Cornelis Jan De Feijter (05-10-1907 - 06-11-1988) Dutch composer
Cor De Feijter was an endgame studies composer who specialized into endgame with promotions. He was also an International Judge. In 1948 he wrote with the other studies composer Jan Marwitz "
De Eindspelstudie" and in 1937 the book "
80 Eindspelstudies" included 80 of his works.
De Feijter, Cornelis Jan
Deventer Dagblad, 1947
Show Solution1. Kxb5 Sxa3+ 2. Kxa4 c2 3. Rxb3+ Sb5 ! 4. Rxb5+ Kc6 5. Rb3 c1=Q 6. Rc3+ Qxc3 stalemate
De Feijter, Cornelis Jan
De Schaakwereld, 1937 (111)
Show Solution1. b6+ Kc6 2. b7 Rd1 3. b8=S+ ! Kc7
{3... Kc5 4. Sc6 ! Ra1+ 5. Sa5 Kb4 6. c3+ ! saves the day}
4. Sc6 ! Ra1+ 5. Sa5 Rxa5+ 6. Kxa5 Kb7 7. Kb5 wins.
Альберт Федотович Иванов (05-10-1937 - 07-11-2016) Moldavian composer (Albert Fedorovich Ivanov)
Albert Ivanov
[Jurnal de Chişinău [broken link] ] |
Albert Ivanov was born in Omsk and was sent to Moldova for the military service in 1959. He stayed there and started working for a newspaper where he edited the chess problem column, as a recent interview published in "Jurnal de Chişinău"
[broken link] informs us.
Иванов, Альберт Федотович
Kishinev-Nikolaev, 1967
st Prize
Show Solution1. e3! ZZ
1... exf6 2. Rb8 Kc7 3. Rc8#
1... exd6 2. Sc5 ! ZZ 2... Kxc5, dxc5 3. Qc2, Qc7#
1... e6 2. Qc2+ Kxd6 3. Qc7#
1... e5 2. Qxh3 Kxd6 3. Qxd7#
Иванов, Альберт Федотович
Soplis Tskhovreba Shakhmatna Sklad, 1980
rd Honorable Mention
Show Solution1. Re6+ ! Kg7
{1...Kxe6 2.Bb3+ and 3.Bxa2 = ; the fork will be a recurring motive of this study.}
2. Re7+ Kf8 3. Rf7+ Ke8 4. Ba4+ Kd8 5. Rf8+ Kc7 6. Rf7+ Kd6 7. Rf6+ Kc5 8. Rf1 Nb1 9. Rc1+ Kd6 10. Rc6+ Ke7 11. Rc7+ Kd8 12. Rd7+ Kc8 13. Ra7 Kb8 14. Bb3 and eliminates bPa2.
Анатолій Іванович Зінчук (05-10-1937 - 13-11-1998) Ukrainian composer (Anatoly Ivanovich Zinchuk)
Anatoly Zinchuk composed direct mates, studies or heterodox problems.
A long article written by Evgeny Zinchuk about his father Anatoly and including biographical information and photos was published in "Problemist Ukrainy" 4(34)/2012.
Зінчук, Анатолій Іванович
Конкурс Украинского спорткомитета 1979
rd Prize
Show Solution1.а7? Kb2 2.a8=Q e2 3.Sс1 Kxc1 4. Qa1+ Kс2 =
1. Sc1! Bxc1 2.a7 e2 3.a8=Q+ Kb4 4. Se7 e1=Q 5. Qa5+! Kxa5 6.Sc6#
Hemmo (Hermann) Axt (05-10-1942) German composer
Hemmo Axt is successful in direct movers, helpmates and selfmates, but also in fairy and retro problems. He is a strong solver (International Master since 1982) and an International Judge for three and moremovers.
One can read his article "
Die Schwalbe Special issue 1993.
Axt, Hermann
Mat (Beograd) 1980
st Prize
Show SolutionTries:
1.Bd4-e5+? Sg4xe5 2.Re4-d4# but 1...Qh2xe5!
1.Sc5xb7+? Bc8xb7 3.Bd4-c5# but 1...Sa5xb7!
1.Re4xe6+? d7xe6 3.Sc5-e4# but 1...Rf6xe6!
The tries explain the variations after the key:
1.c3-c4 ! (2.Se7xc8+ Kd6xc6 3.b4-b5#)
1...Qh2-h8 2.Bd4-e5+ Sg4xe5 3.Re4-d4#
1...Sa5xc4 2.Sc5xb7+ Bc8xb7 3.Bd4-c5#
1...Rf6-f8 2.Re4xe6+ d7xe6 3.Sc5-e4#
Axt, Hermann
The Problemist, 1994 (H1797)
nd Prize
Show Solution1. Sxe4 Rc4 2. Sxg5 Rg4 3. Sf4 Rh4#
1. Bxe4 Bc6 2. Bxg6 Bxg2 3. Se4 Bf3#
White critical move and black self-interference (3.Sf4/3.Se4) are preceded by a line opening by the correct unit (Sf2 or Bf3).
Carl-Erik Spåre (05-10-1945 - 04-02-2010) Finnish composer
Carl-Erik Spåre composed mostly helpmates, such as this very
economical bR Rundlauf or this
h#2 with promotions.
Spåre, Carl-Erik
Suomen Tehtäväniekat, 1994 (618)
rd Prize
Show Solution1... Bxe4 2. Qh1 Bb1 3. Kd1 Kd3 4. Qe1 Bc2#
Hideaway of the black Queen and Platzwechsel of wBh1-bQb1.
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