Ladislav Cimburek (24-09-1867 - 27-02-1915) Czech composer
Ladislav Cimburek was a Bohemian composer.
Ilja Mikan selected 108 of his problems in an issue of "
Galerie československých skladatelů" (Gallery of Czech composers) which
can be downloaded here.
Cimburek, Ladislav
Prachskij Kongress, 1891
st Prize
Show Solution1.Qh4-g3 ! (2.Bf4xd6 [3.Qg3-f4/Qg3xd3#] 2...Ke4xf5 3.Qg3-f4+ Kf5-g6 4.Bc4-f7#)
1...Ke4-d4 2.Qg3xd3+ Kd4-c5 3.Bf4xd6+ Kc5-c6 4.Bc4-b5#
1...Ke4xf5 2.Qg3-g5+ Kf5-e4 3.Bc4-d5+ Ke4-d4 4.Bf4-e3#
1...Sf8-g6 2.Qg3-e3+ Ke4xf5 3.Bc4-e6+ Kf5-f6 4.Bf4-g5#
Three chameleon echo mates.
Cimburek, Ladislav
Zlatá Praha, 22
nd Apr 1887
Show Solution1.Qb1-h1 ! (2.Qh1xh4+ Kg5-f5 3.Ra4-e4 [4.Qh4-f4/Qh4-g4#] 3...g6-g5 4.Qh4-h7#)
1...Kg5-h6 2.Ra4xh4+
2...Kh6-g7 3.Rh4-h8 [4.Qh1-h7/Qh1-h6#] 3...f6-f5 4.Qh1-a1#
2...Kh6-g5 3.Qh1-e4 (4.Qe4-g4/Qe4-f4#) 3...f6-f5 4.Qe4-e7# {or dual 3.f2-f4+ Kg5-f5 4.Qh1-d5#}
Three echo mates, marred by a dual in the 3rd variation. Adding a black pawn on c6 would allow getting rid of the dual 3.f2-f4+ and keeping only the echo mate with 3...f6-f5 4.Qe4-e7#. There would then be a side variation 1...Kg5-f5 2.Qh1-e4+ Kf5-g5 3.Qe4-f4+ Kg5-h5 4.Qf4xh4#.
Emmanuel Delaliau (24-09-1906 - ?) French composer
Emmanuel Delaliau composed direct mates and helpmates.
Delaliau, Emmanuel
The British Chess Magazine, 1964
Show Solution1.Bc6-d7? (2.Sd8-c6#) fails on 1...f7xg6! giving the bK the flight on f7.
1.c4-c5 ! (2.Qe5-d6+ Sc8xd6 3.c5xd6#)
1...Rf6xg6 2.Bc6-d7 (3.Sd8-c6#)
2...Bd3-b5 3.Sh4-f5#
2...f7-f5 3.Sh4xg6#
2...f7-f6 3.Qe5xe6#
A logical problem.
Steven B. Dowd (24-09-1957) American composer
Steven B. Dowd |
Steven Dowd is known by American chess readers for his columns in
Chess Life or on He is also a chess composer and his favourite genres are helpmates and selfmates, but he also composes direct mates and endgame studies. He has composed many problems in collaboration with Mirko Degenkolbe or Marko Ilijoki.
Degenkolbe, Mirko & Dowd, Steven B.
Mat Plus, 2010 (39-40/1697)
Show Solution1.Sd4 ! Ka1 2.Rb1+ Ka2 3.R1b2+ Ka1 4.Ra2+ Kxa2 5.Qa4 Ka1 6.Rb1+ Ka2 7.Rb2+ Ka1 8.Ra2+ Kxa2 9.Qd1 Ka1 10.Sc2+ Ka2 11.Bb2 axb2#
Nice sacrifices of the white Rooks in order to win some tempi.
Dowd, Steven B. & Ylijoki, Marko
harmonie, 2006 (1293)
st Prize
Show SolutionSet play:
1. a4 Bg1 2. a3 Bh2 3. a2 Bg1 4. a1=S Bh2 5. Sxc2 Bg1 6. Se3+ fxe3 7. Ke5 Kc2 8. d1=B+ Kd3 9. Bb3 e4 10. Be6 Bd4#
Real play:
1... Bg1 2. Ke6 Bh2 3. d5 Bg1 4. d4 Bh2 5. d3 cxd3 6. c2+ Kxd2 7. c1=R Ke3 8. Rg1 Kf4 9. Rxg3 Kg5 10. Ke5 Kg6 11. Kf4 Bxg3#
Two different black promotions lead to two different mates by the white Bishop.
Ján Dučák (24-09-1963) Czech-Slovak composer
Ján Dučák composes direct twomovers and is especially fond of cyclic themes. He also occasionally composes helpmates or fairy problems.
Dučák, Ján
th TT Chess Composition Microweb, 3
rd Mar 2010
rd HM
#2 v | g8, a7, b7, c6, g3, d2: Leo
| 11 + 4 |
Chinese Queen.
Show Solution1.e4? (2.LEcxf3# [A])
1...hxg5 [a] 2.LEch6# [B]
1...f2 [b] 2.LEdxh6# [C]
1...fxe2 2.LExh6#
but 1...LEf2!
1.LEdd6! (2.LEcxh6# [B])
1...hxg5 [a] 2.LEdh6# [C]
1...f2 [b] 2.LEcf3# [A]
1...fxe2 2.LEcf3#
1...LE~ 2.LExf3#
Александр Дмитриевич Тюнин (24-09-1963) Russian composer (Aleksandr Dmitryevich Tyunin)
Aleksandr Tyunin has been composing in many genres since the 1980s.
Тюнин, Александр Дмитриевич
Задачи и этюды 2008
nd HM
Show Solution1.h8=Q ! g4 2.Qh7 g3 3.Qg6 fxg6 4.Sf6+ Kf7 5.e8=S gxh5 6.g8=R h4 7.h7 h3 8.h8=B h2#
Allumwandlung. Tempo promotion in Bishop.
Тюнин, Александр Дмитриевич
Ideal-Mate Review, 2009
Show Solution1.d5 2.d4 3.dxe3 4.e2 5.e1=B 6.Bd2 7.Bxg5 8.Bxf6 9.g5 10.gxh4 11.h3 12.h2 13.h1=R 14.Rh2 15.Rxb2 16.Rb1 17.Bb2 18.f5 19.f4 20.f3 21.f2 22.f1=S 23.Se3 24.Sd1 Se2#
Three promotions.
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