Arthur Gehlert (05-04-1833 - 13-01-1904) German composer
The model mates of
this threemover might interest the reader. We selected another spectacular threemover that captures the spirit of its time:
Gehlert, Arthur
Deutsche Schachzeitung, 1900
Show SolutionYou might guess the key 1.Qg1 ! (threatening 2.Qg7#) with the variation 1...Sd7 2.Qg7+ Sf6 3.Qxf6#. but what can you find against 1...Sg6, which seems to hold everything?
The answer is 2.Kxa3 Zugzwang! After any black move, White has a prepared mate.
Slobodan Mladenović (05-04-1934 - 01-09-1993) Yugoslav composer
Slobodan Mladenović is GM Miodrag Mladenović's father [
note for Kevin: Misha is GM both for solving and composing] and took regularly part in WCCC meetings. Slobodan composed mostly twomovers and threemovers.
Mladenović, Slobodan
Die Schwalbe, Jun 1972
nd Prize
Show SolutionSet play:
1. ... B~ 2. R(x)e5#
1. ... Bxd4 2. exd4#
1. ... Sf4+ 2. exf4#
1. ... Sb~ 2. d3#
1. ... Sd3 2. Qg2#
1. Qc4! ZZ
1. ... B~ 2. d5#
1. ... Be5 2. dxe5#
1. ... Bxd4 2. Qxd4#
1. ... Sf4+ 2. Rxf4#
1. ... Sb~ 2. Q(x)c2#
1. ... Sd3 2. Qd5#
Black correction,
Changed mates,
Mika Korhonen (05-04-1958) Finnish composer
Mika Korhonen
[© Hannu Harkola] |
Mika Korhonen composed few problems and his most successful one is this twomover:
Korhonen, Mika
nd WCCT, 1980
th Place, 1980-1983
Show SolutionSet play:
1...Ke5[a] 2.Sc3#[A]
1...Kg4/Ke4[b] 2.Sxf6#[B]
1...Ke6[c] 2.Sdb6#[C]
1.Qb7! ZZ
1...Ke5[a] 2.Sc7#[D]
1...Ke4[b] 2.Sb4#[F]
1...Kg6/Ke6[c] 2.Sxf4#[E]
1...Kg4 2.Sxf6#[B]
Changed mates.
Jorma Paavilainen (05-04-1960) Finnish composer and GM solver
K. Karhunen, J. Norri and Jorma Paavilainen on the right |
Jorma Paavilainen is most known as the world chess solving champion in 2001 (Wageningen) and as the
Chairman and Editor of "
Tehtäväniekka", the Finnish chess composition magazine. He composes in all genres.
Paavilainen, Jorma
Baltic Match
st Place
Show Solution1.Se5-c6 ! (2.Sc6-e7+ Kf5-e5 3.Bb3-d5 [4.Rd4-e4#] 3...Rf2-f4, Bh3-f5 4.g3xf4, Se7-c6#)
1...e3-e2 2.Bb3-c2+ Kf5-e6 3.Kb8xc7 (4.Rd4-d6#) 3...Sh6-f5 4.Bc2-b3#
1...Bh3-g4 2.Rd4-d5+ Kf5-e4 3.Bb3-c4 (4.Rd5-e5#) 3...Rf2-f5 4.Rd5-d4#
1...Sh6-g8 2.Rd4-d5+ Kf5-g6 3.Rd5-g5+ Kg6-h6 4.Bh8-g7# or 2...Kf5-e4 3.Bb3-c4 (4.Rd5-e5#) 3...Rf2-f5 4.Rd5-d4#
Erik Gustav Bertil Pettersson (05-04-1917) Swedish composer
Pettersson, Erik Gustav Bertil
Springaren, 1956 (3606)

Show Solution1. b8=S ! Kf8 2. c8=Q+ Ke7 3. Qg8 Kd6 4. d8=B Kc5 5. a8=R Kb5 6. Be7 Kb6 7. Bd6 Kb5,Kb7 8. Ra6 Qxg8#
(5... Kd6 6. Bb6 etc; 4... Ke5 5. Bc7 Kd4 6. Bb6 Ke5 7. Bc5 etc)
Tadeusz Horak (05-04-1904 - 06-12-1982) Polish composer
According to, Tadeusz Horak composed about 120 chess problems, in all genres.
Horak, Tadeusz
nd Prize
Polski Zadaniowiec, 1929

Show Solution
1.♖a4! (2.♕f4+ ♔×f4#)
1...♖f3 2.♕×h4+ ♔×h4#
1...♔g5+ 2.♕f5+ ♗×f5#
1...g5 2.♖×e4+ ♖×e4#
LOL @ "note for Kevin." Very funny -- hey, I'm just trying to help. btw, Misha is also an International Judge of chess composition (1964). haha. But, seriously, his father was an impressive composer, in his own right, and he deserves the focus today -- and my name deserves no place in that tribute.
ReplyDeleteThe "note for Kevin" was intended as a friendly poke. Your help and corrections are always welcome, since we try (among other things) to provide accurate information. As you know, it is always difficult, especially when mistakes are unknowingly copied and transmitted to the next generation.
DeleteMisha's father Slobodan certainly deserves to be quoted in twomover anthologies and therefore on this blog too. Milan Velimirovic certainly knows more about him.
Misha will be celebrated too, when his time comes. Please be patient until June. However, I'm not sure about Misha being International Judge since 1964, because he was born in 1964 :-)