Евгений Иванович Куббель (23-10-1894 - 1942) Russian composer (Evgeny Ivanovich Kubbel)
Evgeny Kubbel was one of the Kubbel brothers. He composed about 150 problems (most of them direct mates in two, but also great threemovers as below).
Куббель, Евгений Иванович
Труд (Москва) 1935
st Prize
Show Solution1. Bb8! (2. Sc7#)
1... fxe5 2. Qf2 (3. Qf5#) 2... Bg4/f3 3. Rxg6# or 2... Sd6 3. Sc7# or 2... Sxe3 3. Rxe5#
1... Sgxe5 2. Kxf8 (3. Sg7#) 2... Rd8 3. Rxe5#
1... Rxe5 2. d4 (3. d5#) 2... Sf4 3. Rxe5# or 2... Qd2 3. Bxc4#
1... Scxe5 2. Qxb4 (3. Sc7#) 2... f5 3. Rxe5#
Dual avoidance between 4 black defences, selfpin, pin mates.
Thomas Volet (23-10-1949) American composer and FIDE Master
Thomas Volet is a retro composer who specialized in stipulations such as "Release the position" - undoubtedly with a resounding success.
Volet, Thomas
Springaren, 1996
st Prize
Last 5 single moves? | | 13 + 9 |
Show SolutionSolution: the retracted moves are 1.Rd2-dl g3-g2 2.Sa3-bl Kbl-al 3.Sc2-a3++
White pawns captured 7 times, all missing black pieces: h2xg3xf4xe5xd6xc7, d2xe3, g2xf3. Black pawns captured 3 times, all missing white pieces: e7xd6 (not c7xd6: retro opposition with white Pc7), axb (not cxb, because then [Pa7] is excluded as piece to be captured), hxg. Thus, [Pc7] was captured on square c7: Pd6xPc7. White Pc7 can only retro-move, when black Pd6 has retro-moved; before, [Bf8] has to retum, which requires the uncapture d2xBe3; before, [Bc1] has to return; thus, Black cannot yet retract b6-b5. [Bcl] can return only, when [Pc2] already returned. The white King can cross the 6th rank only via g6, not via b6, because the retraction of e7xd6 and d6xPc7 closes the path; thus, Black cannot yet retract f7-f6. [Bf8] can return only after [Pf7] has retumed. The retraction of e7xd6 and d6xPc7, however, closes all paths to d8, so [Qd8] has to return before e7xd6 is retracted; thus, the uncapture g2xQf3 is necessary first.
Thus, [Qdl] has to be retumed, when White retracts d2xBe3. Thus, the retraction of bPhxwQg is necessary. In the retro play, Black is short of moves when d6xPc7 is retracted: [Pa7] has to stop retraction on b6, [Ph7] on h5 -in order to keep rook paths open. Black needs at least two moves by these pawns: R: n.e7xR,Sd6 R,S-d6 (n+1).h5-h4 d6xPc7 (n+2).b6-b5 e5xd6. Thus, [Ph7] cannot retract beyond g2, g3, h3, or h4 before the critical capture e7xd6. The very first black retro move is a move of this pawn, so g2 is excluded. On h3 and h4, however, the black pawn would close the return path of the black King. Thus, the pawn has to stop on g3. That means that Black has only one free retraction at the beginning, so White has to hurry (e. g., R: l.Rhl-dl is illegal).

Mustapha Bakani (23-10-1970) Moroccan composer
Mustapha Bakani composes direct mates, selfmates and helpmates.
Bakani, Mustapha
Phénix, 1997
Show Solution1.Bh8! (2.Re5#)
1...Sf6+ 2.Qxf6#
1...Rc5 2.Qxc5#
1...Re4 2.fxe4#
1...Bxe1/Be3 2.Rd5#
1...Bf4 2.Sxh4#
1...Bc3 2.Qg5#
1...Ra5 2.Qh7#
Árpád Rusz (23-10-1974) Romanian composer and International Master
Árpád Rusz |
Árpád Rusz composes direct mates, helpmates or selfmates, but he recently focused on endgame studies, a field where he seems at ease.
