Peter Philipp Schmitt (29-07-1903 - ?) German composer
Peter Philip Schmitt composed direct mates.
Schmitt, Peter Philipp
Caissa, 1951
nd Prize
Show SolutionTries:
1.Bd6? (2.Qg7#[B]/Rg6#[A])
1...Kxf6 2.Qe7#
1...Be5 2.Qg7#[B] but 1...Bxf6!
1.Qb8? (2.Rg6#[A])
1...Be5 2.Qxe5# but 1...Bxf6!
1.Ba3! (2.Qg7#[B])
1...Kxf6 2.Qe7#
1...Bxf6 2.Bxc1#
Probably inspired by
Sam Loyd's American Indian, this problem adds the
Barnes theme.
Piotr Ruszczyński (29-07-1951) Polish composer and International Master
Piotr Ruszczyński composes in all genres with equal facility. Just consider
this h#3 with 5 (!) echo mates and 5 active selfblocks by the black Queen : getting this problem correct, without computer help, is a remarkable achievement.
He wrote in 1989 with Jan Rusinek the booklet "
64 Polish Chess Compositions".
7 of Ruszczyński's threemovers are quoted by Marek Kwiatkowski in his "
100 Polish Threemovers (1893-1992)" which you can
download and read here.
Ruszczyński, Piotr
Konkurs PZSzach, 1971
st Prize
Show SolutionSet play:
1...Bf6 2.Sc6#
1...Rd7 2.Re6#
1...Rxd8 2.Qf7#
1.Se6! (2.Qf7#)
1...Kd7/Rf5 2.Qd8#
1...Kf6 2.Qg7#
Completely changed play and flight-giving key.
Ruszczyński, Piotr
Breuer MT, 1983
nd Prize
Show Solution1.Bb6-a7 ! (2.Ba8xc6+ Kd5xc6 3.Kf6xe6 ~ 4.Re8-c8#)
1...Rb4-d4 2.Re8-c8 (3.Ba8xc6#) 2...Rd4-c4 3.Sd6-f7+ Kd5-e4 4.Sf7-g5#
1...Rf4-c4 2.Re8xe6 (3.Re6xe5#)
2...Rc4-c5 3.Re6xe5+ Kd5-d4 4.Ba7xc5#
2...Rc4-e4 3.Sd6-b7+ Kd5-c4 4.Sb7-a5#
1...Rf4-d4 2.Re8xe6 (3.Re6xe5#) 2...Rd4-e4 3.Sd6-b7+ Kd5-c4 4.Sb7-a5#
Václav Kotěšovec (29-07-1956) Czech composer and Grandmaster
Some of you already know Václav and
his website because you have arrived on this blog through the link he kindly provided in the 'News' section. He is a prolific author (
see the list of his articles on his site) interested in computer chess, programming,
mathematical chess, fairy problems and studies, and so on.
His site proposes an encyclopedic overview of problem chess on the internet: links,
e-books and more especially the
A.C.White "Christmas Series" available in e-books and other
Google books are important resources that are made available for all chess problems lovers thanks to his generosity and hard work. Once more, thank you Václav!
Václav Kotěšovec is known as a composer of cyclic twomovers (see first problem below) and Bohemian long helpmates. He enjoys fairy conditions and pieces (second problem), but he can also show these Bohemian echoes with shorter stipulation - see for instance
his 1st prize in Bily-50 JT.
For a more complete view on his problems, please read his book "
234 best chess problems" and if you are more into fairy twomovers, you will devour his "
Fairy twomovers 2008-2010".
Kotěšovec, Václav
Šachové umění 2004
Special Prize, 2003-04
Show Solution1.d5! [A] (2.Sc3#)
1...b4 [B] 2.Qa6#
1.b4! [B] (2.Re3#)
1...f4 [C] 2.Qe4#
1.f4! [C] (2.Qf3#)
1...d5 [A] 2.Qe7#
Original and witty cycle AB-BC-CA applied to keys and defences.
