Valerian Oniţiu (08-04-1872 - 31-12-1948) Romanian composer
Valerian Oniţiu
[Revista Romana de Sah no.2/1949 page 54] |
Valerian (Valeriu) Oniţiu was a complete composer who worked in all genres but composed more helpmates and selfmates. You can read his obituary in Romanian in
Revista Romana de Sah no.2/1949 page 54
His most quoted problem is probably the following:
Oniţiu, Valerian
Die Schwalbe, May 1929

Show Solution1.g3! Gh4 2.g4 Gf4 3.g5 Gh6 4.g6 Gf6 5.g7 Gh8 6.gxh8=G#
Excelsior and
Grasshopper promotion.
interesting selfmate in 2 moves with multiple possibilities by the black Queen can be seen
here, but we have selected another one, also based on zugzwang:
Oniţiu, Valerian
Magyar Sakk Lap, 1906
Show Solution1.Qe2-f3 ! ZZ
1...Se5-g4/Se5-c4 2.Sg2-e3+ Sg4xe3#
1...Se5-d3/g6 2.Qf3xf4+ Sd3xf4#
1...Se5xf3 2.Sg2-h4+ Sf3xh4#
1...Se5xd7 2.Sc8-d6+ Re6xd6#
1...Se5-c6/Sd8-c6 2.Sc8-e7+ Sc6xe7#
1...Sd8-b7 2.Bd7xe6+ f7xe6#
1...Bh1xg2 2.Qf3-e4+ Bg2xe4#
Michael Terebesi (08-04-1936) Swiss composer
Terebesi, Michael
Schweizerische Arbeiter Schachzeitung, 1974
nd Prize

Show Solution1.Sd6? (2.Qd1#[A]/Qf6#[B])
1...Rf8/Qa5/Qe7/Qf7/Qg7/Qh7/e5[b]/Sg2/Sd5/Sd7[a]/Bxd6 2.Qd1#[A]
1...Qa2/Qa1/Rxd6 2.Qf6#[B]
1...c2 2.Qf6#[B]/Sd2#
but 1...Sd3!
1.Qd6[C]! (2.Se5#/Sd4#)
1...Sd7[a] 2.Qd1#[A]
1...e5[b] 2.Qf6#[B]
1...Sc8/Sd5/Sa4/Sa8/Sc2/Rxd6/cxb3 2.Se5#
1...Qa5/Qxf7/Bxd6/Sd3 2.Sd4#
Marjan Kovačević (08-04-1957) Serbian composer and Grandmaster (Марјан Ковачевић)
Marjan Kovačević has been GM in composition since 2007, International Judge since 1989 and GM in solving since 1988. He is a very regular and genial presence at the World Chess Composition Congress. Besides being a first class solver and composer, he is also an excellent writer, thanks to his professional experience as a journalist. His latest remarkable achievement in that field was his Mat Plus article-interview about Odette Vollenweider.
His problems are usually very elegant:
Kovačević, Marjan
FIDE World Cup, 2010
st HM
Show SolutionI) 1...Re3 2.Rcc2 Re1 3.Bc4 Bc5+ 4.Kd3 Re3#
II) 1...Bd6 2.Bb5 Bb8 3.Rc4 Rd3+ 4.Kc5 Bd6#
A recent twomover success:
Kovačević, Marjan
Olympic Tourney 2010
nd Prize
Show SolutionSet play:
1...Kd4[a] 2.Rxe4#
1...Bxf6/Bd8 2.Qxc5#[A]
1...Be2 2.Bxe2#[B]
1...Rc6/Rd5+ 2.Qd5#
1.Bxe4? (2.Bxd3#)
1...Kd4[a] 2.Bf3#[C]
1...Kb5[b] 2.Bc6#[D]
1...Bxe4[c] 2.Qe2#[E]
1...Rd5+ 2.Qxd5#
but 1...Rf4!
1.Sxe4! (2.Sd6#)
1...Kd4[a] 2.Sf6#[F]
1...Kb5[b] 2.Sc3#[G]
1...Bxe4[c] 2.Be2#[B]
1...Bxh4 2.Qxc5#[A]
Transferred mates,
changed mates, switchback.
Олег Викторович Перваков (08-04-1960) Russian composer and Grandmaster (Oleg Viktorovich Pervakov)
Oleg Pervakov is an amazing endgame studies composer renowned for the quality of his output. He is also known as a collaborator of the Russian chess magazine "64" and as a Fide Master for solving.
He has also written a book in collaboration with Mark Dvoretsky "
Studies For Practical Players: Improving Calculation And Resourcefulness In The Endgame".
For a selection of studies by Pervakov, please have a look at
this site.
A very tactical endgame:
Перваков, Олег Викторович
Shanshin-40JT - Die Schwalbe 2001,
st Prize
Show Solution1. Rh7! Rxf6
{1... Qxh7 2. Sf8+)
2. gxf6
{2. Rxf7+? Rxf7 3. g6 (3. Kb6 Rf1 4. Kc5 Ke7 5. Kd5 Rg1) 3... Re7 4. g7 Ke8+ 5. Kb6 Kf7 6. Bh5+ Kg8 )
2... Kc8+ 3. Sc7+ Kd8 4. Bd7
{4. Kb8 Qb3+ (4... Qxh7 5. Se6+ Ke8 6. Bh5+ Qxh5 7. Sg7+);
4. Kb6 Qxf6+ 5. Se6+ Kc8;
4. Rg7 Qa2+ 5. Sa6 (5. Kb6 Qa5+) 5... Qf2+ 6. Ka8 Qg2+ 7. Kb8 (7. Rb7 Qxg4 8. f7 Qc8+ 9. Rb8 Qxb8+ 10. Kxb8 Ke7) 7... Qh2+ 8. Rc7 Qxc7+ 9. Sxc7 }
4... Qa2+
{4... Qxh7 5. Se6+ Kxd7 6. Sf8+ Ke8+ 7. Sxh7 Kf7 8. Kb7 Kg6 9. Kc7 Kxh7 10. Kd7 Kg6 11. Ke7 +-)
5. Kb8
{5. Kb7? Qb1+}
5... Qb1+ 6. Bb5 Qxh7 7. Se6#
Miodrag Mića Radomirović (08-04-1951 - 04-07-2019) Serbian composer (Миодраг Радомировић)
Miodrag Radomirović was a strong Candidate Master in OTB, but also a strong chess problem composer, although he had only 2 problems in the FIDE Albums. He was a member of Serbian team at WCSC and WCCT and composed direct mates and helpmates. His last quality problem won the 3
rd prize at the Strategems 2018 tournament.
More words about him by Branislav Djurašević on Mat Plus.
Радомировић, Миодраг
Belgrade Internet Tourney 2005,
st Prize
Show Solution1. Be4! (2. Rxb6#)
1... Rb7 2. dxc8=S#
1... axb5 2. Sb4#
1... Kxd6 2. Sxe3#
1... Kxb5 2. Sc3#
1... Kb7 2. dxc8=Q#
1... Rxd6 2. d8=S#
Battery play, promotions, Y-flight of the black King.
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