Espen Backe (10-01-1963) Norwegian composer
Espen Backe
Article about his book "Caïssas trollbundne"(2007)
[] |
Backe, Espen
6448 Sakkelet 5.-6.1998
Show Solutiona) 1.Qb2 Ba8 2.Qb7 Rg2+ 3.Kf3 Bxb7#
b) 1.Qb7 Rh8 2.Qh7 Bf3+ 3.Kh3 Rxh7#
Diagonal-orthogonal correspondence,
critical moves.
Леонард Ильич Кацнельсон (10-01-1936) Russian composer and International Master (Leonard Ilitch Katsnelson)
Leonard Katsnelson, E. Leun and N. Kralin (Odessa 1984) [thanks to Сережа Ткаченко] |
Кацнельсон, Леонард Ильич
Šahs, 1981 (18)
nd Honorable Mention
Show Solution1. g7
{1. a3 Bc3 2. g7 Bxb2 -+
1. Bc6+ Kb4 2. g7 Qxf6 3. a3+ Kc5 4. g8=Q Kxc6 5. Qa8+ Kd7 6. Qxa5 Qf1+ =
1. Be4 Qg5}
1... Qxf6
{1... Qg5 2. Bc6+ Kb4 3. a3+ Kc5 4. Ba4 Bd8 5. Bb3 }
2. a3!
{2. b3+ Ka3; now the threat is 3.g8=Q Qxg8 4.Bc6#}
2... Qf1+
{2... Qg6 3. g8=Q Qxg8 4. Bc6#}
3. Ka2 Qf7+ 4. Bd5! Qxd5+
{4... Qxg7 5. Bc6#}
5. b3+ Kb5 6. c4+ and wins.
Henri Rinck (10-01-1870 - 26-02-1952) French composer
Let's choose the following endgame from the numerous interesting works composed by Rinck:
Rinck, Henri
Bohemia, 25
th Dec 1906
st Prize
Show Solution1. Qb1 (2.Qb5+ Kd4 3.Qd5#)
1...Kd4 2. Qb3 (3.Qd5#)
2...Qxe4+ 3. Kd6 Qa8 4. Qe3+ Kc4 5. Qc3+ Kb5 6. Qb3+ Ka6 7. Qa4+ Kb7 8. Qb5+ Ka7 9. Kc7 and wins.
Илья Львович Шульман (10-01-1935 - 04-01-2010) Russian composer (Ilya Lvovich Shulman)
Илья Шульман / Ilya Shulman [Thanks to Александр Никитин] |
Шульман, Илья Львович
Match: Latvia - Leningrad - Lithuania, 1983
st Place
Show Solution1.f1=S f8=S 2.Sg3 Sg6#
1.f1=B f8=B 2.Bb5 Bd6#
Echo promotions,
model mates, black self interference.
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