John Poole (28-01-1882 - 1956) British composer
Poole, John
Norwich Mercury, 1911
Show Solution1.Rd1 ! ZZ
1...f5 2.Rh6+ f6 3.Rxf6+ Kxf6 4.Rd6#
1...e4 2.Rd5 f5 3.Rd6+ Ke5 4.Rd5#
The second variation presents a
Turton doubling.
Hugo Pfefferkorn (28-01-1891 - 21-04-1980) Austrian composer
Pfefferkorn, Hugo
Deutsche Schachzeitung, 1962
Show Solution1.Bd6? (2.Sd4#)
1...Bxe5 2.Qxa2+ Sb3 3.Qxb3#
but 1...Qxe5!
1.Qb8! (2.Qd6#)
1...Bxe5 2.Bf6 (3.Qxe5#) Qxb8/Qxf6/B~ 3.Sg7/Qc8/Sd4;Qd6#
1...Qd8 2.Bxd8 (3.Sd4,Sg7,Qd6#) Bxe5 3.Qc8#
Keller paradox,
focal theme.
Bob Meadley (28-01-1940) Australian composer
Bob Meadley is a chess composer who is also interested in chess history. He is also a chess collector. He composed few, but wrote more. His "Letter to Bert", an autobiographical account of his passion for collecting chess books written in 1999, can be read
here. He wrote also a book about W.A.Whyatt's chess problems.
You may learn more about him
Meadley, Bob
Sunday Mirror, 1966
Show Solution1.Sh1! ZZ
1...Kxe2 2.Bc4#
1...Ke4 2.Sf2#
1...S~ 2.Rhxe3#
1...Bxe2 2.Sf2#
1...e4 2.Rd2#
Pin mates and rare key Sh1!
Josef Haas (28-01-1922 - 11-11-2003) German composer
Josef Haas composed mostly retro problems: retractors and 'last move?' problems.
Haas, Josef
Die Schwalbe, 1973
nd Prize
Show SolutionSolution: -1. Bf7-a2 & 1.Kc2#
Explanation: wBa2 is a promoted Bishop (the wBf1 has been captured on f1 without moving).
Retro moves: -1.Bf7-a2 Ka2xSa1 -2.Sb3-a1+ Ka1-a2 3.Sc5/Sd4-b3+ Ka2-a1 4.Se6-d4+
Helmut Klug (28-01-1921 - 07-04-1981) German composer
Composed direct mates, often in collaboration with Manfred Zucker. The following problem is a rather tough nut for solvers:
Klug, Helmut & Weisert, Klaus
Schach, 1972
nd Prize
Show Solution1.Rc2 ! ZZ
1...g3 2.Sg5+ Kxd4 3.Sf3#
1...d2/dxc2 2.Sf4+ Kxd4 3.Se2#
1...a5 2.Sc7+ Kxd4 3.Sb5#
1...g5 2.Sg7+ Kxd4 3.Sf5#
1...Sb8~ 2.Sd8+ Kxd4 3.Sc6#
1...Sb2~ 2.Se6~+ Kxd4 3.Rc4#
1...f4 2.Sg5+ Kxd4 3.Re4#
Block and
Василий Иванович Черных (28-01-1940) Russian composer (Vasily Ivanovich Chernyh)
Черных, Василий
Schach-Aktiv, 2004

Show SolutionSet play:
1...Re3[a] 2.dxe3#[A]
1...Rc3/Bc3/Nc3[b] 2.dxc3#[B]
1...Ra6/Ra8/Re7 2.Ke7#
1...Rxf7+ 2.Kxf7#
1...Qh4/Qh3/Qh2/Qh1/Qxg4 2.Kxg6#
1...Qxg5+ 2.Kxg5#
1...d5 2.c5#
1.d3! (2.Re4#)
1...Re3[a] 2.Rxd6#[C]
1...Nc3[b] 2.Qb6#[D]
1...Re7 2.Kxe7#
1...Rxf7+ 2.Kxf7#
1...Rxg4/Rxd3 2.Nf3#
1...Bxd3 2.Nc2#
1...gxf5 2.Kxf5#
1...Nc5 2.Qxb2#
1...d5 2.c5#
1...Qh1/Qxg4 2.Kxg6#
1...Qxg5+ 2.Kxg5#
changed mates.
Виктор Феофанович Денежкин (28-01-1915 - 31-07-1979) Russian composer (Viktor Feofanovich Denezhkin)
Денежкин, Виктор Феофанович
Priokskaya Pravda, 1975

Show Solution1.Sc6! (2.Qf3 [3.Sa5#] 2...Bxc3 3.b3#)
1...Bd4 2.Bb3+ Kb5 3.Sxd4#
1...Sd4 2. Sb6+ Kc5 3.Bxd4#
1...Bxc3 2.Qxf5 (3.Sb6/Qd3/Bb3/b3#)
Nice model pin mates.
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