Ivan O. Kos (01-12-1846 - 26-11-1907) Slovenian composer
Ivan Kos was a talented composer of direct mates and selfmates.
Slovenski glasnik" was the first Slovene language magazine with a chess column, which was edited by Josip Ogrinec and Ivan Kos.
He composed the first realization of a very productive selfmate idea
discussed on Mat Plus forum in 2007. Here is this seminal selfmate in 8 moves:
Kos, Ivan O.
Шахматный вестник 1886
Show Solution1.Rb1? Bd5? 2.Be4 Bc6 3.Bd5 Bb7 4.Bc6 Bxc6# but 1...Be4! and White has no tempo move.
1...Bd5/Bc6 2.Rh7! Be4 3.Rc7 Bd5 4.Be4 Bc6 5.Bd5 Bb7 6.Rc1! Bc6 7.Rb1! Bb7 8.Bc6 Bxc6#
The aim of the long manoeuvre of the white Rook (b4-h4-h7-c7-c1-b1) is to lose one tempo.
This mate in 5 was included in the collection published by John Augustus Miles "
Chess gems: Some of the finest examples of chess strategy, by ancient and modern masters" (1878) which can be
downloaded from archive.org.
Kos, Ivan O.
Deutsche Schachzeitung, 1869
st Prize
Show Solution1. Rc4! (2. e4+, Be4+)
1... bxc4 2. Bxd5 (3. e4+ Kxf4 4. Rf2#)
2... Rxb2 3. Bd2 (4. e4#)
3... Rxd2 4. Sg6 (5. Se7#)
4... Kxg6 5. Be4#
Deflection of the black Rook, sacrifices.
Frank Melville Teed (01-12-1856 - 25-05-1929) American composer
According to the January-February 1950 American Chess Bulletin
quoted by E.Winter, Frank Melville Teed "[back in the 1880s]
was treasurer of the Manhattan Chess Club and a member of the Steinitz-Zukertort match committee. He was one of the strongest players of that time and a composer of chess problems".
Teed, Frank Melville
200 Bauernumwandlungs-Schachaufgaben, 1907
Show Solution1.b6-b7 ! ZZ
1...b4-b3 2.b7-b8=R Kd5-e5 3.Rb8-f8 ~ 4.Rf8-f5#
or 2...Kd5-c5 3.Rb8xb3 Kc5-d5 4.Rb3-b5#
1...Kd5-e5 2.b7-b8=Q+ Ke5-f6 3.Qb8-g8 (4.Qg8-g7#) 3...Kf6-e5 4.Qg8-g5#
(1...Kd5-c5 2.b7-b8=R b4-b3 3.Rb8xb3 Kc5-d5 4.Rb3-b5#)
Promotions differentiated by black choice of defence.
Kindergarten problem (only Kings and Pawns).
Hans Klug (01-12-1907 - 11-03-1996) German composer
Hans Klug composed endgame studies.
Klug, Hans
Schach, 1985 (10840)
To solve this study, focus on the
corresponding squares of the position.
Show Solution1. Kf1 ! Ka6
{1. .. Kb7 2. Kf2 Kc7 3. Ke1 Kc6 4. Kd1 Kb6 5. Ke2 Kb5 6. Kd2 Ka5 7. Ke3 Kb6 8. Kf4 Kc6 9. Ke5}
2. Ke1 Ka5 3. Kd1 Kb6 4. Ke2 Kc6 5. Ke3 Kc7 6. Kd2 Kb6 7. Kc3 +-
Oto Mihalčo (01-12-1957) Slovak composer
Oto Mihalčo |
Oto Mihalčo composes direct mates and helpmates.
Mihalčo, Oto
Pat a Mat, 2006
nd Prize
Show Solution1.Rg1? (2.Rg6#) hxg1 2.Qxg1 fails because of the possible flights.
1.Rd1! (2.Qf6#)
1...Re5 (1st block)
2.dxc7! (3.Qd6#) 2...Bd5 (2nd block)
3.Qc5! (4.Qe7#) 3...Rd6 (3rd block)
4.Sc6! (5.Sxd4#/Sd8#) 4...Qxc6 (blocking Bd5 & Rd6)
5.Rg1!! (6.Rg6#) and two variations:
5...f4 6.Rg6+ Kf5 7.Sh6#
5...hxg1~ 6.Qxg1 ~ 7.Qg6#
Mihalčo, Oto
Geissler-50 JT, 2008
st HM
Show Solutiona) 1.Bg8 Bxa4 2.Rb3 Kxa2 3.Rf7 Kxb3 4.Rf8+ Kb4 5.Kf7 Kxb5 6.Ke8 Kc6 7.Bf7 Kc7#
b) 1.Kf5 Bxb3 2.Rd2 Bc2 3.Kf4 Kxa2 4.Ke3 Kxa3 5.d4 Bxa4 6.Kd3 Kb3 7.Re3 Bb5#
The judge (N.Geissler) mentioned in
his award that the first solution with the various interferences was better than the second one, which includes only the wB switchback.
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