Hyacinth R. Agnel (25-11-1799 - 10-02-1871) American composer
Hyacinth R. Agnel was a professor (taught French) and Army Colonel at the U.S. Military Academy at West Point and a chess problemist. In 1845, he formed the first chess club at West Point.
He was the
author of the popular 1848 chess book, "
Chess for Winter Evenings", for which he did his own engravings.
Agnel, Hyacinth R.
American Chess-Nuts, 1868 (4-moves / 2)
Show Solution1.Ra4-a5 ! ZZ
1...Kb6xa5 2.Rd7-d6 ZZ 2...b7-b6 3.Rd6-d4 ZZ 3...c5xd4 4.b2-b4#
Double Rook sacrifice and continuous zugzwang.
Agnel, Hyacinth R.
American Chess-Nuts, 1868 (4-moves / 11)
Show Solution1.Ba3 + !
1...Kxa3 2.Qb4/Qc5+ Kb2 3.Qa3+ Kxa3 4.Sc4#
Again a double sacrifice.
A better form of the problem, without useless wBe6 and without dual at the 2nd white move, could be {White: Kb5 Qc4 Be7 Sd2 (4) / Black: Black Kb2 Ra8 Rb8 Bc2 Ba1 Pb6 Pa4 Pb3 Pc3 Pa2 (10)}.
This problem seems to be a precursor of
Herbert Grasemann's 2nd Prize, Deutsche Schachblätter 1950.
Josef Kesl (25-11-1866 - 20-06-1900) Czech composer
Josef Kesl was a Bohemian composer.
In 1974 Ilja Mikan dedicated the 12th issue of the
Gallery of Czech Composers to Josef Kesl. It can be
read and downloaded from here.
Here is a threemover that is difficult to solve:
Kesl, Josef
Brünner Beobachter, 1
st Oct 1888
rd Prize
Show Solution1.Bd7-h3 ! ZZ
1...Ke4-d3 2.Bh3-f1+ Kd3-e4 3.Sa4-c3#
1...Ke4-d5 2.Qf2-e3 (3.Sa4xb6/Bh3-e6/Qe3-d3#) 2...Kd5-c4 3.Qe3-e4#
1...b6xa5 2.Sa4-c5+ Ke4-d5 3.Bh3-e6#
1...f6-f5 2.Bh3-g2+ Ke4-d3 3.Sf7-e5#
1...g6-g5 2.Bh3-f5+ Ke4-d5 3.Sa4xb6#
1...e7-e5 2.Sf7-d6+ Ke4-d5, Ke4-d3 3.Qf2-d2, Bh3-f1#
1...e7-e6 2.Bh3-f1 ~ 3.Sa4-c3#
A superb display of Bohemian aesthetics, with wonderful model mates.
József Korponai (25-11-1931 - 1987) Hungarian composer and International Master
József Korponai was a distinguished representative of the Hungarian helpmate school.
Korponai, József
The Problemist, 1974
rd Prize
Show Solution1.Sf3-d2 Qg3-c3 2.Sf4-d5 Qc3-d3#
1.Sf4-e6 Qg3-d6 2.Sf3-d4 Qd6-e5#
White tempo, diagonal-orthogonal correspondence, Black self-interference.
Korponai, József
Magyar Sakkszövetseg 1967-68
st Prize
Show Solution1.Ke4-e5 Bh5-g4 2.Re3-e4 Rc6-c5#
1.Qh8-d4 Rc6-c5 2.Qd4-d3 Se8-f6#
1.Qh8-e5 Se8-f6+ 2.Ke4-f5 Bh5-g4#
Cycle of white moves AB-BC-CA.
Сергей Григорьевич Подушкин (25-11-1943) Russian composer (Sergey Grigorievich Podushkin)
Sergey Podushkin composes mostly twomovers, but also selfmates and helpmates.
Подушкин, Сергей Григорьевич
L'Italia Scacchistica, 1974
st Prize
Show SolutionSet play:
1...Kd4[a] 2.Sd3#[A]/Sd5#[B]
1...Sxc6[b] 2.Sxc6#[C]
1...Sxa6[c] 2.Sxa6#[D]
1...f5 2.Sd5#[B]
1...Bf3 2.Sd3#[A]
1.Rh5? (2.Sd5#[B])
1...Kd4[a] 2.Sd3#[A] but 1...f5!
1.Rh3! (2.Sd3#[A])
1...Kd4[a] 2.Sd5#[B]
Thomas Marx (25-11-1958) German composer
Thomas Marx is a helpmate composer and the solutions editor of the German fairy magazine "
Marx, Thomas
Die Schwalbe, 1977
th Prize
Show Solution1.Rf2 Bc4 2.Kxe3 Re2#
1.Bf7 Rg2 2.Kf3 Bd5#
Selfpinning, diagonal-orthogonal correspondence.
Joza Tucakov (25-11-1929 - 07-01-2014) Serbian composer
Joza Tucakov composed direct mates, selfmates and helpmates.
His book "MOJI IZABRANI ŠAHOVSKI PROBLEMI" including some of his best works can be downloaded and read
Quoting Darko Šaljić on
Mat Plus forum:
"He was erudite, gentleman, a great lover of chess problems, composer, judge, solver, writer ..
Not missed our meetings in Chess Club even in last few months when it was obvious that he losing strength."
Tucakov, Joza
Liga Problemista, 1995
th Place

Show Solution1.Bd4! ZZ is a nice silent key.
1...bxc2 2.Rxd1+ cxd1=~#
1...Rc2 2.Se2+ Rxe2#
1...Sxc2 3.Be3+ Sxe3#
1...Kxc2 3.Qd2+ Kxd2#
Creation and play of 4 batteries after capture of wPc2.
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