Friday, January 6, 2012

January 6th

Paul Răican (06-01-1957) Romanian composer and editor of French-speaking magazine Quartz.

Răican, Paul
Mat Plus, 2007 (27/781)
Special Prize

PWC (Circé échange)
b) wKd4-->b5  s#7
2 + 2

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Răican, Paul
898 Phénix 13 06/1991
Dedicated to M.Rittirsch
1st Prize

SPG 4.0 15 + 16
Dynamo Chess

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Leon Loewenton (Löwenton) (06-01-1889 - 23-09-1963) Romanian composer

Leon Loewenton

Leon Loewenton was an engineer, strong chess player (member of the Olympic Romanian Team) and composer. He composed in varied genres, especially fairy and selfmates, but also retro problems.
He wrote "Metodele strategice şi tactice ale jocului de şah" (1949) which can be read on
He also wrote the memoirs "Urmăriti de Gestapo" (Hunted by the Gestapo, 1944, about his experience in occupied France in 1940-1944), also available for download on

Loewenton, Léon & Nestorescu, Virgil
L'Italia Scacchistica, 1954
1st HM

#2 11 + 5

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Gyula Tóth (06-01-1905 - 15-02-1975) Hungarian composer

Tóth, Gyula
Fonyodi Jarasi TST, 1963
3rd Prize

#2 14 + 6

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Валерій Олександрович Неботов (06-01-1935) Russian-Ukrainian composer (Valery Alexandrovich Nebotov)

Nebotow, Waleri A.
PS904 The Problemist Supplement 41 07/1999

h#2 3 + 5
2 solutions

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Hans Rasmussen (06-01-1937) Danish composer

Rasmussen, Hans
Schach, 1961 (3821)
3rd Prize

#2 9 + 8

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Fredrik (Fritz) af Geijerstam (06-01-1852 - 18-10-1890) Swedish composer

Fritz af Geijerstam
[Source: Problem 127-132 1969 page 30]

Fredrik af Geijerstam was the first composer to realize a white Allumwandlung in an orthodox problem.
He also wrote an anthology of his problems "96 schackproblem jämte problemteoretisk inledning" (BNF catalogue).

Af Geijerstam, Fredrik
Deutsche Schachzeitung 1882-09

#4 12 + 10

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