Thursday, February 2, 2012

February 3rd

Karel Fiala (03-02-1864 - 02-01-1916) Czech composer

Karel Fiala belongs to the Bohemian school. If you still wonder what are the characteristics of this chess composition school, you may read this article by Thorsten Zirkwitz. One of Fiala's typical output is the following:

Fiala, Karel
Český spolek šachovní 1895
5th Prize

#3 8 + 6

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Mario Parrinello (03-02-1960) Italian composer and Grandmaster

Francesco Simoni and Mario Parrinello, 2001

Mario Parrinello is a worldwide expert in help and helpself play. He won the 2nd place of the 2001-2003 WCCI. He received the title of GM at Kobe 2012 Congress.

Parrinello, Mario
Probleemblad, 1995
2nd Prize

h# 5 + 11
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Parrinello, Mario
21st TT Chess Composition Microweb 2006- 2007
1st Prize

Madrasi RexInclusiv
9 + 8

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Eugeniusz Iwanow (03-02-1933 - 28-06-2024) Polish composer and International Master

Eugeniusz Iwanow
[Thanks to Александр Никитин]

Iwanow enthusiastically and single-handedly edited the chess magazine Problemista. His obituary can be found here and the translation in English here.
He was a composer who excelled in more genres but who has been especially awarded for selfmates such as this one:

Iwanow, Eugeniusz
Buletin Problemistic, 1993
1st Prize

s#2  10 + 10
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Юрий Акимович Сушков (03-02-1938 - 31-03-2022) Russian composer and International Master (Yuri Akimovich Sushkov)

Yuri Sushkov
Problem, February 1968
[Thanks to Александр Никитин]

Sushkov was a prolific twomover composer and also an International Master in chess composition. He has given his name to a complex theme which can be described like this:
"White's moves in at least 2 phases have positive effects in common which seem to allow at least 2 threats. However, each of these white moves contains a harmful effect which prevents all but one threat from working." (Christian Poisson)
Some information about him on
Сушков, Юрий Акимович
Probleemblad, 1982 (8596)

#2* vv 13 + 7

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Сушков, Юрий Акимович
Revista Română de Şah, 1987
2nd Prize

#2 10 + 10

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Вадим Моисеев (03-02-1937 - 31-03-1979) Russian composer (Vadim Moiseyev)

Моисеев, Вадим
Probleemblad, 1976 (7812)

#2 8 + 8

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