Arthur Ford Mackenzie (06-10-1861 - 23-06-1905) Jamaican composer
Arthur Ford Mackenzie |
Arthur Mackenzie lost his eyesight in 1896 but continued to compose chess problems. His 282 problems were compiled by A.C. White in "
Chess Lyrics" in 1905: it was the first volume of the White Christmas series, which can be
downloaded and read from here.
More details about this Jamaican citizen can be found on He wrote and published in 1897 in Kingston the book "Chess: Its Poetry and Its Prose", as recalled Edward Winter in his Chess Notes.
His most famous problem may be this one:
Mackenzie, Arthur Ford
Sydney Morning Herald, 1905
st Prize
Show Solution1.Sa3! (2.Sc2#)
1...Kxe3+ 2.Se4#
1...Rh2/Re4 2.Re4#
1...Rd6+/Re7+ 2.c6#
1...Rxd5+ 2.Scb5#
White gives a flight and an additional check to Black. The battery mates that follow are spectacular.
Mackenzie, Arthur Ford
Bohemian Chess Club, 1877
st Prize
Show Solution1.Qh8-h3 ! (2.Qh3-f5 ~ 3.Sf6-g4#)
1...Kd4xc5 2.Sf6-d7+ Kc5xd6 3.Bg7-e5#
1...Kd4-e3 2.Sf6-d5+ 2...Ke3-f2, Ke3xe4 3.Bg7-d4, Qh3-h7#
1...g5-g4 2.Qh3-h6 (3.Rc5-d5#) 2...Kd4xc5 3.Sf6-d7#
1...f3-f2 2.Qh3xg3 (3.Rc5-d5/Qg3xf2/Qg3-c3#)
Bohemian mates.
Iosif Gross (Grosu) (06-10-1908 - 03-06-1990) Romanian composer
Iosif Grosu was the editor of the problems section of the "Revista Romana de Sah" from 1970 until 1990. He was also an International Judge.
Gross, Iosif
Bristol Times and Mirror, 1928
st Prize
Show Solution1.Qd6! (2.Sb6#)
1...Kc4/Sb5 2.Qb4#
1...Bc4 2.Qe5#
1...Qg8/Qf4/Qxf6 2.Qf4#
1...Qxe3+ 2.Sxe3#
1...Sc4 2.Se2#
1...f4 2.Re4#
1...Bc5/Bb8 2.Qxc5#
Андрей Степанович Былевский (06-10-1909) Russian composer (Andrey Stepanovich Bylevski)
Andrey Bylevski composes direct mates, usually miniatures.
He wrote "300 избранных шахматных задач" in 1996.
Былевский, Андрей Степанович
Вечерний Ленинград 3
rd Sep 1980
Show Solution1.Bf4-h2 ! ZZ
1...c4-c3 2.Qh3-d7+ Kd5-e4 3.Qd7-d3#
1...Kd5-d4 2.Qh3-f3 (3.c2-c3#) 2...c4-c3 3.Qf3-d3#
1...Kd5-c6 2.Qh3-c8+ Kc6-b6, Kc6-d5 3.Bh2-g1, Qc8xc4#
1...Kd5-e4 2.Kb4xc4 ~ 3.Qh3-d3#
1...Sg7-~ 2.Qh3-f5+ Kd5-d4 3.Qf5-e5/Bh2-g1# or 2...Kd5-c6 3.Qf5-b5#
Rafael (Raffi) Ruppin (06-10-1940) Israeli composer
[Raffi Ruppin receiving the trophy from the judge, Evgeny Bourd, 2014 -
Variantim 63] |
Raffi Ruppin is an International Judge for threemovers and selfmates, but he also composes twomovers, helpmates or fairy problems.
Ruppin, Rafael
problem (Zagreb) 1960
st Prize
Show Solution1.Ka2-b1 ! (2.Rb3-a3#)
1...Rg5-g1+ 2.Be2-d1 (3.Se4-c5/Rb3-a3#)
2...Rg1xd1+ 3.Kb1-a2 (4.Se4-c5#)
3...Rd1-d5/Sf8-e6 4.Rb3-a3# or 3...Rh7-h5/Sf8-d7 4.Rb7-a7# or 3...Bg8xb3+ 4.c2xb3#
1...Rh7-h1+ 2.Be2-f1 (3.Rb7-a7/Rb3-a3#)
2...Rh1xf1+ 3.Kb1-a2 (4.Rb7-a7#)
3...Rf1-f7 4.Rb3-a3# or 3...Rg5-g7 4.Se4-c5# or 3...Bg8xb3+ 4.c2xb3#
Secondary variation:
1...Bg8xb3 2.c2xb3+ Ka4xb3 3.Se4-d2+ Kb3-a4 4.Be2-d1#
A typical Lepuschutz with two thematical variations fulfilling the Roman theme.
