Søren Anton Sørensen (31-01-1840 - 11-02-1896) Danish composer
According to Martin Møller, whose Skakjournal was quoted
here in 2009:
"Søren Anton Sørensen was taught chess at the age 11 (1851) by H.Møller, when he was a regular visitor at Sulsted præste-gård (vacarage) - (H.Møller was former chairman in the first Copenhagen chess club/Københavns skak forening 1844-1846)."
Martin Møller then narrates a little anecdote which you may read on
Rick Kennedy's
Jerome Gambit blog. Anyway, S.A.S. was a talented chess player, whose games you may browse through on
He also wrote with A. Arnell an anthology of Nordic problems: "
Nordiske Skakproblemer" (1879) that can be read on
Anders Thulin website.
Sørensen won a tourney organised by the BCF in 1873. One of the problems of the set was the following:
Sørensen, Søren Anton
British Chess Association, 1873
st Prize, Set
Show Solution1.Rf3! (2.Qf6+ Kxe4 3.Re3#)
1...Sxf3 2.Sc6+ Sxc6 3.Qd5+ Kf6 4.Qe6# or 2...Kxe4 3.Qd5+ Sxd5 4.Bc2#
1...Bxf3 2.Sc6+ Sxc6 3.Qd5+ Kf6 4.Qe6# or 2...Kxe4 3.Qe8+ Re7/Kd3/Kf5 4.Qg6/Qe3/Qe6#
1...Re7 2.Rf5+ Kxe4 3.Qxe7+ Kd3,Kxd4 4.Qe3#
1...Rf7/Sxg2 2.Sc6+ Kxe4 3.Qd4+ Kxf3 4.Bd1#
1...Sec2 2.Qf6+ Kxe4 3.Se6 (4.Sc5,Qf5#)
1...Rg6 2.Sf5 (3.Qd4#) Rd6 3.Qe7+ Re6 4.Qxe6# or 2...Sc6 3.Qd5+ Kf6 4.Qe6# or 2...Kxe4 3.Qd4+ Kxf3 4.Bd1# (2...Sd5 3.Qxd5+ Kf6 4.e5,Qd4,Qe6# or 2...Se~/Sbc2/Bb6 3.Qe8+,Qe7+/Qe8+,Qd5+,Qe7+/Qe8+,Qe7+)
Model mates.
Curt Sixten Gabriel Stockman (31-01-1901 - 03-06-1992) Swedish composer
Curt Stockman was a noticeable composer:
Stockman, Curt Sixten Gabriel
Aftonbladet, 12
th Feb 1922
st Prize
Show Solution1.Rh7 ! ZZ
1...Kb6 2.Ka4 Ka6/c5 3.Qxc6/Qh6#
1...Ka5 2.Qc5+ Ka6 3.Ra7#
1...Ka6 2.Qxc6+ Ka5 3.Ra7/Rh5#
1...c5 2.Rh6 Ka5/c4 3.Qxc5/Qg5#
Stockman, Curt Sixten Gabriel
Tidskrift för Schack, 1947
nd Prize
Show SolutionSet play:
1...Kc4[a] 2.Qe4#[A]
1...cxd5[b]/exd5[b] 2.Qxh4#[B]
1...Kxd5 2.Qxd3#
1.Qd7! zz
1...Kc4[a] 2.Rg4#[C]
1...cxd5[b] 2.Qa4#[E]
1...exd5[b] 2.Qg4#[D]
1...Ke4 2.Ra4#
Mutate with 3
changed mates.
Isaak Kavnatsky (31-01-1911 - 29-11-2009)
The award of the Memorial Tourney Isaac Kavnatsky-100 could be read online in 2012
[broken link].
Isaac Kavnatsky did not compose many problems, but had style:
Kavnatsky, Isaak
Probleemblad, 2003 (H557)
nd Prize
Show Solutiona) 1. Bxe5 Bh2 2. Bb2 Be5 3. a2 Rh1#
b) 1. Qxg1 Rg5 2. Qb1 Rg1 3. axb2 Ra8#
Orthogonal-diagonal correspondence with annihilation, Umnov and pin mates.
