Gijsbertus Jordan (08-05-1883 - 10-1956) Dutch composer
Gijsbertus Jordan was a member of the Good Companions and a twomover composer.
Jordan, Gijsbertus
De Schelde, 1924
Show Solution1.Qe3! (2.f4#)
1...Rf6+ 2.Bxf6#
1...Re6+ 2.f6#
1...Qxd6+ 2.Sf6#
1...Sg6/Se6 2.Rd5#
The problem presents the task of 3 moves on the same square f6 (which is not a record) but combines it with cross-check variations, which is original enough.
Николай Константинович Малахов (08-05-1887 - 1947) Russian composer (Nikolay Konstantinovich Malakhov)
Nikolay Malakhov was a threemover composer.
The wQ's activity in
this threemover is spectacular. Here is another well exploited Queen:
Малахов, Николай Константинович
L'Italia Scacchistica, 1924
nd Prize
Show Solution1.Qa5-d8 ! (2.Re3-e5+ f6xe5 3.Sf3-h4#)
1...d4xe3 2.Qd8-d2! (3.Qd2-c2#) 2...e3xd2, e3xf2, e6-e5 3.e2-e4, Qd2-f4, Qd2-d7#
1...Bg6-h5/e8/f7 2.Sf3-h4+ Kf5-g5 3.Re3-e5#
Georg Paul Walter Dehler (08-05-1888 - 10-05-1915) German composer
Georg Dehler was Otto Dehler's brother and he also composed direct mate problems.
Dehler, Georg Paul Walter
Deutsches Heim, 1906
Show Solution1.Rf5-c5 ! (2.Rc5-c1#)
Main variation:
1...Ra5xc5 2.Sg4-e3 (3.Se3xg2#) 2...Rc5-c2, Rc5-g5 3.Se3xc2#
Secondary variation:
1...Ra5-a1 2.Rc5-c3 (3.Rc3-e3#) 2...Ra1-a3 3.Rc3-c1#
Willem Korteling (08-05-1889 - 1964) Dutch composer
Willem Korteling too was a threemover composer.
Korteling, Willem
Tijdschrift vd NSB, 1913
nd Prize
Show Solution1.Sd5-f4 ! (2.Qb8-b6+ Kd4-e5 3.Sf4-d3#)
1...Rf2-f3 2.Sf4xe2+ Kd4-e5 3.d2-d4#
1...Kd4-e5 2.Sf4-d3+ Ke5-d4 3.Qb8-a7/Qb8-b6#
1...f6-f5 2.Sd6-b5+ Kd4-e4, Kd4xc4 3.Bc4-d5, d2-d3#
1...Sf8-d7 2.Sf4-e6+ Kd4-e5 3.d2-d4#
An aesthetic model mates complex.
Wilhelm Fölser (08-05-1935 - 02-1998) Austrian composer
Biographical information about Wilhelm Fölser can be found on
this Austrian website.
Fölser, Wilhelm
Oberösterreichische Nachrichten, 1991
Show Solution1.0-0 ! ZZ
1...Kc4-b5/Kc4-b4 2.Rf1-b1+
1...Kc4-d4 2.Qf3-d3+
More economical version of
Johann Berger, Frankfurter Zeitung, 1887.
Tibor Érsek (08-05-1940) Hungarian composer
Tibor Érsek composes helpmates and series problems. Here is an example belonging to the first category:
Érsek, Tibor
4th Prize
Tipografia TT, 1965

Show Solutiona) 1.dxc1=B+ Sc2 2.Bf4 Se3#
b) 1.dxe1=R+ Bb2 2.Re4 Se3#
Although the mating move is the same, the interferences are different.
And a series helstalemate:
Érsek, Tibor
Problemkiste, Apr 2005 (158/6436)
Show Solution1.Bg7 ... 7.Bxb2 8.Ba1 9.Rc2 ... 14.Rc6 15.Ba8 16.Rc8 ... 21.Ra2 22.b2 b5=
The black Rooks efficiently screens the Madrasi paralysis in order to create the Madrasi stalemate position.
Carl-Philip Ingemar Nilsson (08-05-1924) Swedish composer
Carl-Philip Ingemar Nilsson was a helpmate composer. Here is a
rara avis:
Nilsson, Carl Philip Ingemar
Tidskrift för Schack, 1962 (11472)

Show Solution1. Kf1 Kc3 2. Ke2 Bc6 3. Kd1 Kd3 4. Bc1 Ba4#
1. Bc1 c5 2. Be3 Ke4 3. Kf1 Kf3 4. Bg1 Bg2#
1. Rg1 Be4 2. Kf1 Ke3 3. Bb4 Kf3 4. Be1 Bd3#
3 correct echo mate solutions in h#4 in 1962 is a rare bird indeed.
Александр Георгиевич Орешин (08-05-1913 - 05-09-1978) Russian composer (Aleksandr Georgevich Oreshin)
Added 09.02.2012
Aleksandr Oreshin composed direct mates.
An obituary in Russian
Орешин, Александр Георгиевич
Magyar Sakkélet, 1963 (3094)
rd Prize

Show Solution1.Qg2 ! (2.f3+ Sxf3 3.Qh3#)
1...Se6 2.Se4+ Kh5 3.Sf6#
1...Sd7 2.Se2+ Kh5 3.Sf4#
1...dxe3 2.Ra4+ Sxa4/Se4 3.Q(x)e4#
Two different pin mates by wSg3 after battery play.
I have the impression that the h#2 is not by Érsek, but by the late Attila Benedek (9641, Schach-Echo June 1978). A more economic version of this problem by Karlheinz Bachmann (6q1/8/8/2b5/2RSk3/5S2/3K2B1/8, h#2 2111) received the 1 HM in that tourney.
ReplyDeleteOK, the author may not be correct in YACPDB.
DeleteAnother Ersek problem has been quoted in replacement (P0557187 in the PDB).
Willem Korteling was a professional painter.
ReplyDeleteHe also composed very elegant chess studies, which are also attractive for
the solvers.
On the arves Website are published a selection of his studies