A. J. C. E van Heycop ten Ham (30-10-1856 - 29-01-1925) Dutch composer
A. J. C. E van Heycop ten Ham composed direct mates.
Van Heycop Ten Ham, A. J. C. E.
Tijdschrift vd NSB, 1913

Show Solution1.Qe2-a6 ! (2.Se4-c3+ Kd5-e6/Kd5-c6 3.Qa6-c8# or 2...Kd5-c5 3.Qa6-b5#)
1...Bg2xe4 2.c2-c4+ Kd5-c5 3.Qa6-b5# or 2...Kd5-c6/Kd5-e6 3.Qa6-c8#
1...Kd5-c6 2.Qa6-a8+ Kc6-b5, Kc6-d7 3.Sf5-d6, Se4-c5#
1...Kd5-e6 2.Qa6-c8+ Ke6-d5 3.Se4-c3#
1...Kd5xe4 2.Qa6-c4+ Ke4xf5/Ke4-f3 3.Qc4-g4#
1...Rh7-h8 2.Qa6-b7+ Kd5-e6, Kd5-c4 3.Sf5-g7, Qb7-c6#
A wealthy blend of variations and mates.
Oldřich Duras (30-10-1882 - 05-01-1957) Czech composer
Oldřich Duras was a leading chess player (GM in 1950) but beside on-the-board competitions, he also composed chess studies and problems (mostly threemovers) in the spirit of the Bohemian school.
Most of his studies are reproduced in the 1954 book "
Oldřich Duras" written by Louma, Podgornny and Richter.
Duras, Oldřich
Lidové noviny, 1926

Show Solution1.Rb6-d6 ! (2.Qd8xe7 [3.Qe7xf6/Rd6xd5#] 2...Kf5-g5 3.Rd6xd5#)
1...Kf5-g5 2.Qd8-e8 (3.Qe8-g6#) 2...Kg5-f5 3.Qe8-h5#
1...Kf5-e5 2.Rd6xd5+ Ke5-e6 3.Qd8-g8#
1...Ra7-a6/a8 2.Qd8xd7+ Kf5-g5 3.Qd7-g4# or 2...Kf5-e5 3.Rd6xd5# or 2...e7-e6 3.Rd6xd5#
1...e7-e6 2.Qd8-e8 (3.Qe8-h5#) 2...Kf5-g5, Kf5-e5 3.Qe8-g6, Rd6xd5#
1...e7xd6 2.Qd8-g8 ~ 3.Qg8xd5#
A solver's challenge.
Duras, Oldřich
Československý šach, 1933

Show Solution1. Rg6 Rf8 2. Re6 Ba5 3. Re7 !
{losing a tempo: 3.Re8+? Bd8 and White has no move but 4.Rxf8 stalemate}
3...Bd8 4. Re8 Rh8 5. Rg8 ! Rxg8 6. fxg8=B ! ~ 7.Bd5#
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