Ruppin, Rafael
problem (Zagreb) 1967
st Prize, ex aequo
Show Solution1.Qg4-g5+ !
1...Sd4-f5 2.Sd6-b5+ Ke5-e4 3.Sb5-c3+ Bf6xc3#
1...Bf6xg5 2.Sd6-c4+ Ke5-e4 3.Sc4-d2+ Bg5xd2#
1...Rg8xg5 2.Sd6-b7+ Ke5-e4 3.Sb7xc5+ Rg5xc5#
The sacrifice-and-check key may come as a surprise.
Юрий Васильевич Базлов (06-10-1947) Russian composer and Grandmaster (Yuri Vasilyevich Bazlov)
Yuri Bazlov is a remarkable study composer who obtained twice the prize "Study of the Year" which is granted to a study that could be considered attractive from the o.t.b. player's point of view.
JMRW's website presents some of his studies.
Yuri Bazlov made the
cover of EG 167 in January 2007 for his Study of the Year 2005 which can be seen below.
Базлов, Юрий Васильевич
ЮК УП-10, Уральский проблемист 2003
st Prize
Show Solution1. Rd8+ ! Kb7 2. Rh7+ ! Kb6 3. Rb8+ Ka5 4. Rh1 ! Re4+ 5. Kd3 ! Rf4
{5... Ra4 6. Rh5+ c5 7. Rxc5#}
6. Ra1+ Ra4 7. Rxa4+ Kxa4 8. Rb1 ! Ka5 9. Kc4 ! Ra7
{9... Rb6 10. Ra1#}
10. Kc5 ! Ka6 11. Kxc6 +-
Базлов, Юрий Васильевич
Nunn-50JT, 2005
th Prize
Show SolutionFor a full analysis and comments, please refer to
this solution.
1. Sh8 !
{1. Kg7 ? Sd6 2. Se5 g3 3. Kg6 Bd8 ! 4. Kh5 Se4 5. Kg4 Bc7 6. Kf3 Sd2+ 7. Ke3 Sf1+ 8. Ke2 Sh2 with a technical win}
1... Se5
{1... Sxh8 ? 2. Kxh8 Kc6 3. Kg7 Kd5 4. Kg6 Be3 5. Kf5 g3 6. Kg4 Bf2 7. Kf3 Kd4 8. Ke2 =}
2. Sf7 !!
{White's only active plan}
2...Sxf7 3. Kg6 Se5+ ! 4. Kf5 !!
{4. Kxg5 loses after 4...Kc6 ! 5. Kf4 Kd6 gaining the opposition}
4... Sf7
{ Amazing but true; Black cannot win despite being two clear minor pieces up; 4... Sf3 5. Kxg4 ! or 4... Bf6 5. Kxf6 Sf3 6. Kf5 Sh2 7. Kf4 are both clear draws}
5. Kg6 Se5+ 6. Kf5 ! positional draw.
Claude Boy (06-10-1950) French composer
Claude Boy was an excellent solver (three times French champion in the 1970s) who also composed a few problems.
Boy, Claude & Gandy, Jean-Claude
Themes 64, 1980
Show Solutiona) 1.Ra4-a5 Rf5-f8 2.Ra5-g5 Ba2-f7 3.Ke4-f5 Bf7-d5#
b) 1.Ra4-a6 Ba2-g8 2.Ra6-c6 Rf5-f7 3.Ke4-d5 Rf7-f4#
Reciprocal batteries.
Johan Beije (06-10-1968) Dutch composer
Johan Beije
[Facebook profile] |
Johan Beije has composed in all genres and used to work as an editor of selfmate and fairy columns in different magazines ("
Suomen Tehtäväniekat", "
Beije, Johan
Probleemblad, 2006 (Z314)
rd Prize
Show Solution1. f8=R !
1...Kb1 2. Bg6+ Ka1 3. Rf5 Kb1 4. Rg5+ Ka1 5. e8=R hxg5 6. Re4 Kb1 7. Rf4+ Ka1 8. d8=R gxf4 9. Rd3 Kb1 10. Re3+ Ka1 11. Se2 fxe3 12. Bc2 bxc2#
A good systematic manoeuvre achieves the aim of bringing bPh6 to e4 to guard bPd2.
Владимир Тяпкин (06-10-1973) Russian composer (Vladimir Tyapkin)
Vladimir Tyapkin mostly composes direct mates.
He is the webmaster of
this website, a chess problem community for Russian speaking people.
Тяпкин, Владимир & Чумаков, Геннадий Владимирович
M.Prcic-70 JT, 2009
st HM
Show Solution1. Qh5 Ke3 2. Kd5 Kd3 3. Ke6 Ke4 4. Qf7 d5#
1. Qh6 Ke5 2. Q:d6+ Kf5 3. Qg3 Ke4 4. Qc3 Sd6#
Two different circuits by the white King who returns to e4 at the 3rd move.
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