Kotěšovec, Václav
Mat Plus, 2007 (25/633)
rd Prize

Show Solution1...Kd7xc8 [+bGd7] 2.Gd7-d2 Bd3-e2 3.Kf1-f2 Be2-d3 4.Gd2-g2 Bd3-f1 5.Gg2-e2 Bf1xe2 [+bGf1] 6.Gf1-d3 Be2-f1 7.Kf2-e1 Bf1-e2 8.Gd3-f1 Be2-d1 9.Gf1xd1 [+wBf1] Bf1-e2 10.Gd1-f3 Be2-d1 11.Ke1-d2 Bd1-c2 12.Kd2-c1 Bc2-e4 13.Gf3-d5 Be4-b1 14.Kc1-b2 Bb1-e4 15.Gd5-f3 Be4-b7 16.Gf3-a8 Bb7xa8 [+bGb7] 17.Gb7-b1 Kc8-b7 18.Gb1-b3 Kb7-a7 19.Gb3-b1 Ba8-b7 20.Gb1-b3 Ka7-b6 21.Gb3xb7 [+wBb3] Kb6-a7 22.Kb2-a3 Bb3-a4 23.Ka3-b4 Ba4-c6 24.Gb7-b3 Bc6-a4 25.Gb3-b5 Ba4xb5 [+bGa4] 26.Ga4-a8 Ka7-b6 27.Kb4-a4 Bb5-a6 28.Ga8-a5 Ba6-b7 29.Ga5-c7 Bb7-c6 30.Gc7-c5 Kb6-a5#
1...Bd3-e2 2.Gc8-e6 Kd7xe6 [+bGd7] 3.Gd7-f5 Be2-g4 4.Gf5-h3 Bg4-e2 5.Gh3-d7 Ke6xd7 [+bGe6] 6.Ge6-c8 Kd7xc8 [+bGd7] 7.Kf1xe2 [+wBf1] Kc8xd7 [+bGc8] 8.Gc8-e6 Kd7xe6 [+bGd7] 9.Gd7-f5 Ke6xf5 [+bGe6] 10.Ge6-g4 Bf1-h3 11.Gg4-d1 Bh3-f1 + 12.Gd1-g1 Bf1-g2 13.Gg1-g3 Bg2-e4 14.Ke2-d3 Be4-g2 15.Gg3-c3 Bg2-e4+ 16.Kd3-c4 Be4-c2 17.Gc3-c5 Bc2-e4 18.Gc5-g5 Kf5-g6 19.Gg5-g7 Be4-d3 20.Gg7-g5 Bd3-f5 21.Gg5-e5 Bf5-d3 22.Kc4-d5 Bd3-f5 23.Ge5-c5 Bf5-e6 + 24.Kd5xe6 [+wBd5] Bd5-c6 25.Gc5-c7 Bc6-d7 26.Ke6-f7 Bd7-e8 + 27.Kf7xe8 [+wBf7] Kg6-f6 28.Gc7-g7 Kf6xg7 [+bGf6] 29.Gf6-h8 Bf7-g6 30.Gh8-f6 Kg7-f8#
Echo mates and good use of the fairy conditions.

Michael Schwalbach (29-07-1957) German composer
Michael Schwalbach composes mostly selfmates and fairy problems, with a predilection for
Schwalbach, Michael
feenschach, 1977
Show Solution1.Kg1! Qxh7 2.Bb2+ Kf4 3.Se6+ Ke3 4.Rb3+ Qd3 5.Rc3 Qxc3 6.Bc1+ Qd2 7.Kf1 Qxc1#
The excellent key selfpins the wQ. During the solution, the bQ captures three times the piece that pins her.
Schwalbach, Michael
O-O-O, 1981
st Prize
Show Solutiona) 1. Ra2 ! Qb8 2. Rf2+ Qf4 3. R2h2 Qb8 4. 0-0+ Qf4 5. Kh1 Qxf1#
b) 1. Rh7 ! Qb8 2. 0-0-0 Qh2 3. Rd2 Qb8 4. Rc7 Qh8 5. Rc2 Qa1#
Both castles are shown in a perfect setting.
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