Hércules Colonelli (23-05-1897 - 27-10-1994) Brazilian composer
Hércules Colonelli composed in all genres.One helpmate example:
Colonelli, Hércules
Boletim da UBP, 1963 (251)
nd Place, Campeonato Brasileiro de Composição, 1962-1963
Show Solution1.Qxe5 Rxf2 2.Qxf4 Rxb5#
1.Qxf4 Rxb5 2.Qxe5 Rxf2#
Reciprocally changed moves for Black and White, pin mates.
Horst Böttger (23-05-1937) German composer
Horst Böttger, Rainer Paslack, Mirko Degenkolbe & Wolfgang A. Bruder, 2006 |
Horst Böttger is a composer and is also an International Judge.
Some information about him
on wikipedia.de.
Böttger, Horst
Scacco! Jul 1998
Show Solution1.Sc5-d7 Ba8xe4 2.Ke3xe4 Qa7xd4#
1.Se6-f4 c3xd4 2.Ke3xd4 Re8xe4#
Line opening and closing, annihilation and sacrifice, pin mates.
Владимир Аркадьевич Казанцев (23-05-1940) Russian composer (Vladimir Arkadievich Kazantsev)
Vladimir Kazantsev is an endgame study composer.
Казанцев, Владимир Аркадьевич
October Revolution JT, Молодость Грузии 1977
th Prize
Show Solution1. Ra7+ Kb1 2. Rxa1+ Kxa1 3. e5 Rd5 4. Kh2 Rxe5 5. Kg3 Rf5 6. Kxg4 Rxf6 7. Kh5 Kb2 8. g4 Kc3 9. g5 Rf1 10. g6 Kd4 11. g7 Rg1 12. Kh6 Ke5 13. Kh7 Kf6 14. g8=S+ =
A close shave for White.
Виталий Семёнович Коваленко (23-05-1947 - 05-03-2014) Russian composer and International Master (Vitaly Semenovich Kovalenko)
Vitaly Semenovich Kovalenko was a composer of miniature direct mates and endgames.
Коваленко, Виталий Семёнович
Gurgenidze,D-50 JT EG, 2004
rd Prize
Show Solution1. Rb1 Kf2 2. Rf1+ Kxf1 3. Kh2 Kf2 4. Kh3 Rg4 $1 5. a8=Q Rg3+ 6. Kh2 Rg4! 7. Qa3!
{7. Qh8? Rg2+ 8. Kh3 Rg3+; 7. Qf3+? Kxf3 8. e8=Q Kf2 9. Kh3 Rg3+ =}
7... Rg2+ 8. Kh3 Rg1! 9. Qe3+
{9. Qf3+? Kxf3 10. Kh2 Rg2+ 11. Kh1 Kf2 =}
9... Kxe3 10. d8=Q!
{10. e8=Q+? Kf2 11. Qa8 Rg3+ 12. Kh2 Rg4! 13. Qa3 Rg2+ 14. Kh3 Rg1! 15. Qe3+ Kxe3 16. d8=Q Kf2 17. Qa8 Rg3+ 18. Kh2 Rg4 19. Qa3 Rg2+ 20. Kh3 Rg1 21. Qa8 Rg3+ 22. Kh2 Rg4 = is a sort of thematical try that shows how important is the choice of the right pawn for promotion}
10... Kf2 11. Qa8 Rg3+ 12. Kh2 Rg4 13. Qa3 Rg2+ 14. Kh3 Rg1 15. Qe3+ Kxe3 16. e8=Q+ Kf2 17. Qc6! Rg3+ 18. Kh2 Rg4 19. Qxc5+ +-
Bertil Elmgren (23-05-1912 - ?) Swedish composer
Elmgren, Bertil
Tidskrift för Schack, 1948

Show Solution1.Sf4? (2.Qe7#)
1...Rb6[a] 2.Sd3#[B]
1...Sg6[c] 2.Sxg6#[A] but 1...Sc6[b]!
1.Sxg5? (2.Qe7#)
1...Rb6[a] 2.Sf3#[D]
1...Sg6[c] 2.Sgf7#[C] but 1...Sc6[b]!
1.Sc5? (2.Qe7#)
1...Rb6[a] 2.Sd3#[B]
1...Sc6[b] 2.Sd7#[F] but 1...Sg6[c]!
1.Sd4! (2.Qe7#)
1...Re4/Rb6[a] 2.Sf3#[D]
1...Sc6[b] 2.Sxc6#[E]
1...Sg6[c] 2.Sf7#[G]
Changed mates.
Eigil Palle Pedersen (23-05-1917 - 02-08-1994) Danish composer
Eigil Pedersen was a chessplayer, three times Danish champion and the son of problemist Jens Peter Pedersen.
He was also a direct mate composer and started composing early. He was the inventor of the twomover theme of
White correction. Arnoldo Ellerman wrote a booklet about this new theme ("Combinación de Eigil Pedersen en el nuevo tema 'corrección blanca': problemas de dos jugado", 1947).
However, he was excluded from the Danish problemists association because of tens of plagiated works.
Pedersen, Eigil Palle
st Prize
Magasinet, 1948

Show Solution1.Sb4! (2.Ka3 dxe4 3.Sb7#)
1...Bf6 2.Qe1! [A] Rxe1 3.Sxc6# [B]
1...Be7 2.Sxc6+! [B] Rxc6 3.Qe1# [A]
Secondary variation: 1...Kxb4 2.Qxd4+ Ka5 3.Qc3#
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