Tuesday, April 17, 2012

April 18th

Edouard Pape (18-04-1870 - 06-03-1949) French composer

Edouard Pape on the Eiffel Tower
American Chess Bulletin, sept. 1921

Edouard Pape composed more than 2000 problems, most of them twomovers in the "Good Companions" style - he was vice-president of the Good Companions. He wrote a chess-themed novel "La variante F.VIII du Gambit Camulogène". The Pape theme requests the double en-passant capture of the same white pawn.

Pape, Edouard
Good Companion, 1917
1st Prize

#2 7 + 10

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Григорий Леонтьевич Попов (18-04-1950) Russian composer and International Master (Grigory Leontievich Popov)

Grigory Popov

Grigory Popov is a moremover composer with many recent successes. He was 7th in the moremovers section in WCCI 2004-2006. Here is a sample of his talent:

Попов, Григорий Леонтьевич
Московский конкурс 2010
3rd Prize

#7 6 + 9

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Попов, Григорий Леонтьевич
Gafarov-70 MT, Uralsky Problemist, 2006
3rd Prize

#12 9 + 10

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Попов, Григорий Леонтьевич
Шахматная поэзия 2009
2nd Prize

#14 9 + 11

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Margus Sööt (18-04-1980) Estonian composer

Margus Sööt (right)
Cologne, 2007

Margus Sööt is a chess player and solver who sometimes composes. He is also the studies editor of the Swedish magazine "Springaren".

Sööt, Margus
49th PCCC, Vodka Ty, 2006

#3 4 + 3

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Frideswide Fanny Rowland née Beechey (18-04-1980) Irish composer

Frideswide Rowland was a strong chess player and composer.
She published her first chess problem anthology "Chess Blossoms" in 1883 and other chess books later. For more details about her chess career, this article on Chess.com is quite exhaustive.
She composed direct mates in 2 or 3 moves and was the first woman to win a prize in an international problem tourney, for this problem.

Rowland, Frideswide F.
The Irish Sportsman, 1885
1st Prize

#2 9 + 6

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