Wednesday, July 11, 2012

July 12th

Percival Guy Laugharne Fothergill (12-07-1868 - 29-06-1948) British composer

Not much can be said about Percival Fothergill, except that he bears the name of a superhero and he composed direct mates.

Fothergill, Percival Guy Laugharne
Hackney Mercury, 1893
1st Prize

#2 12 + 5

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Franz Sackmann (12-07-1888 - 22-02-1927) German composer

Franz Sackmann

Franz Sackmann composed direct mates and studies and left his name to a logical multimover theme: the Sackmann combination (also called Albain theme). The same white manoeuvre (on the same line) threatening a mate can be achieved in more ways. Only one of them works, because it anticipatorily parries the best black defence.
Franz Sackmann was the editor of the problem column in the "Süddeutschen Schachblättern" (1908) and in the "Deutschen Schachblättern" (1909-1911).

Sackmann, Franz
München-Augsburger Abendzeitung, 1917

#5 9 + 4

If Black was to move, he would be in zugzwang, because he could no longer guard both e2 and h5.

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Sackmann, Franz
Deutsche Nachrichten, 1910

+ 5 + 4

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Robert C. McWilliam (12-07-1919 - 12-02-1997) British composer

Bob McWilliam was a twomover composer specialized in the Schiffmann theme. He wrote about this a brochure "Schiffs with Everything", published in the "Chessays" series by G.P.Jelliss. He was a chess bibliophile.

McWilliam, Robert C.
Schiffs with Everything, 1980

#2* 14 + 11

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Εμμανουήλ Μανωλάς (12-07-1950) Greek composer (Emmanuel Manolas)

Emmanuel Manolas, 2007

Emmanuel Manolas composes in all genres, including fairy problems. He is also a solver and is the author of the bilingual blog chess-problems-gr which is a great individual and didactic effort.
Biographical information can be found on this page.

He enjoys composing fairy problems and his favourite conditions are Madrasi (see problems here) and KobulKings (see KobulKings problems here).

A recently honoured composition:

Manolas, Emmanuel
11th Japanese Sake / 3rd Brazilian Cachaça Tourney, 2011
3rd HM

ser-s#27Reversible Promotion 3 + 14

With the condition of Reversible Promotion, a white promoted piece stepping on the second line (for black : seventh) becomes pawn again.

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İslam Kazımov (12-07-1952) Azerbaijani composer (Islam Kazimov / Ислам Казимов)

Islam Kazimov

Islam Kazimov is a composer from Baku who started composing in 1983 and since then has published 250 problems, according to Grigory Popov. He mostly composes 2- and 3-movers and helpmates.

Kazımov, İslam
StrateGems, 2010 (M0914)

#3 v  10 + 8

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Savo Zlatić (12-07-1912 - 08-12-2007) Croatian composer and Honorary Master

Savo Zlatić

Savo Zlatić composed in most genres. More details about his life can be found on Wikipedia.
One of his most famous problems is probably the longest known Durbar.
He was also an International Judge.

Zlatić, Savo
Nac. A.F.N.R.J. 1957
1st Prize

#3  10 + 13

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Maryan Kerhuel (12-07-1947) French composer

Maryan Kerhuel composing at Messigny in 2007
Photo by Denis Blondel

Maryan Kerhuel, 2022

Maryan Kerhuel started composing at the age of 18 with a series of works in collaboration with René J. Millour. He composes in all genres but has a preference for fairy problems (and even fairy retros).
He has been the editor of the direct fairy problems of the French magazine Phénix for a long time and he has attracted many excellent works for the magazine.
Since 1993 he has been one of the seven judges of the WenigsteinerJahresPreis, in the place of Werner Speckmann.

Kerhuel, Maryan
Rex Multiplex, 1986
3rd Prize

ser-s#21Grasshopper: f8, g8 ; Vao: g1 3 + 4 + 7

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  1. Emmanuel Manolas,
    Reversible Promotion = Degradierung

    1. These two conditions are not exactly the same, although they are very similar.
      Please see the announcement of the Sake-Cachaça tourney, Jesi 2011 for Reversible Promotion:
      And die Schwalbe for Degradierung:

      In Reversible promotion "a promoted (white / black) piece turns back to a (white / black) pawn when it moves to the second (if white) or seventh rank (if black)".
      In Degradierung, ANY officer (not only a promoted officer!) turns back to a pawn when moving to the second rank.
