Horacio L. Musante (20-06-1917) Argentinian composer
Problems by Horacio Musante can be seen
on the website of Argentinian composers
He composed about 250 problems, of which 15 entered the FIDE Album. He was also an International Judge and collaborated with A. Ellerman at the magazine "Caissa".
Musante, Horacio L.
Bulletin Ouvrier des Echecs, 1950
Show Solution1.Rf5? ZZ
1...g4[a] 2.Qxh6#[A]
1...e6/e5[b] 2.Rd7#[B]
1...Kxh7 2.Rxg5# but 1...exd6!
1.Qd4! ZZ
1...g4[a] 2.Qxg4#[D]
1...e5[b] 2.Qa7#[C]
1...exd6 2.Rf4#
1...exf6 2.Qxf6#
1...e6 2.Rd7#[B]
changed mates.
You may see here
one of Musante's Zagoruikos, but this one is interesting and very clear:
Musante, Horacio L.
Probleemblad, 1956
st Prize
Show SolutionSet play:
1...Qxe5[a]/Qf7 2.Bf7#[A]
1...Bd6/Bxe5[b]/Bd8 2.Rxd6#[B]
1.Qf2? (2.Qxd4#)
1...Qxe5[a] 2.Qa2#[D]
1...Bxe5[b] 2.Qxg2#[C]
but 1...Sc6!
1.Qd3! (2.Qxd4#)
1...Qxe5[a] 2.Sc3#[F]
1...Bxe5[b] 2.Se3#[E]
1...Sc6 2.Qxb5#
Vladimir Kos (20-06-1928 - 02-07-2007) Czech composer and FIDE Master
Vladimir Kos was a composer of Bohemian problems, especially threemovers, and an International Judge. Let's see some of his 3ers:
Kos, Vladimír
Československý šach, Apr 1967 (60)
nd Prize
Show Solution1.Kg5-f4 ! (2.Kf4-e4 [3.Sd8-e6/d3-d4#] 2...Bh2-g1, Sa3-c2/b5 3.Sd8-e6#)
1...Sa3-~ 2.Qe8-b5+ Kc5xb5 3.d3-d4#
1...Sa3-c4 2.Sd8-e6+ Kc5xd5 3.d3xc4#
1...Kc5xd5 2.Qe8-h5+ Kd5-d4 3.Sd8-e6#
1...Kc5-d4 2.Qe8-e4+ Kd4-c5 3.d3-d4#
1...b7-~ 2.Qe8-c6+ Kc5-d4 3.Sd8-e6#
Model mates. The checkless and quiet threat is rather rare among Bohemian problems.
Kos, Vladimír
Šachové umění 1984
nd Prize
Show Solution1.Qh8-b8 ! (2.Ba5-d8+ Ke7-e8/f8 3.Bd8-f6#)
1...Rf4-c4 2.Qb8-d8+ Ke7-d6 3.Qd8-f8#
1...Rf4-f8 2.Sb4-d5+ e6xd5 3.Qb8xe5#
1...Bb5-a6 2.Sb4-c6+ d7xc6, Ke7-f6 3.Qb8-d8, Qb8xe5/Qb8-f8#
Two surprising Knight sacrifices.
Kos, Vladimír
Memor.K.Traxlera, 1966
st Prize
Show Solution1.Sb6-c4 ! (2.Qg8-d5+ Kc5xb4 3.Qd5-b5#)
1...Sd1-c3 2.Qg8-c8+ Kc5xb4 3.b2xc3#
1...Bc2-e4 2.Qg8-f8+ Kc5xc4 3.b2-b3#
1...Kc5xb4 2.a2-a3+ Kb4-c5 3.b2-b4# (2...Kb4-b3 3.Sc4-~#)
Three variations with Pawn mates: this is very difficult to achieve with all this heavy material on the board.
Валентин Володимирович Лук'янов (20-06-1947 - 25-06-1995) Ukrainian composer and International Master (Valentin Volodimirovich Lukyanov)
Лук'Янов, Валентин Володимирович
Магаданский комсомолец 1986
st Prize
Show SolutionSet play:
1...Sb4[a] 2.Bd4#[A]
1...Rb5[b] 2.Rc6#[B]
1...Se3~ 2.Rd5#[C]
1...Qh3/Qh2/Qh5/Qg3/Qf2/Qe1/Qg5/Qe7/Qd8[d] 2.Qd4#[D]
1.Qb7? (2.Qb6#)
1...Ra6/Rb5[b] 2.Qb5#[E]
1...Sd5[c] 2.Qc6#/Rc6#[B]
1...Qd8[d] 2.Bd4#[A]
but 1...Bxb7!
1.Qb1! (2.Qb6#)
1...Sb4[a] 2.Qxb4#[F]
1...Ra6/Rb5[b] 2.Qb5#[E]
1...Sd5[c] 2.Rc6#[B]
1...Qd8[d] 2.Bd4#[A]
Мирон Гнатына (20-06-1939) Ukrainian composer (Miron Gnatyna)
Гнатина, Мирон
Шаховий Леополіс 2007

Show Solution1.Rd8-d5 ! ZZ
1...Kf3-f4 2.Sd1-c3 ZZ 2...Kf4-f3, e3-e2 3.Rd5-f5, Sc3xe2#
1...Kf3-e2 2.Kh3-g2 Ke2-e1 3.Ra3xe3#
Николай Геннадьевич Рябинин (20-06-1958) Russian composer and Grandmaster (Nikolay Gennadevich Ryabinin)
Nikolay Ryabinin is an endgame study composer. The selection of his high quality output that can be found
on the ARVES website is a must see.
Рябинин, Николай Геннадьевич
Fokin-90 JT 2015
st prize

Show Solution1.Rh5 g6+ 2.Kxg6 Be8+ 3.Kh7 Bxh5 4.Bh6+! Ke8 5.Bg5! Kf8!
5...h1=Q 6.d7+ Kf8 7.e7+ Kf7 8.e8=Q#
6.d7? Be8! 7.e7+ Kf7 8.d8=S+ Bxd8 9.exd8=Q h1=Q+! 9.exd8=S+ Kf8 10.Se6+ Kf7 11.Sd8+ =
The nasty check h1=Q+ explains why the h-file must be closed by the white Bishop with Bh4.
6...Ke8 7.Bh4 ! Kf8 8.d7 Bd8 !
or 8...Be8 9.e7+ Kf7 10.d8=S+ (10.d8=Q? h1=Q would only draw) 10...Bxd8 11.exd8=Q h1=Q 12.Qe7#
9.Bxd8 Be8 !
Back to e8! The black Bishop occupies the promotion square of the e-pawn and prevents 9...h1=Q 10.e7+ Kf7 11.e8=Q#
10.Bh4 !
In response to the black switchback to e8, White makes a switchback to h4!
10...h1=Q 11.e7+ Kf7 12.d8=S#
A superb conclusion.
Joose Norri (20-06-1971) Finnish composer and solver
K. Karhunen, Joose Norri and Jorma Paavilainen |
Joose Norri is an excellent solver who rarely composes chess problems. However his ideas are often original and he likes the surprising manoeuvre of the hideaway.
Norri, Joose
Y.Gruengard MT, 2002
th HM

Show Solutiona) 1...♗g4 2.♗×g4 ♔×g4 3.♔e4 ♘f6#
b) 1...♘g5 2.♕×g5+ ♔×g5 3.♔e6 ♗×c4#
A rare presentation of the
Zajic theme for White in helpmate.
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