Meindert Niemeijer (18-02-1902 - 05-10-1987) Dutch composer and International Master
Meindert Niemeijer
[] |
Niemeijer was a prolific author of 600 chess problems and of over 30 books and brochures. He worked in the insurance business like Wolfgang Pauly and also collected chess books. He gave his 7000-book collection to the
Koninklijke Bibliotheek in The Hague in 1948, which now detains the richest chess books collection - the "
Bibliotheca Van der Linde-Niemeijeriana".
Niemeijer also wrote a monography about Wolfgang Pauly which was the reference book about the Romanian composer until Marian Stere published his voluminous "
Challenge of a Legacy" in 2001. Niemeijer also dedicated a problem to W.Pauly at the occasion of Pauly's 50
th birthday:
Niemeijer, Meindert
Funkschach, 1926 (Dedicated to Wolfgang Pauly)
Show Solution1.Bg7 ! (2.Sf6+ Kxe5+ 3.Sd5+ Kxd5 4.Rxd4#)
1...Qf2/Qg1/Bc3 2.Rc7 (3.Bc8 ~ 4.Bxb7#) 2...Bc4 3.Sf6+ Kxe5+ 4.Sxc4#
1...Be3/Re4 2.Bxh6 (3.Bxf4 ~ 4.Be6/Sf6#)
1...Rxd3 2.Be8 (3.Bf7+ Se6 4.Bxe6#) Obstructions.
Niemeijer, Meindert
Задачи и этюды 1928
1 st HM
Show Solution1.e7 ! (2.e8=Q)
1...b5 2.e8=S+ Ke5 3.Bg3#
1...b6 2.e8=Q (3.Qe6/Bg3/e5#)
1...bxa6 2.e8=B ZZ 2...Ke5 3.Bg3#
1...bxc6 2.e8=R ZZ 2...Kd7 3.Rd8# Allumwandlung, Pickaninny.
(This one too was selected in the FIDE Album).
Niemeijer, Meindert
Tijdschrift vd KNSB, 1935
3 rd Prize
Show Solution1.Se1 ! (2.Sd7+ Kg4 3.Sf6#)
1...Sxe1+ 2.Sc6+ Kf3 3.Sxd4#
1...Se3+ 2.Sf3+ Ke4 3.Sg5# Two homogeneous variations where the batteries play and the bK unpins the mating wS.
The key is excellent.
Here is another threemover, this time composed in collaboration with his accomplice and friend Jan Hartong:
Niemeijer, Meindert & Hartong, Jan
Šahovski Vjesnik, 1950
1 st Prize
Show Solution1.a6 ! (2.Qb3+ Kc6, Ke4 3.Qb7, Qf3#
1...a1=S 2.Bd6 (3.Sf6#) 2...Sh5/Se8 3.Bxe6#
1...c1=S 2.Sxg2 (3.Sf4/Se3#)
1...e1=S 2.Bxg7 (3.Bxe6#)
1...g1=S 2.Kxg7 (3.Bxe6#) 4 Holst promotions.
Sunder Chunder Dutt(18-02-1894 - 22-10-1958) Indian composer
Dutt, Sunder Chunder
British Chess Federation, 1956
1 st Prize
Show SolutionSet play:
1...cxd5[a]/Sxd5[c] 2.Sxg6#[A]
1...Bxe6[b]/Be8/Bc8 2.Qxc7#[B]
1...Sxe6[d] 2.Bb8#[C]
1...Qg3/Qg2[e]/Qg1/Qxh4/Qh5/Qf3[e]/Qe2/Qd1[e]/Qf5/Qxe6[f] 2.Rf5#[D]
1...Bd4 2.exd4#/Bxd4# 1.Qc5! (2.Sxc7#)
1...cxd5[a] 2.Qxc7#[B]
1...Bxe6[b]/Sxe6[d] 2.Sxg6#[A]
1...Sxd5[c] 2.Bb8#[C]
1...Qg2[e]/Qf3[e]/Qd1[e] 2.Rf5#[D]
1...Qxe6[f] 2.Sd3#[E]
1...Bd4 2.exd4# Rukhlis, reciprocal change of mates.
Nathan Rubens (18-02-1902 - 09-11-1979) American composer
Rubens was the only composer who managed to achieve the task requested in March 1933 by the "
Chess Review Problem Review" (ed. Wurzburg): the task was to have "the white king go from one corner of the board diagonally to the other corner." The problem can be seen
We chose the following problem with a tricky key:
Rubens, Nathan
The Problemist, 1963
3 rd Prize
Show Solution1.Ra8 ! ZZ
1...Kg4 2.g8=Q+ Kh4, Kf4/Kf5 3.Ra4, Rf8#
1...Kg5 2.g8=Q+ Kf4/Kf5, Kh6, Kh4 3.Rf8, Ra6, Ra4#
1...Kg3 2.g8=Q+ Kf4, Kh4, Kh2 3.Rf8, Ra4, Qb8# (The Bristol mate 3.Qb8# is the explanation for the long key 1.Ra8)
Cornelis Slagmolen (18-02-1909 - 2008) Dutch composer
Slagmolen's career was long, since he published problems until after 2000.
