François Paul Loquin was a chess player and published many direct mate problems between 1843 and 1875, in "Le Palamède", "La Régence" etc. Some biographical details can be found on the French website
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Jose Miguel Dias Figueiredo (13-08-1920 - 11-07-1978) Brazilian composer
Jose Figueiredo was a direct mate and helpmate composer. He was also an International Judge.
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He also composed helpmates in collaboration with Ricardo de Mattos Vieira:
Figueiredo, Jose Miguel Dias & De Mattos Vieira, Ricardo
Problemas, 1980
2nd Prize, 1980-1981

Problemas, 1980
2nd Prize, 1980-1981
h#2 | 3 solutions | 9 + 9 |
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Günther Ernst Weeth (13-08-1935 - 28-12-2020) German composer
Günther Weeth was a direct mate and retro composer. One of his specialties was AntiCirce Proca Retractor but the variety of his interests can be seen from his problems registered on PDB.
Definition from the Retro Corner: A Proca-retractor in 5 (say) asks for White to retract 5 moves and then mate in 1 with a forward move. After every White retraction (but the last) Black retracts what he wants, trying to defend against the forward mate. White retractions must end in a forward mate against any retractive defense by Black.
Werner Keym and Wolfgang Dittmann wrote an article in "die Schwalbe" 244/2010 in the occasion of Günther Weeth's 75th birthday. The article in German, with 4 commented problems, can be read here.
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He also composes other types of problems:
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Валерий Фёдорович Фригин (13-08-1949) Russian composer (Valery Fyodorovich Frigin)
Valery Frigin is a direct mate and helpmate composer.
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Александр Леонович Ротинян (13-08-1913 - 1991) Russian composer (Aleksandr Leonovich Rotinyan)
Aleksandr Leonovich Rotinyan was a researcher and professor in electrochemistry (more about his professional career on [broken link]). He composed direct mates.
Carl Schreck recalls on his blog that Rotinyan was expelled from the Soviet Chess Federation for having published a problem in Nazi Germany, in the magazine die Schwalbe.
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Steffen Slumstrup Nielsen (13-08-1975) Danish composer and Grandmaster
Steffen Slumstrup Nielsen is a study composer. He rapidly met success at a high level (World Cup, Timman-60 JT, Keith-62 JT) and obtained his first title (FM) in 2019, the second (IM) in 2020 and the third (GM) in 2023.
More details about him (in German) can be found in Problem-Forum Dec. 2016. You can also find more of his studies on the ARVES website. Here is a short one in classical style:
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