Friday, August 17, 2012

August 18th

Josef (not Jan!) Vančura (18-08-1898 - 19-11-1921) Czech composer

Josef (wrongly named Jan by Derdle in Ceskoslovensky Sach 1947) Vančura was the son of Josef Vančura, born on February 21st, 1870). This Czech composer who is essentially remembered for the "Vančura position", a KRP vs KR drawn position which was published posthumously in 1924 and can be seen in details right here.
However, the indispensable John D. Beasley offered a BESN Special Number 63 in 2010 about this too precociously departed composer : please consult it and discover his studies.

Note: in fact, John D. Beasley came back in BESN September 2010 with further details: it appears that "Jan" Vančura was in truth Josef Vančura (information from Emil Vlasák and Jaroslav Polásek, confirmed by Bedrich Formánek).

Here is one that was not quoted in BESN special number 63:

Vančura, Jan
28 Rijen, 1925

+ 3 + 5

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Jan Mostert (18-08-1934) Dutch composer

Jan Mostert composed direct movers.

Mostert, Jan
The Problemist, 1962
3rd Prize

#3 7 + 6

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Vukota Nikoletić (18-08-1944 - 11-08-2001) Yugoslav composer and FIDE Master

Vukota Nikoletić was a specialist of selfmates in 3-5 moves, but he composed helpmates as well.

Nikoletić, Vukota
Die Schwalbe, 1990
1st Prize

s#3 11 + 12

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Theodor Tauber (18-08-1950 - 03-09-2013) Israeli composer

[Theodor Tauber -
Variantim 69]

Theodor Tauber was an International Judge and composes fairy twomovers and helpmates. He was the inventor of the fairy conditions Heffalumps and BiHeffalumps described on his website by Juraj Lörinc.
He composed many problems in collaboration with Shlomo Seider.

Tauber, Theodor
Salonique-2300, 1986

#2Circe 12 + 6

Circe: when a capture is made, the captured unit is reborn on its rebirth square (the square on which it stands in the initial position of an orthodox game).

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Віктор Миколайович Сизоненко (18-08-1953) Ukrainian composer and International Master (Viktor Mykolayovich Syzonenko)

Viktor Syzonenko

Viktor Syzonenko composes direct mates and helpmates - and also endgame studies (about 50 until now).

Сизоненко, Віктор Миколайович
B.Rustamov-50 JT, 2010
1st Prize

h#22 solutions
7 + 6

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Lennart Larsson (18-08-1921 - 25-03-2008) Swedish composer

Lennart Larsson composed mostly direct mates, but also occasionally helpmates, endgame studies and selfmates.

Larsson, Lennart
Nordiska Mästerskapet, 1968
1st Place

#2 vvv
10 + 8

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Larsson, Lennart
Tidskrift för Schack, 1965
2nd Prize

15 + 11

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