Richard Steinweg (28-10-1860 - 1943) German composer
Richard Steinweg
[Berlinschachverband [broken link]] |
Richard Steinweg composed direct mates, selfmates, helpmates and retro problems (especially help-retractors).
He composed also several
Kegelschach problems (such as
this one,
this or
More about him on the Berlin chess club website
[broken link] which quotes the magazine "Deutsche Schachblätter" 3/1938 celebrating Steinweg's 50th anniversary as a member of the club.
Steinweg, Richard
E.Birgfeld MT - Die Schwalbe
, 1939
nd Prize
Show Solution1. Rd5! (2. Ra5#)
1. ... Rg5 2. Qg2 ZZ - a surprising block twomover appears inside this #3:
2. ... b6, f5, Rg6/g7/g4/g3/xg2 3. Ra5#
2. ... b5 3. Rxg5#
2. ... Rf5/e5/xd5/xh5 3. Qxg8#
(Secondary variation 1. ... b5 2. Rxb5 ad lib 3. Rb8#)
Сергей В. Синакевич (28-10-1912 - 03-02-1990) Russian composer (Sergey V. Sinakevich)
Sergey Sinakevich was a helpmate composer who often collaborated with Yuri Fokin.
Синакевич, Сергей В. & Фокин, Юрий Георгиевич
Schach (magazine) 1973
Show Solutiona) 1. Kb4 e3 2. Qb5 d3 3. Rd4 c3#
b) 1. Qf2 e4 2. Qb6 d4 3. Ra6 c4#
The theme of the problem is quite obvious, isn't it?
Борис В. Боровик (28-10-1942) Russian composer (Boris V. Borovik)
Boris Borovik composes direct mates.
Боровик, Борис В.
Slovenský denník, 1991 (69)
rd HM
Show Solution1.Qa8-c8 ! (2.Rf3-f2/Rf3-e3/Rf3-h3/Rf3-g3+)
1...Rf5xe5 2.Rf3-g3+ Ke4xf4 3.Sg7xh5#
1...Rf5-f6 2.Rf3-f2+ Ke4-d3 3.Qc8-h3#
1...Rf5xg5 2.Rf3-e3+ Ke4xf4 3.Re3-e4#
1...Ke4-d5 2.Rf3-d3+ Kd5-c5 3.Rd3-d5#
1...Rf5xf4 2.Rf3xf4+ Ke4xf4, Ke4xe5, Ke4-d3 3.Qc8-f5, Qc8xc7, Rf4-d4#
Tibor Szabó (28-10-1955) Hungarian composer and FIDE Master
Tibor Szabó is
a writer. As a composer, he has dealt with all genres.
In 1993 he wrote a compilation of his own problems, "
TiSza Album". Details about him can be found on "
Magyar Sakkserzok".
Szabó, Tibor
Magyar Sakkélet, 1983 (7/4700)
Show Solutiona) 1.Sc3-b1+ Sa4-c3 2.Kd4xc3 Bc1-b2#
b) 1.Se4-g3+ Sd6-e4 2.Kd4xe4 Rf2-f4#
Exchange of functions between two pairs of white pieces (wR-wB, wS-wS), unpinning, capture of white pieces.
Szabó, Tibor
Kieler Schachgesellschaft, 1984
Show Solution1. c8=Q Kb6 2. Qc5+ Ka6 3. Qc6+ Rb6 4. Qc8+ Rb7 5. f8=Q Kb6 6. Qf2+ Ka6 7. Qc6+ Rb6 8. e8=Q Rxc6 9. Qc8+ Rxc8#
3 wQ promotions.
Benjelloun Youness (28-10-1986) Moroccan composer
Youness Benjelloun started composing recently and with enthusiasm, with the wise advice of Abdelaziz Onkoud.
Benjelloun, Youness
StrateGems, 2010
Show SolutionSet play:
1...Sf4[a] 2.Qd8#[A]
1...Bg5[b] 2.Qg3#[B]
1.Qf5! (2.Qxh5#)
1...Sf4[a] 2.Qf6#[D]
1...Bg5[b] 2.Qf2#[C]
Changed mates.
Mansur Mammadov (28-10-1946) Azerbaijani composer (Мансур Мамедов)
Mansur Mammadov has been composing since 1985 and his favourite genre is twomovers.
Memmedov, Mensur
Troll, 3
rd Jul 2013 (1167)

Show Solution1. Se5! ZZ
1... f6 2. Sg6#
1... Se7, Sg7, S~d6, S~g3, Sc5, Sc3 2. Qf3, Qg4#
1... Sh6, Se3, Sf6, S:f2 2. Qf3#
1... Sd4, Sh4, Sg5, Sd2 2. Qg4#
1... c3 2. Sd3#
1... Kxe5 2. Qd6#
Nice flight-giving key and double-pin mate after 1...Kxe5.
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