Slagmolen, Cornelis
Suomen Shakki, 1959
1 st HM
Show Solution1.Qg5 ! (2.Qe7 ~ 3.Qc5#)
1...e4 2.c5+ Kd5 3.Bxe4#
1...f4 2.cxb5+ Kd5 3.Rd4#
1...c6 2.c5+ Kd5 3.Sc3#
1...Bf6/Bg7 2.Qxf6/Qxg7 ~ 3.Qxe5# The anticipatory half-pin of the two bPs e5-f5 does not pass unnoticed.
Лев И. Соколов (18-02-1918) Russian composer (Lev I. Sokolov)
Lev Sokolov mostly composes direct-play miniatures.
Соколов, Лев И.
Шахматы в СССР 1938
3 rd Prize
Show Solution1.Sd6! (2.Sxf5#/Sdxc4#)
1...Rf4 2.Qf2#
1...Rc5 2.Qd4#
1...Bd3 2.Sd1#
1...Be6 2.Qe4#
(Orthogonal diagonal correspondence in these 4 variations) 1...Rxf3/Rf6/Rf7/Rff8/Rfe5/Rd5/Rb5/Ra5/Rh5/Ree5 2.Sdxc4#
1...Rg5 2.Qxg5#/Sdxc4#
1...Re4/Rc8 2.Qxe4#/Sxf5#
1...Ref8 2.Sdxc4#/Qe4#
1...Be2/Bf1/Bd5/Bf7/Bg8/Bb3/Ba2/Bb5/Ba6 2.Sxf5#
Венелин Алайков (18-02-1933 -13-02-2007) Bulgarian composer and Grand Master (Venelin Alaikov)
Talented Venelin Alaikov later specialized into fairy chess, but could compose in all genres and became Grand Master in 1993. His meeting with Petko Petkov in 1963 seems to have been decisive in his chess composing career. He was the editor of the Composition column in the Bulgarian "Shahmatna Misal" magazine from 1993 until 2004.
Let's start with a Bulgarian specialty, the selfmate :
Алайков, Венелин
4 th WCCT F, 1989
1 st-3 rd Place, 1989-1992
Show Solution1.Rf6 ! (2.Rf5+ Kd6 3.Qxc5+ Sxc5#)
1...Kxf6 2.Se6+ Kf5 3.Qg5+ Sxg5#
1...e6 2.Qf4+ Kd4 3.Qd6+ Sxd6#
1...exf6 2.Qc3+ Kd6/Kf4 3.Qxf6+ Sxf6# |
And let's continue with a brilliant helpmate:
Алайков, Венелин
5 th WCCT 1993-1996
2 nd Place
h#2 | b) bRb2->b3, c)wSa3->f1 | 12 + 9 |
Show Solutiona) 1. Bxc5 Bh6 2. Bxd4 exd4#
b) 1. Rxh3 Rd5 2. Bc5 dxc5#
c) 1. dxe6 Qxe6 2. Bxg7 cxb5# Cyclic Zilahi
Let's have a look at two of his seriesmovers:
Алайков, Венелин
Feenschach, 1982
Ser-h#7 | b) Move b6 e6 | 5 + 7 |
Show Solutiona) 1.Sb5 2.Kxf5 3.Ke4 4.Kxd4 5.Kc5 6.Kc6 7.Sd6 Bd5#
b) 1.Sc6 2.Sxa5 3.Sxc4 4.Se5 5.Kd5 6.Kd6 7.Sc6 Bc5# Chameleon echo mates.
Алайков, Венелин
Feenschach, 1978
Ser-s#8 | 4 solutions | 4 + 16 |
Show Solution1.f4 5.f8=R 6.Rb8 7.Rxb6 8.Rb5+ cxb5#
1.fxg3 2.gxh4 6.h8=B 7.Bxc3 8.Bxb4+ Rxb4#
1.fxe3 6.e8=S 7.Sd6 8.Sb7+ Sxb7#
1.f3 2.fxg4 6.g8=Q 7.Qxa2 8.Qc4+ Sxc4# Allumwandlung, Albino, fourfold Excelsior.
