Friday, December 21, 2012

December 22nd

Dawid Przepiórka (22-12-1880 - 27-08-1942 04-1940) Polish composer and FIDE Master

Dawid Przepiórka

Dawid Przepiórka was a chess player and composed mostly strategic moremovers. A compilation of his compositions was published by Henri Weenink in 1932 "D. Przepiórka: a Master of Strategy".
He collaborated with the Polish magazine "Swiat sachowy" from 1926 to 1935.

Przepiórka, Dawid
Teplitz-Schönauer Anzeiger, 1921
1st Prize

#3 7 + 8

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Виталий Александрович Чеховер (22-12-1908 - 11-02-1965) Russian composer and International Master (Vitaly Alexandrovich Chekhover)

Vitaly Chekhover

Vitaly Chekhover was a pianist, a chess player and composer of endgame studies.
He was an International Judge and wrote with Yuri Averbakh "Comprehensive Chess Endings: Knight Endings" and "Comprehensive Chess Endings: Queen v. Rook/Minor Piece Endings".

Чеховер, Виталий Александрович
Bulletin UdSSR-Championat, 1947

= 3 + 3

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რევაზ თავარიანი (22-12-1922 - 06-11-1996) Georgian composer and FIDE Master (Revas Tavariani)

Revas Tavariani

Revas Tavariani composed direct mates and endgame studies. He was an International Judge.

Tawariani, Rewas
Lelo, 1958
1st Prize

#3 6 + 6

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Tawariani, Rewas
Chavchavadze MT, 1987
Special Prize

+ 5 + 5

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Emiliano F. Ruth (22-12-1922 - 01-02-2009) Argentinian composer

Emiliano Ruth composes fairy problems.

Ruth, Emiliano F.
The British Chess Magazine, 1972
1st Prize

ser-h=27 13 + 13

Series-help-stalemate in 27 moves.

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Ralf Krätschmer (22-12-1957) German composer and International Master

Ralf Krätschmer

Ralf Krätschmer composes mostly moremovers, but also fairy problems.
His favourite theme is the Berlin theme and his website bears the theme's name. (Berlin theme: In the try, White fails because Black can mate faster.)
Erik Zierke has selected and commented many of Ralf's best problems in the 126-page "AUSGEWÄHLTE SCHACHPROBLEME VON RALF KRÄTSCHMER" (2nd version 2012) and his problems published in 2012 can be found on this page. The following problems are probably not his best, but they are representative of his centers of interest.

Krätschmer, Ralf
3° K.Winsener Rochade Thematurnier, 1991
3rd Prize

#4 9 + 7

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Krätschmer, Ralf
Problem Online, 28th Apr 2006 (I0003)

hs#4 5 + 6

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Yosha Iglésias (22-12-1987) French composer

Yosha Iglésias (formerly known as Joachim Iglésias) is a chess trainer who composes sporadically in all genres and used to publish problems on France-Echecs forum. Yosha's problems are usually solver-oriented.

Iglésias, Yosha
France-échecs, 2006

+  4 + 6

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Caillaud, Michel & Iglésias, Joachim
J. Lois-60 JT, 2006
3rd Prize

PG 16.0  16 + 13

Shortest Proof Game in 16 moves.

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Robert A. Lincoln (22-12-1937 - 19-10-2017) American composer

Robert Lincoln

Robert Lincoln mostly composed miniature twomovers. He published two books on this topic: "Fun with Chess Miniatures: 540 Puzzles for Novice and Expert" and "More Fun with Chess Miniatures". He held a regular column for Chess Life and was also a regular contributor of the chess problem magazine StrateGems.

Lincoln, Robert
The Problemist, 2001
1st Prize

#2  4 + 3

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Hans-Christoph Krumm (22-12-1931 - 14-06-1994) German composer

Hans-Christoph Krumm
[Die Schwalbe Fragebogen 1960 page 89]

Hans-Christoph Heinz Otto Krumm was a meteorologist. He developed an interest for chess problems thanks to Schach-Expreß and Herbert Grasemann.
He was a top solver for most German chess magazines for decades and attracted many chess players to chess composition. Not long after he took over Herbert Grasemann's column in Deutsche Schachblätter, he died in an accident. More about his life and three interesting problems of his can be found in Thomas Brand's article in die Schwalbe.
He composed direct mates, helpmates and selfmates.

Krumm, Hans-Christoph Heinz Otto
Deutsche Schachzeitung, 1972

#6  6 + 4

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  1. Ralf Krätschmer born 1957, not 1947.

  2. Emiliano F. Ruth passed away on February 1, 2009.

  3. Is date of Przepiórka death true? I found, that it was in 1940 (Przepiórka and the other Jewish players were subsequently executed by the Germans in Palmiry. The exact date of his death is unknown; it is presumed to be April 1940.[Wikipedia])

    1. The source for the 1942 date is "Chess composers' names in various alphabets". The 1940 date seems to be documented enough, therefore I have made the necessary change. Thanks for your input!
      For reference, the Wikipedia page in English is
