Virgil Nestorescu (08-02-1929 - 21-06-2018) Romanian composer and Grand Master
Virgil Nestorescu, Bratislava 1993 [Wikipedia] |
Virgil Nestorescu was, with his friend Emilian Dobrescu, Romania's leading composers and only Grand Masters in chess composition. He was less active for the last ten years due to health problems.
He wrote, alone or together with Emilian, several books about chess problems and studies. He is also an International Judge and was Romania's delegate at the PCCC in the 1990s. He composed in all genres, with a predilection for endgames and direct mates.
Nestorescu, Virgil
Szachista Polski, 1991 (90)
nd Prize
Show Solution1. Bf6+
{1. Rg6+ Kf7 2. Rf6+ Kxe7 3. Ra6+ [3. Rc6+ Kd7 4. Rxc3 a1=Q+ 5. Rc1 Qg7 6. Rc5 Qd4+] 3... Kd7 4. Rxa2 Qc5+ }
{1. e8=Q Qg3+ 2. Kf1 a1=Q+ 3. Re1 Qa6+ 4. Re2 [4. Qe2 Qf3+ 5. Kg1 Qaxe2] 4... Qf3+ 5. Ke1 Qa1+ 6. Kd2 Qfc3#}
1... Qxf6 2. e8=S+ Kh8 3. Sxf6
{3. Rxf6 a1=Q+ 4. Rf1 [4. Kf2 Qe5 5. Rh6+ Kg8 6. Nf6+ Kg7 7. Ng4 Qf4+] [4. Kg2 Qa8+] 4... Qd4+ 5. Rf2 Qd1+ 6. Kg2 [6. Rf1 Qg4+] 6... Qd5+ 7. Kf1 [7. Kh2 Qh5+] [7. Kg1 Qg8+] [7. Rf3 Qg8+] 7... Qh1+ 8. Ke2 Qe4+}
3... a1=Q+ 4. Kf2 Qa2+
{4... Qb2+ {main variation} 5. Kf3 [5. Kf1 Qb1+ 6. Kf2 (6. Kg2 Qa2+) 6... Qf5+] 5... Qb3+ 6. Re3 Qf7 7. Kg2 Qg6+ 8. Rg3 Qxf6 9. Rh3+ Kg7 10. Rg3+}
{4... Qd4+ 5. Kf3}
5. Re2 Qf7 6. Kg1 Qg6+ 7. Rg2 Qxf6 8. Rh2+ Kg7 9. Rg2+ perpetual check or win of the black Queen.
Nestorescu, Virgil
st WCCT, 1972
th Place, 1972-1975
Show Solution1.Sc5 ! (2.Qd8+ Rxd8#)
1...Bxf6 2.Sb7+ Sxb7#
1...Bxe6 2.Qxe6+ Sxe6#
1...Sb7+ 2.Qf8+ Rxf8#
1...Sxe6+ 2.Bf8+ Rxf8#
Battery play, pin mates.
Юрий Львович Авербах (08-02-1922 - 07-05-2022) Russian composer and chess player (Yuri Lvovich Averbakh)
Yuri Averbakh is currently the oldest living o.t.b. Grand Master. He is a renowned chess endgame theorist and especially for his 5 volumes "
Comprehensive Chess Endings".
Авербах, Юрий Львович
Shakhmaty v SSSR, 1969
Show Solution1.Ke3! g5
{1...Kg5 2.Ke4! Kf6 3.Kxd3}
2.Kf3 Ke6
{2...g4+ 3.hxg4+ Kg5 4.Sd2 h3 5.Kg3 h2 6.Sf3+}
3.Kg4 Kf6 4.Sd2 Kg6 5.Se4 Kh6 6.Kf5 Kh5 7.Sf6+ Kh6 8.Sg4+ Kh5
{8...Kg7 9.Kxg5}
9.Kf6! d2 10.Kg7 d1=Q 11.Sf6#
An instructive win.
George Peter Jelliss (08-02-1940) British composer
George Jelliss has several passions, among which mathematics, chess problems, and variant chess. You will find interesting articles on his website
Mayhematics and if you want to know more about him you may read
his blog.
He has also published articles on The Problemist's website, about "
T. R. Dawson" or Dawson's
Retro-Opposition and Other Retro-Analytical Chess Problems" as well as about
the Grasshopper or the condition
Grid Chess.
The fairy chess enthusiast will be thrilled to find the complete collection of the Variant Chess magazine
on G.P.Jelliss' site, as well as a
Guide to Variant Chess and
definitions of Chess Problem Terms. So many hours of blissful reading...
Here is a problem that has been reproduced in helpmate anthologies:
Jelliss, George Peter
Problem Observer, 1984
st Prize
Show Solutiona) 1.Sb5 Ba7 2.Qb6 Re6+ 3.Kc5 Bxb6#
b) 1.Sf6 Re8 2.Qe7 Bc5+ 3.Ke6 Rxe7#
Bristol, Maslar.
(Maslar theme: A piece A crosses a square x. A piece B of the other side moves to x. The opposite King indirectly selfpins B. A captures B giving check.)
Ján Kozinka (08-02-1937) Slovak composer
Kozinka composed mostly threemovers and fourmovers with game-like combinations.
Kozinka, Ján
Die Schwalbe, Feb 1961
nd HM
Show Solution1.Rg7 ! (2.Sxg3+ Kh6 3.Sf5+ Kh5 4.Rg5#)
1...Be6 2.Bg5 (3.Sf6#) 2...Kg4 3.Sf6+ Kf5 4.e4#
1...Kh6 2.Rg5 ~ 3.Bg7+ Kh7 4.Sf6#
Model mates.
Robert Pagniez (08-02-1906 - ?) French composer
Pagniez, Robert
Nice-Matin, 1979
rd Prize
Show SolutionSet play:
1...Sf7/Sb7/Qxa6/Qa8/Qg7/Qb6/Qb8/Se7/Sc7 2.Sg7#[A]
1...Rc7/Rc8 2.Sxd6#[B]
1...Sf4 2.g4#
1...Bh5/Bf7/Bxe8 2.Rg5#[C]
1...Rxb2/Rbb6/Rb7/Rb8/Ra5 2.Bd3#[D]
1.Re4? (2.g4#)
1...Se3/Sf6 2.Sxe3#[E]
1...Bh5 2.Rg5#[C]
but 1...h5!
1.Qxc5! (2.Sd4#)
1...Sxe6 2.Se3#[E]
1...Rcxc5 2.Sxd6#[B]
1...Bxe8 2.Rg5#[C]
1...Rb4 2.Qxd5#
1...Rbxc5 2.Bd3#[D]
1...dxc5 2.Re5#
1...Qg7/Qxc5 2.Sxg7#[A]
Transferred mates after a surprising key.
Allan Theodor Werle (08-02-1908 - 07-09-1994) Swedish composer and chess master
A very sweet miniature:
Werle, Allan Theodor
Tidskrift för Schack, 1945

Show Solution1.e8=Q? d1=S+! 2.Kg3 Se3! 3.Qxe3 stalemate.
1.e8=R ! (2.Rh8#) d1=S+! 2.Kg3 Se3 3.Rxe3 Kg1 4.Re1#
Two minor promotions with only 4 units.
In the Averbakh study, 1. Sd2 seems to me to win as well. Could someone take a look?
ReplyDeleteAllan Theodor Werle passed away on 07-09-1994
ReplyDeleteThank you, the date has been added.