Anton A.C. Trilling (11-11-1892 - 16-02-1947) German composer
Anton Trilling was specialized in strategic multimovers.
He was the first president of the "
Die Schwalbe" association.
Trilling, Anton A. C.
Die Schwalbe, 1938
Show Solution1.g2-g3 ! (2.Bh3-g2#)
1...Rc6-c2 2.Bh3-g4 (3.Bg4-f3#)
2...Rc2-f2 3.Bg4xd7 (4.Bd7-c6/Bd7-e6#)
3...Rf2xf6 4.Bd7-c6+ Rf6xc6 5.e3-e4#
Rundlauf of the black Rook that opens the diagonal of the wBg7.
Виктор Александрович Евреинов (11-11-1908 - 09-07-1984) Russian composer and FIDE Master (Viktor Aleksandrovich Evreinov)
Viktor Evreinov composed studies. His best known work is the following:
Евреинов, Виктор Александрович
Šahs/Шахматы (Rīga) 1959
st Prize
Show Solution1. Re4 !
{1. f7 ? Bxf7 2. Rg4+ d4+ 3. Kf2 Qxc5 4. Bxd4+ Qxd4+ 5. Rxd4 Bxe6 =}
1... dxe4+ 2. Kg2 ! e3+ 3. Kg1 ! Bf7 4. exf7 Qxc5 5. f8=Q+ Qxf8 6. f7+ Qg7+ 7. Kh2 !! Qxa1 8. f8=Q#
The tempo manoeuvre Kg2-g1-h2 is a good find.
Milu Milescu (11-11-1911 - 06-11-1981) Romanian-Israeli composer
Milu Milescu (Augutstein) was chief editor of the magazine "
Revista Română de Sah", editor of "Shahmat" and " Deutschen Schachzeitung" and the author of the selection of Sigmund Herland's problems "
Sigmund Herland: Problèmes Choisis" (1962). With Dr. Hans-Hilmar Staudte he wrote the best seller "
Das 1x1 des Endspiels".
He was an International Judge.
Milescu, Milu
Schach-Echo, 1961
Show Solution1. exd7+
{1. Rf3 ? Sxe6 2. Rxf2 d5 -+}
1... Kd8 2. Rf3 !
{2. Rd1 ? Sd3 3. Rf1 Kxd7 4. Kc2 Se1+ 5. Kb1 Sf3 6. Rxf2 Sd2+}
2... Sd3 3. Rf7 ! Se5
{3... Kc7 4. Kc2 (4. Ka2 ? c2 ; 4. Rf3 ? c2+ 5. Kxc2 Se1+ -+) 4... Kd8 5. Kb1 Kc7 6. Kc2 Se5 7. Rxf2 Sc4 8. Rf1 Se3+ 9. Kxc3 =}
4. Rxf2 Sc4 ! 5. Rf8+ !
{5. Ka2 ? Kxd7 ! ( 5... Sd2 ? 6. Rf8+ Kxd7 7. Rb8) 6. Rf8 (6. Rf1 Sd2) 6... c2 -+}
5... Kxd7 6. Rb8 Sa3+ 7. Ka2 Sc4 8. Kb1 ! Kc6
{8... Sd2+ 9. Kc2}
9. Kc2 ! positional draw
Imans Kūlis (11-11-1937) Latvian composer
Imants Kūlis composes twomovers.
Kūlis, Imants
Revista Română de Şah, 1961
st Prize
Show Solution1.Qg5? ZZ
1...Kc5[a] 2.Qg1#[A]
1...Kc3[c] 2.Qf6#[E]
but 1...hxg5!
1.Qh3? ZZ
1...Kc5[a] 2.Qe3#[C]
1...Kc3[c] 2.Se2#[B]
but 1...Bf3[b]!
1.Qe6? ZZ
1...Kc5[a] 2.Qe3#[C]
1...Kc3[c] 2.Qf6#[E]
1...Bxc4[i] 2.Qf6#[E]/Qxc4#
but 1...Bxe6[f]!
1.Qd7? ZZ
1...Kc5[a] 2.Qa7#[G]
1...Kc3[c] 2.Qg7#[F]
but 1...Bf7[g]!
1.Qc8? ZZ
1...Kc5[a] 2.Rxd5#[I]
1...Kc3[c] 2.Qh8#[H]
but 1...Bg8[h]!
1.Qh4! ZZ
1...Kc5[a] 2.Qf2#[D]
1...Kc3[c] 2.Qf6#[E]
Marcin Banaszek (11-11-1947) Polish composer and FIDE Master
Marcin Banaszek, now living in Germany, composes twomovers, moremovers and studies. He shows his
studies and problems on his website.
He also regularly updates the
Chess Solving Database where solvers can find useful information.
Banaszek, Marcin
Euwe100, 2001
nd Prize
Show Solution1. Rf7 Bg1 !
{1... Ra3+ 2. Kb6 (2. Kb7 Rb3+ 3. Ka7 Ra3+) 2... Rxa8 3. Rf8 Rxf8 4. gxf8=Q Sd7+ 5. cxd7 Rxf8 6. Bh4 =}
2. c7+
{2. Rf2+ ? Kh3 (2... Bxf2 3. c7+ Rf3+ 4. Bxf2) 3. c7 Re7 4. Kb7 Bxf2 5. Bxf2 Rxg7 6. Bb6 Sa6 7. Kxa6 Rxa8+ -+}
2... Rf3+ 3. Bf2
{3. e3 Bxe3+ ; 3. Kb7 Rxf7 -+}
3... Bxf2+ 4. e3 !
{4. Kb7 Rb3#}
4... Bxe3+ 5. Kb7 Rxf7 6. g8=Q+ Rxg8 stalemate
"Through an ingenious network of pins and counter pins White succeeds to sacrifice all his pieces in order to reach a pure stalemate. The initial position is more or less natural; the finish is breath-taking. Euwe would have been very impressed by the various elements that make this study so great." (Jan Timman)
Παύλος Μουτεσίδης (11-11-1930) Greek composer and International Master (Pavlos Moutecidis)
Pavlos Moutecidis and Andrey Selivanov, Crete 2010 |
Pavlos Moutecidis composes direct mates but is most known for his long selfmates and for his organizing the traditional Metaxa tourney. His career and his interest in seflmates, maximummers was presented by
Emmanuel Manolas on his website.
Moutecidis, Pavlos N.
ЮК А. Ажусину - 60, 2011
st HM
Show Solutiona)1.Rb3! Kc4 2.Qc3+ Kd5 3.Bg2 Ke6 4.Qf6+ Kd5 5.Kf8 Kc4 6.Qc3+ Kd5 7.Rb5+ Ke6 8.Bh3+ Rg4 9.Rg5 Kd7 10.Qc5 Ke6 11.Bd8 Kd7 12.Bb6 Ke6 13.Qd5+ Kf6 14.Bd4+ Rxd4 15.Qd8+ Rxd8#
b) 1.Bg2! Kc4 2.Qa6+ K~ 3.Rd3+ Ke5 4.Qd6+ Kf5 5.Bh3+ Rg4 6.Qf6+ Ke4 7.Qf3+ Ke5 8.Bf6+ Ke6 9.Bg5 Ke5 10.Rd5+ Ke6 11.Rc5 Kd6 12.Qf8+ Ke6 13.Qf5+ Kd6 14.Bf4+ Rxf4 15.Qf8+ Rxf8#
Echo mates.
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