Qxd3#
1...Qa5-b6 2.Re8xe6+ Rb5-e5/Qb6xe6#
1...Qa5-a4 2.Qb3-c2+ Qa4xc2#
1...f5xg4 2.Sh3-g5+ Rb5xg5#
1...Re6-e5/Re6-e7/b7-b6 2.Re8xR+ or 1...Re6xe8 2.Rf8xe8+ and 2...Rb5-e5#
A spectacular block problem.
complete block s#2 is also interesting.
Hume, George
Bristol Mercury, 1893
st Prize
Show Solution1.Qf3-f1 ! ZZ
1...Bf5-g4 2.Re6-g6+ h7xg6 3.Qf1-f6+ e7xf6#
1...Bf5xe4 2.Qf1-g1+ Be4-g2 3.c5-c6 Kg5-g4#
1...Bf5-g6 2.Qf1-g2+ h3xg2 3.Re4-g4+ Kg5xg4#
1...Bf5xe6 2.Qf1-a6 Be6-~ 3.Qa6-f6+ e7xf6#
Another good exercise for solvers:
Hume, George
Chess Monthly, 1895
st Prize
Show Solution1.b7-b8=S ! (2.Rc7-d7+ Kd5-c4 3.Qd1-f1+ Rc1xf1#)
1...Rc1xc2 2.Sb5-c3+ Rc2xc3 3.Qd1-f3+ Rc3xf3#
1...Rc1xd1 2.Sc8-e7+ Kd5-e6 3.Sb5xd4+ Rd1xd4#
1...Qh8xe8 2.Rc7-c5+ Kd5-e6 3.Rc5-e5+ Bd4xe5#
1...Qh8-f8 2.Qd1-h1+ Rc1xh1 3.Re8-e5+ Bd4xe5#
Amazingly, two pairs of variations.
Géza Erdős (16-12-1885 - 07-1961) Hungarian composer
Géza Erdős composed direct mates.
More information about him can be found on (search for "Erdős Géza").
Erdős, Géza
Österreichische Schachzeitung, 1953
rd Prize
Show Solution1.Kf6-f7 ! (2.Sd5-f6#)
1...Ke4xd5 2.Be2-f3+ Kd5-c5 3.Bg3-d6#
1...Bf5-g6+ 2.Kf7-g7 (3.Rg5-e5/Sd5-f6#) 2...Bd2-c3+ 3.Sd5xc3#
1...e6xd5 2.Rg5xf5 (3.Rf5-e5/Be2-d3#) 2...Ke4xf5 3.Sb5-d6#
It is worth noticing that 1.Kf6-g7? fails on 1...e6xd5! 2.Rg5xf5 Bd2-c3+! and this is why the Lepuschutz-type key 1.Kf6-f7 exposing the white King to check actually works.
Paul Heuäcker (16-12-1899 - 10-07-1969) German composer
Paul Heuäcker was an endgame study composer.
In 1989 Gerald Braunberger wrote "
Phantasie im Endspiel - Paul Heuäckers Schachstudien".
Paul Heuäcker is most known for this study, which has become a classic:
Heuäcker, Paul
Neue Freie Presse, 5
th Jan 1930 (44)
Show Solution1. Ba7 ! Ba1 2. Kb1 Bc3 3. Kc2 Ba1 4. Bd4 !! Bxd4
{4...exd4 5.Kd3 blocks the pawn and wins}
5. Kd3 ! Ba1 6. Ke4 blocks the pawns on another square and wins.
Doubled sacrifice of the wB.
