Tassilo von Heydebrand und der Lasa (17-10-1818 - 27-07-1899) German composer
Tassilo von Heydebrand und der Lasa
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Tassilo von der Lasa was a very good chess player and chess historian and wrote the "
Handbuch des Schachspiels" (1843) and "
Zur Geschichte und Literatur des Schachspiels, Forschungen" (1897) as well as many articles for the "
Deutsche Schachzeitung". He also composed studies.
Von Heydebrand Und Der Lasa, Tassilo
Show Solution1. Rc7 Kc5
{1... Kb3 2. Rg7 Rc2 3. Rb7+ (3. Rg3+ Rc3 4. Rd3 Se5 5. Re3 Sc4) 3... Kc3 4. Rb3+ Kxb3 stalemate}
2. Rb7 Sb4 3. Rb5+ Kc4 4. Rc5+ Kb3 5. Rc3+ Ka4 6. Ra3+ Kb5 7. Ra5+
{7. Rb3 ? Rd2 8. Rxb2 (8. Rc3 Sd3) 8... Rd1# }
7... Kc6 8. Rc5+ Kd6 9. Rc4 Sc6 10. Rc2 ! =
A good analytical study.
Henri Gerard Maria Weenink (17-10-1892 - 02-12-1931) Dutch composer
Henri Weenink was an excellent chess player. He composed problems in all genres and endgame studies. In 1921 he published "
Het schaakproblem", of which an improved version appeared in 1926 under the title "
The Chess Problem" in the White Christmas series, "a comprehensive treatise with 374 examples and several photographs".
Until his death he worked on "
David Przepiórka. A Master of Strategy" which was published posthumously.
Weenink, Henri Gerard Maria
The British Chess Magazine, 1924
st Prize
Show Solution1.Bb4-f8 ! (2.Qa2xc4+ Sa3xc4, Kd5xc4 3.Sd4xf5, Ba4-b3#
1...e5-e4 2.Sd4-c6+ e4xd3+ 3.e3-e4#
1...e5xd4 2.Rd3xd4+ Kd5-e5 3.Bf8-g7#
1...Bf5-e4 2.Sd4xe6+ Be4xd3+, Kd5xe6 3.Se6-f4, Rd3-d6#
1...Bf5xd3 2.e2xd3 ZZ 2...Sa3-~ 3.d3xc4/Qa2xc4# or 2...Sd8-~ 3.Ba4-c6#
Pin mates, battery play.
Weenink, Henri Gerard Maria
Tijdschrift vd NSB, 1918
Show Solution1. Bf1 h4 2. Bh3 ! b4 3. Ba7 ! {Indian} b3 4. Kb6 Kg1 5. Kb5+ Kh1 6. Kc5 Kg1 7. Kc4+ Kh1 8. Kd4 Kg1 9. Kd3+ Kh1 10. Bf1 h3 11. Bb8 Kg1 12. Bxf4 ! h1=Q 13. Ke2 ! h2 14. Be3#
Unexpected domination of the promoted black Queen by the two white Bishops after a wK stair manoeuvre.
Ryszard Kapica (17-10-1941 - 05-03-2002) Polish composer
Ryszard Kapica composed direct mates, helpmates and selfmates. He collaborated with Eugeniusz Iwanow for selfmates.
Kapica, Ryszard
Gazeta Częstochowska, 1981
nd Prize
Show Solution1.Bf8-h6 ! ZZ
1...g4-g3 2.Rd1-d3 (3.b2-b3#) 2...Se2-c1/d4 3.Rd3-d4#
1...Sa7-c6 2.Se7xc6 (3.Sc6-a5#) 2...d7xc6, Bh8-d4 3.Bg8xe6, Rd1xd4#
1...Sa7-c8 2.Se7xc8 (3.Sc8-b6#) 2...Bh8-d4 3.Rd1xd4#
1...Bh8-e5 2.Se7-d5 (3.Sd5xe3/Sd5-b6/b2-b3#) 2...Be5-d4, Re6-f6+ 3.Rd1xd4, Sd5xf6#
1...Bh8-f6 2.Rd1-d5 (3.Rd5-c5#) 2...Re6-e5+ 3.Rd5xe5# or 2...Bf6xc3 3.b2-b3# or 2...Bf6-d4 3.Rd5xd4#
1...Bh8-g7 2.Bh6xg7 ~ 3.b2-b3/Rd1-d4#
Surprising zugzwang position.
Kapica, Ryszard
Prize, 1988-1989
Show Solution1.Qh4xf2+ Kf4-e5 2.Qf2xc5+ Se4xc5#
1.Qh4xf6 + Kf4-e3 2.Qf6xc3+ Se4xc3#
Battery mates, counter-checks.
Николай Дмитриевич Плетенёв (17-10-1950) Russian composer (Nikolay Dmitryevich Pletenev)
Nikolay Pletenev composes direct mates, selfmates and helpmates, mostly in collaboration. Here is an exception:
Плетенёв, Николай Дмитриевич
Шахматная композиция 1996 (14/652)
st Prize
Show Solution1. Ba1! (2. Sc1+ b3 3. Qc5+ Kxc5#)
1... S~ 2. Se7+ Bxe7 3. Qxe6+ Kxe6#
1... fxe5 2. Sf6+ Bxf6 3. Qd6+ Kxd6#
1... Be7 2. Qd4+ Kc6 3. Qd7+ Kxd7#
Echo sacrifices of the white Queen.
Анатолий Корнилов (17-10-1954) Russian composer (Anatoly Kornilov)
Anatoly Kornilov composes mostly helpmates.
Корнилов, Анатолий
Рязанский комсомолец 1983
rd Prize

Show Solutiona) 1. Kxd4 Se2+ 2. Kxc4 Se5#
b) 1. Kxf4 Be5+ 2. Kxg4 Be2#
Zilahi theme and model mates.
Dávid A. Durham (17-10-1934 - 07-04-2016) Hungarian composer
Born and educated in England, Dávid Durham obtained a doctorate in chemistry. He worked in chemistry research and translated scientific books.
He started composing late (first composition in Chess Life in 1989) and favoured helpmates and selfmates. He was a national master in chess composition.
More information about him on
Durham, Dávid
U.S. Problem Bulletin (/2893) 1993-11

Show Solution1. Ra1+! and now there are two variations presenting 2 different Allumwandlungs with changed promotions RQSB - QRBS:
1... Ra2 2. Ra5+ Kxa5 3. a8=R+ Kb6 4. b8=Q+ Kc6 5. Ra6+ Rxa6 6. d8=S+ Kd6 7. exf8=B+ Se7#
1... Qa3 2. Ra5+ Kxa5 3. a8=Q+ Kb6 4. b8=R+ Kxc7 5. d8=B+ Kd6 6. e8=S+ Kxe6 7. Qxf5+ Bxf5#
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