William Marks (03-09-1880 - 07-1947) Irish composer
William Marks composed direct mates.
Marks, William
777 Chess Miniatures in Three, 1908
Show Solution1.Bb6-d4 ! (2.Bg4-f3#)
1...Kd5-c6 2.Bg4-c8 ZZ 2...Kc6-d5, Kc6xb5 3.Bc8-b7, Bc8-d7#
1...Kd5-e4 2.Sb5-c3+ Ke4-d3, Ke4-f4 3.Bg4-f5, Bd4-f6#
Varied play.
Wladimir Naef (03-09-1919 - 16-06-2006) Swiss composer
Wladimir Naef was a good player and one of the founders of the Swiss association of chess problemists "
Schweizerische Vereinigung von Kunstschachfreunden". He edited the endgame study column of the "
Schweizerische Schachzeitung" from 1956 during 23 years.
He composed mostly helpmates.
Naef, Wladimir
Schweizerische Schachzeitung, 1992
Show Solution1... Bb3 2. Kd4 Rf4+ 3. Qe4 Rd5#
1... Rcf5 2. Sf4 Bxc2+ 3. Sd3 R3f4#
1... Rff5 2. Sb3 Rc4+ 3. Sd4 Bxc2#
Cyclic exchange of functions between the three white pieces.
Luigi Bühler (03-09-1921 - 20-09-2004) Swiss composer
Luigi Bühler composed mostly moremovers.
Bühler, Luigi
Schweizerische Schachzeitung
Show Solution1.Ba2-g8 ! ZZ
1...b6-b5 2.Qb2-a1 (3.Rc1-h1 ~ 4.Qa1-g1#) 2...c5-c4 3.Qa1-a7+ c6-c5 4.Qa7-g7#
1...c5-c4 2.Qb2xb6+ c6-c5 3.Qb6xd6+ Sc3-d5 4.Qd6-e5#
1...d6-d5 2.Rc1-h1 (3.Qb2-a1 ~ 4.Qa1-g1#) 2...c5-c4 3.Qb2xb6+ c6-c5 4.Qb6-f6#
1.Ba2-g8 is the only Bishop move that allows mate in each variation. The other moves fail:
1.Ba2-e6? d6-d5! and the Be6 prevents 4.Qb6-f6#
1.Ba2-f7? b6-b5! and the Bf7 prevents 4.Qa7-g7#
1.Ba2-b3? c5-c4! and the Bb3 prevents 2.Qb2xb6+
Stelian Lambă (03-09-1936 - 13-06-2018) Romanian composer
Stelian Lambă composed direct mates, helpmates and selfmates. He was also the editor of the Romanian magazine "
Euxinus Pontus".
Lambă, Stelian
Buletin Problemistic, 1970
rd Prize
Show SolutionSet play:
1...c4[a] 2.Qxa7#[A] ; 1...e4[b] 2.Bxg7#[B]
1.Qf5? (2.Qd3#)
1...c4[a] 2.Sb5#[C] ; 1...e4[b] 2.Qxd5#[D]
but 1...Be4!
Real play:
1.Qb5! (2.Qd3#)
1...c4[a] 2.Qb6#[E] ; 1...e4[b] 2.Sf5#[F]
1...Be4 2.Sxe2#
Zagoruiko theme (two mates changed in three phases).
Виктор Львович Капуста (03-09-1948) Ukrainian composer and International Master (Viktor Lvovich Kapusta)
Viktor Kapusta is a renowned moremover composer.
Капуста, Віктор Львович
Phénix, 1994
st Prize
Show Solution1. Kg3! (2. Sxe3+ Ke6 3. Bd5#)
1... Qxf7 2. Qe4+! Kxe4, Ke6 3. Sh4, exd6#
1... Ke6 2. Qxd7+! Kxd7, Kd5, Kxf7 3. c8=Q, Sxe3, Bxd6#
1... Sc3 2. Qc4+! Kxc4, Kc6 3. Sxe3, cxd6#
The three active sacrifices of the white Queen are a satisfying achievement. What makes this problem special is the related three mates by Queen battery.
Süleyman Abdullayev (03-09-1967) Azerbaijani composer (Сулейман Абдуллаев)
Süleyman Abdullayev composes direct mates and
according to Grigory Popov has composed 100 problems.
Abdullayev, Süleyman
МК Я.Смушкевич-110, 2012
Special Prize

Show Solution1. Rb2? ZZ
1... Bc2 2. Kxc2#
1... Bb1~ 2. Qa5#
but 1... Ba2!
1. Rxe2? (2. Qc3#)
1... Bc2!
1. Rd3! ZZ
1... Ka2/Bxd3 2. Qa5#
1... Ba2 2. Qc3#
1... Bc2 2. Ra3#
A nice miniature showing black correction by the black Bishop and changed mates.
原 亜津夫 (03-09-1970) Japanese composer (Atsuo Hara)
Atsuo Hara
[Thanks to Tadashi Wakashima]
Atsuo Hara is a talented tsumeshogi and chess problem composer. He composes in all genres. You can see for instance this
prizewinning selfmate on the PDB server or this elegant helpstalemate:
Hara, Atsuo
Die Schwalbe (234) 2008
2nd Prize
Show Solution1.Qg8 fxg8=B 2.Scxd5 Bxd5=
1.Sce8 fxe8=R 2.Qxe4 Rxe4=
Pin stalemate, exchange of functions between wRe4/wBd5 and bSc7/bQg2.
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