Kavnatsky, Isaak
Probleemblad, 1993
nd HM
Show Solution1.Bf3 ! ZZ
1...Ba2 2.Qa1 ZZ
1...Bb3 2.Qb2 ZZ
1...Bc4/Bd5/Be6/Bf7 2.Qc3/Qe5/Qe6/Qg7 ZZ
1...Bh7 2.Qe5 (3.Qc5#) d2 3.Qc3#
Duel bB-wQ.
Wilhelm Heim (31-01-1912 - ?) German composer
Heim, Wilhelm
Annaberger JT, 1940
rd Prize
Show SolutionHow can White unpin wSd5 and give mate with Sxc3#?
1.e8=S ! (2.Kc8 ~ 2.Sxc3#)
1...Rxe6 2.Kxe6 ~ 3.Sxc3#
1...Rg8 2.Kc6 ~ 3.Sxc3#
1...Sf7 2.Sd6 ~ 3.Sxc3#
Norman Littlewood (31-01-1933) British composer
Littlewood, Norman
British Chess Problem Society, 1965
st Prize
Show Solution1.Se6 ! (2.Sd6+ Kxf6 3.fxg8=S#)
1...Rg7 2.Kd4+ Kxe6 3.f8=S/e8=Q#
1...Ra8 2.Kd6+ Kxe4 3.bxa8=Q/B#
1...Rb8 2.Sd4+ Kf4 3.cxb8=Q/B#
1...Rc8 2.Kd4+ Kxe6 3.dxc8=Q/B#
1...Re8 2.Rh5+ Kxg6 3.fxe8=Q/B#
1...Rf8 2.Kd4+ Kxe6 3.exf8=S#
1...Se3+ 2.dxe3 (3.Sd4#) 2...Bxf6 3.Sxg3/Sd6#)
A festival of promotions which Bo Lindgren would probably have appreciated.
Сергей Павлович Захаров (31-01-1952 - 14-09-2019) Russian composer and International Master (Sergey Pavlovich Zakharov)
Zakharov composes direct mates and studies. One of his successes in the endgame field is the following:
Захаров, Сергей Павлович
Kubbel MT Задачи и этюды 2002
Special Prize
Show Solution1. Se6 dxe6+
{1... Bxd6 2. Rh8#}
{1... bxa3 2. Rxf8 dxe6+ 3. Kf6 }
2. Kxe6 bxa3 3. d7
{3. Rxf8 a2}
3... Be7 4. Kxe7 a2 5. Rh8+ Kg7 6. Rh1 a1=Q 7. Rxa1 Rxa1 8. d8=S !
{8. d8=Q Re1+}
8... Re1+
{8... Rc1 9. Se6+ Kg6 10. Kd6}
9. Se6+ Kg6 10. Kd6 Kf6 11. Sc5 =
Gábor Szilágyi (31-01-1911) Hungarian composer
Szilágyi, Gábor
La Settimana Enigmistica, 1936

Show SolutionSet play:
1...a5 2.Sb5#
1...Bxc6/Sxc6 2.Sxc6#
1...Sxd7 2.Sxd7#
1...Rxf7 2.Sexf7#
1...Qe4 2.Qxe4#
1...Qxg4 2.Sxg4#
1.Se4! (2.Rd3#)
1...Qxf3 2.Sxf3#
1...Qxe4 2.Qxe4#
1...Qe3 2.Sd3#
1...Qd2 2.Sxd2#
1...Qxe5+ 2.Sd6#
The switchback Se4-d6 is a nice touch.
Karl-Gunnar Petterson (31-01-1915) Swedish composer
Petterson, Karl-Gunnar
Tidskrift för Schack, 1941

Show Solution
1.Be1 ! (2.g3 ~ 3.Bf2#)
critical move
1...Bd1/Bh5 2.g4 (3.Bf2#)
1...Be2 2.g4 (3.Bf2#) 2...Bxf1 3.Sf3#
1...Bf3,Bh3 2.gxf3,gxh3+ Sg4/Sxg8 3.Bf2#
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