Vitaly Shevchenko was a journalist who mostly composed moremovers in collaboration with other Ukrainian composers but had lately a preference for helpmates, such as he displayed on his website [broken link]. You may find an example of a successful joint helpmate below.
Vitaly Shevchenko was also the editor of two chess problem magazines "Козацька Шахівниця" (Kozatska Shakhivnitsya) and "Приазовський Літопис" (Priazovsky Litopis).
He wrote many books and was the author of over 800 problems.
Колесник, Микола Іванович & Шевченко, Віталій Іванович
ЮК М.Гершинский-70, 2006
1st Prize

ЮК М.Гершинский-70, 2006
1st Prize
h#3 | b) wSg3->g8 | 6 + 9 |
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Игорь Алексеевич Агапов (01-04-1963) Russian composer and Grandmaster (Igor Alekseyevich Agapov)

[© Nikola Stolev]
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Züleyxa Eylat Qızı Eyvazova (01-04-1950) Azerbaijani composer
One of the very few female chess composers in the world, Züleyxa Eyvazova also wrote "Королевы шахматной композиции" in 1986 collecting 350 problems by 109 female composers.
Eyvazova, Züleyxa Eylat Qızı
XIV командное первенство СССР 1990-92, 1992
2nd-3rd Place

XIV командное первенство СССР 1990-92, 1992
2nd-3rd Place
s#2 vvv | 12 + 10 |
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Max Jacobs (
Moved to the April 17th blog post. Thanks to Moshe Rubin for the comment and the link !
Qerib Hüseynov (01-04-1953) Azerbaijani composer (Garib Huseynov / Гариб Гусейнов)
Garib Huseynov has been composing since 1984 and mostly loves twomovers. Three of his twomovers are quoted on Grigory Popov's website.
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Are you sure Züleyxa Eyvazova's birthday is April 1st? PDB shows April 4th, as do some other sources.
ReplyDeleteAleksandr Nikitin pointed on Facebook that there was a mistype in the review "Problem" regarding this birthdate and the mistype was probably copied later in other sources:
DeleteЭрик, Эйвазова родилась 1 апреля! 4 апреля - это ошибка, идущая от опечатки в журнале "Problem"
I tend to trust Aleksandr on this.
For more details (in Russian) about Eyvazova see the comments related with this photo:
Max Jacobs
ReplyDelete01.04.1904 - 27.02.1958
in my database
01.01.1904 - 25.02.1958
?? what is correct
Max Jacobs is born on 01.04.1904 and died on 27.02.1958 according to two sources: Composers Names in Various Alphabets and Winchloe database. I don't know if the dates are true, but those are my sources.
DeleteAccording to the following family genealogical site ( it seems he was born on 17 April 1904. The site is *very* detailed, including his height, nickname, and entire family lineage and history. Seems pretty authoritative.
Delete@Moshe Rubin:
DeleteThank you for your interest and for your comment. The genealogical site seems quite authoritative indeed. Their source for the April 17th birth date is Max Jacobs' passport in 1928. Who can beat that?
The information about Max Jacobs is moved to
Very nice blog you have here, a true work of love for connoisseurs of chess compositions -- thank you!