Heuäcker, Paul
New Statesman {and Nation} 1953
Show SolutionWhite starts by an attack to the black King:
1. Rc6+ Kd1 2. Rf6 ! Qe7 ! 3. Rg1+ Qe1 4. Ra6 Rc7 5. Ra1+ Rc1
{A little picture for this symmetrical position of the bK sandwiched by his loyal forces}
6. Rxc1+ Kxc1 7. Rxe1+ Kb2
{Now White must continue to play precisely to win the bS}
8. Re7! h3 9. Rb7+ Kc1 10. Rb8 ! Sc7 11. Rc8 wins the bS and the game.
Hans Henneberger (16-12-1916 - 31-08-2006) Swiss composer
Hans Johner (left) with Hans Henneberger (right) at a chess solving competition in Zürich
[SSZ 1975, page 267] |
Hans Henneberger wrote the book "
Kunstschach in der Schweiz" in 1980 (Swiss problems published between 1966-1976).
He was the problem columnist of the "
Schweizerische Zeitung" during the periods 1946-1949 and 1967-1990.
Henneberger, Hans
1234 Modern End-Game Studies, 1938 (595)

Show Solution1.Sg3!
{1.f8Q? Re2+ 2.Kd6 Rd2+ 3.Kc6 Rc2+ 4.Kb5 Rb2+ 6.Ka4 Ra2+ draw}
1...Rxg3 2.f8=Q Re3+ 3.Kd6 Rd3+ 4.Kc6 Rc3+ 5.Kb5 Rb3+ 6.Ka4 +-
{6...Ra3/Rb4+ 7.Qxb4 lifts the stalemate}
Валентин Викторович Лидер (16-12-1939) Russian composer and FIDE Master (Valentin Viktorovich Lider)
Valentin Lider is a twomover composer.
Лидер, Валентин Викторович
Шахматы в СССР 1975
Special Prize
Show Solution1. Rb1? ZZ
1. ... Ra8 2. bxa8=S#
1. ... Rxc8 2. bxc8=Q#
1. ... Sb6/d6/a5/e5/a3/e3/d2 2. Q(x)b6#
but 1. ... Sb2!
1. Qa7! ZZ
1. ... Ra8 2. bxa8=Q#
1. ... Rxc8 2. b8=S#
1. ... Rxb7 2. Qxb7#
1. ... Kxc6 2. Qc5#
1. ... Sb6 2. Qxb8#
1. ... Sd6/a5/e5/a3/e3/b2/d2 2. Q(x)a5#
Reciprocally exchange promotions and changed mates after black defences.
Лидер, Валентин Викторович
The Problemist, 1978
nd Prize
Show Solution1.c7! (2.Qb6#)
1...Kc6 2.cxd8S#
1...Kxd6 2.cxd8Q#/cxd8R#
1...Sc6 2.Sb7#
1...Qc6 2.Se4#
1...Bc6 2.Qb4#
Two flights giving key,
Nikola Predrag (16-12-1959) Croatian composer and FIDE Master
Nikola Predrag |
Nikola Predrag composes in all genres. He is the co-founder of the on-line magazine ProblemOnline [unfortunately broken link].
He is also a solver (FM) and member of the Croatian team.
Predrag, Nikola
Modor MT, 2001
st Prize
Show Solution1.Sc6-e5 ! (2.Ra1-b1+ Kb2-a2/a3 3.Qb5xa4#)
1...Rd4-d7+ 2.Kg7-f8 ! (3.Se5-d3/Se5xd7#)
1...Rd4-g4+ 2.Kg7-h6 ! (3.Se5-d3/Se5xg4#)
1...Sc8xb6 2.Kg7xg8 (3.Se5-d3#) 2...Rd4-g4+ 3.Se5xg4#
1...Bg8-h7 2.Kg7xh7 (3.Se5-d3#) 2...Rd4-d7+ 3.Se5xd7#
Two pairs of similar variations.
Predrag, Nikola
ЮК М.Матренин-64, 2012
nd HM
Show Solution1.Qxg4 Rh4 2.Qe6 Rc5#
1.Qxc3 Bb2 2.Qc5 Be6#
Zilahi in an original setting.
Numerous sources claim Rudolph Teschner was born in February, rather than Decmeber (2-16-1922, rather than 12-16-1922).
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DeleteThanks for the tip. The information about Rudolf Teschner has been moved to February 16th