Thursday, January 5, 2012

January 5th

Artur Mandler (05-01-1891 - 20-10-1971) Czech composer and Grandmaster

Artur Mandler [Wikimedia]

Mandler, Artur
Prager Presse, 1929

+                                         3 + 2

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For more details about this composer's endgames, the curious reader may browse through John Beasley's book "Depth and Beauty - The chess endgame studies of Artur Mandler". Thank you, John, for making this book available online.

Vilmos Schneider (05-01-1933 - 26-03-2001) Hungarian composer and International Master

Schneider, Vilmos
Stella Polaris, 1971
1st Prize

h#23 solutions 4 + 7

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Schneider, Vilmos
Die Schwalbe, 1972

h#2 2 solutions 7 + 10

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Schneider, Vilmos
Bulletin Ouvrier des Echecs, 1953
1st Prize

#3 12 + 11

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Dejan I. Glišić (05-01-1971) Croatian composer

Dejan Glišić []

Glišić, Dejan I.
StrateGems, 2004

#3          b) Pe4 > b4     7 + 4

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József Pásztor (05-01-1958) Hungarian composer

Pásztor, József
Buletin Problemistic, 2004 (4326)

h#33 solutions 5 + 3

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Николай Дмитриевич Аргунов (05-01-1935 - 2006) Russian composer (Nikolay Dimitrievich Argunov)

Аргунов, Николай Дмитриевич
Victory-60 JT, 2005
2nd Prize

#12 7 + 8

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Владимир Николаевич Чекарьков
(05-01-1937 - 08-05-2020) Russian composer (Vladimir Nikolayevich Chekarkov)

Vladimir Chekarkov
[ ]

Чекарьков, Владимир Николаевич & Salai, Ladislav
Sachove umeni, 1992
1st Prize

#5 7 + 9

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მერაბ გოგბერაშვილი (05-01-1959) Georgian composer (Merab Gogberashvili)

Merab Gogberashvili
[Google Scholar ]

Gogberaschwili, Merab
Tsereteli-150 JT, 1991
7th Prize

= 7 + 5

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Marián Šemrinec (05-01-1962) Slovak composer

Šemrinec, Marián
Pravda, 10th Nov 1989 (2242)

#3 5 + 1

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Endre Szentai (05-01-1936 - 04-10-1986) Hungarian composer

Endre Szentai
[Thanks to Александр Никитин]

Endre Szentai was a helpmate composer who created many long helpmates or helpstalemates with Excelsiors and various promotions. His h=21.5 1st Prize Tipografia 1978 is a hard solve worth studying. Here is something simpler:

Szentai, Endre
Bacs Kiskun megyei Sakkszövetseg, 1968
Special Prize

h=8  2 + 5

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