He also held a blog
RuszChessStudies with some interesting analyses and he is a
chess programmer.
He is presently the studies editor of the Romanian magazine "
I can remember when he showed me this study of his:
Rusz, Árpád
Problem Online, 8
th Oct 2006
Special Prize
Show Solution1. Be3 h2+ !
{1... Rxe3 2. dxe3 h2+ 3. Kxg2 ! h1=Q+ 4. Kxh1 +- or 1... Kd1 2. Qa4+ +-}
2. Kxh2 Rxe3 ! 3. Kxg2 !
{3. dxe3 ? g1=Q+ (3... g1=R ? 4. e4 ! Rg2+ ! 5. Kh3 ! +-) 4. Kxg1 stalemate}
3... Rc3 !
{3... Re4 4. Qd3 Rf4 5. Qg3+ Kd1 6. Qxf4 e1=Q 7. d4 +-}
{3... Ra3 4. Qb5 ! Kd1 5. Qb1+ Kxd2 6. Qb2+ Kd1 7. Qd4+ Ke1 8. Qb4+ Kd1 9. Qd6+ Kc2 10. Kf2 +-}
4. Qd5 !
{Mutual zugzwang ! 4. dxc3 ? stalemate}
{Thematic try: 4. Qd4 ? Rc8 ! (4... Ra3 ? 5. Qb2 Kd1 6. Qb1+ Kxd2 7. Qb2+ Kd1 8. Qd4+ +-) 5. Kf3 Rf8+ 6. Ke3 Kf1 $1 7. Qc4 Re8+ 8. Kf3 Rf8+ 9. Ke3 Re8+ perpetual check}
4... Ra3
{4... Rc8 5. Kf3 Rf8+ 6. Ke3 Kf1 (6... Re8+ 7. Kd3 +-) 7. Qh1#}
5. Qb5 ! Ra8 6. Kf3 Ra3+
{6... Rf8+ 7. Ke3 +-)
7. d3 !
{Albino theme - the d pawn makes all 4 possible moves during the variations of the solution, d3, dxe3, dxc3 and d4 }
7... Kf1 8. Qf5 ! e1=Q 9. Qh3+ +-
Eduard Schlatter (23-10-1898 - 04-04-1970) Swiss composer
Eduard Schlatter was a chess player, solver and composer. He held and further enriched the miniature collection started by
Moriz Henneberger.
His obituary in German "
Pfarrer Eduard Schlatter - ein echter Schachidealist" can be found in
Schweizerische Schachzeitung 1970 page 109.
Schlatter, Eduard
4th HM Henneberger MT 1960
Show Solution1.♖b5! ZZ
1...f5 2.♗a5 ~ 3.♗c7#
1...f6 2.♖cc5 ~ 3.♖f5#
1...fxe6 2.♖c8 ~ 3.♖xf8#
1...fxg6 2.♗c5 ♔f5/♔e5 3.♗d6#
Pickaninny theme.
Friedrich Amandus Leopold Kuskop (23-10-1844 - 26-10-1938) New Zealander composer
Friedrich Kuskop was born in Germany in 1844 and migrated to New Zealand in 1881. In 1893 he became blind and started solving and composing chess problems. He was a successful Good Companions composer of twomovers and threemovers. (source:
Deutsche Schachblätter 5/1939, p 75).
You can find
here a Mat Plus forum post about blind composers.
Kuskop, Friedrich Amandus Leopold
1st Prize The Otago Witness 1898
Show Solution
The key gives two flights
1...♔×f4 2.♗d6# (pin mate)
1...♔×f6 2.♘d7#
Black correction by the black Rook:
1...♖×f4 2.♖e6#
1...♖×f6 2.♘×d3#
1...♖h5/♖g5 2.♘d7#
Another variation:
1...g5 2.♖×f5#
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