Arthur Robert Baker Charlick (24-06-1875 - 06-06-1910) Australian composer
Arthur Charlick composed direct mates and selfmates. He was a prominent Australian composer of the beginning of the 20th century.
Charlick, Arthur Robert Baker
Western Daily Mercury, 1909
st Prize

Show Solution1.Kb7! (2.Sc6#)
1...Sd4 2.Bxf4#
1...Se7 2.dxe7#
1...f6+ 2.Se7#
1...f5+ 2.d7#
1...Qb1+/Qb2+ 2.Bb6#
Multiple exposure of the white King to checks.
Charlick, Arthur Robert Baker
Melbourne Leader, 1905

Show Solution1.Sf4-g6 ! (2.Qb7xb4+ Kc4xb4#)
1...Qh3-g2/Qh3-h1 2.Qb7-d5+ Qxd5#
1...Qh3-h2/Qh3-g3 2.Sg6-e5+ Qh2xe5#
1...Rb4xb7 2.d2-d3+ Kc4-~#
1...Rb4-b6+ 2.Qb7-c6+ Kc4-~/Rb6xc6#
1...Rb4-b5 2.Qb7-e4+ f5xe4#
Francisco Benkö (24-06-1910 - 11-01-2010) German-Argentinian composer
Francisco Benkö, 2005
Let's quote
"Francisco (Franz) Benkö was the longest living member of the Schwalbe, joining in 1928, and honorary member from 2009 until his death on 11 January 2010 in Buenos Aires. He built a collection of 30,000 compositions. When Benkö lived in Germany, he was acquainted with a few famous composers, including Ado Kraemer, Erich Zepler and Eduard Birgfeld. He also was a friend of Wolfgang Heidenfeld."
Other details can be found in
die Schwalbe Personalia August 2007.
His favourite problem was not
his 4th Prize in Loyd MT 1961 but the following threemover:
Benkö, Francisco
The British Chess Magazine, 1950

Show Solution1.Sd6-e8? ZZ is refuted by 1...Qb8-g3! 2.f7-f8=R/Q+ Qg3-g8! and 3.Kxb3 does not work, because bPb3 is protected by the bQg8.
Hence 1.Sd6-c4 ! ZZ with the following variation:
1...Qb8-g3! 2.f7-f8=R/Q+ Qg3-g8 3.Kb2xb3#
In all cases, after Black's reply 2.Kxb3+ or 2.f8=Q+ are White's 2nd and 3rd moves.
Ján Krajňák (24-06-1965) Slovak composer
Ján Krajňák composes direct mates and selfmates.
Krajňák, Ján
Pravda, 1982 (1389)

Show SolutionTry:
1.Rb3? (2.Rd3#)
1...Rf3[a]/Bd5[c] 2.Qd5#[A]
1...Sf2[b]/Sc3/Sb2[b] 2.Be3#[B]
1...Rxf6+ 2.Bxf6#
1...Be4 2.Qxe4# but 1...Rxa4!
1.Qe2! (2.Qd3#)
1...Rf3[a]/Bd5+[c] 2.Rd5#[C]
1...Sf2[b]/Sb2[b] 2.c3#[D]
1...Rxf6+ 2.Bxf6#
1...Be4 2.Qxe4#
Changed mates.
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