Attila Korányi (18-02-1934 - 17-11-1997) Hungarian composer and International Master
Korányi Attila won the 1
st place at WCCT 1968-1970 and the 2
nd place at the 2
nd WCCT with this spectacular study :
Korányi, Attila
WCCT2 Ty, 1981
2 nd Prize
Show Solution1. Kg2 Rf2+
{1... dxe2 2. Bxe2}
{1... Rf1 2. Bc2 hxg1=Q+ 3. Sxg1 Rxc1 4. Bxd3 Kxd3 5. Sh3}
2. Kh1 Rf1
{2... hxg1=Q+ 3. Kxg1 dxe2 4. Bxe2 Rxe2 5. Rf1}
{2... dxe2 3. Bxe2 hxg1=Q+ 4. Kxg1 Kxe2 5. Rc3}
3. Kg2
{3. Rc3 Kf2; 3. Ba4 dxe2; 3. Rc8 dxe2}
3... dxe2
{3... Re1 4. Bc2 hxg1=Q+ 5. Sxg1 Rxc1 6. Bxd3 Kxd3 7. Nh3}
{3... Kd2 4. Kxf1 dxe2+ 5. Bxe2 h1=Q 6. Rc4}
4. Rc3+ Kd2
{4... Ke4 5. Bc2+ Kd5 6. Rd3+ Kc4 7. Rc3+ Kb4 8. Rb3+ Kc4 9. Rc3+ Kd5 10. Rd3+ Ke5 11. Re3+ Kf4 12. Sxe2+ Kxe3 13. Sxg3 Rf2+ 14. Kh3 Rxc2 15. Sf1+}
5. Rc2+
{5. Rd3+ Ke1 6. Sf3+ Rxf3 7. Bxe2 Kxe2 8. Rxf3 h1=Q+ 9. Kxh1 Kxf3 10. Kg1 g2}
5... Kxd1
{5... Ke1 6. Rxe2+ Kxd1 7. Kxf1 h1=Q 8. Rd2+ Kc1 9. Rg2 Qh4 10. Rxg3 Qxg3 11. Se2+}
6. Rc1+ Kd2
{6... Kxc1 7. Sxe2+}
7. Rxf1 h1=Q+
{7... exf1=Q+ 8. Kxf1 h1=Q}
8. Kxh1 exf1=Q
{8... exf1=R 9. Kg2 Rc1 10. Sf3+ Ke2 11. Sh4 Rc3 12. Sf5}

Виктор Иванович Чепижный (18-02-1934) Russian composer and Grand Master (Viktor Ivanovich Chepizhny)
Viktor Chepizhny is the 12th composer with
most points in FIDE albums. We could almost choose random works of his to make this selection:
Чепижный, Виктор Иванович
Revista Română de Şah, 1984
1 st Prize
Show Solution1.c7[A]? (2.Rd4#) 1...Sxc4[b] 2.Rd6#[B] 1...Kxc4 2.Qd3# but 1...Rxc4[a]!
1.Bc7[C]? (2.Sd6#) 1...Rxc4[a] 2.Rb8#[D] 1...Kxc4 2.Qd3# but 1...Sxc4[b]!
1.Rb7[E]! (2.Sd6#) 1...Rxc4[a], Sxc4[b] 2.Bc7[C], c7[A]#
(1...Kxc4 2.Qd3#)
Banny theme, Anti-Reversal.
A selfmate that was ex-aequo with Alaikov's in the 4
Чепижный, Виктор Иванович
4 th WCCT F, 1989
1 st-3 rd Place, 1989-1992
Show SolutionSet play:
1...Rb4 [a] 2.Sd3 [A] (3.Bxd2+ cxd2#)
1...Rxb5 [b] 2.Bd3 [B] (3.Bxd2+ cxd2#)
1...Rxc1 2.Qxd2+ Kf3 3.Qxe2+ Bxe2# 1.Qg2 ! (2.Bb3 [3.Bxd2+ cxd2#] 2...Rxc1 3.Qxe2+ Bxe2/Rxe2#)
1...Rb4 [a] 2.Bd3 [B] (3.Bxd2+ cxd2#)
1...Rxb5 [b] 2.Sd3 [A] (3.Bxd2+ cxd2#)
1...Rxc1 2.Rxc3+ Rd3 3.Qxe2+ Bxe2#
1...Sf2 2.Rxg3+ hxg3 3.Qxf2+ gxf2# Reciprocal change.
Виктор Алексеевич Разуменко (18-02-1937 - 10-02-2019) Russian-Ukrainian composer and FIDE Master (Viktor Alekseyevich Razumenko)
Razumenko wrote together with Yakov Vladimirov and Yuri Fokin an anthology about chess composers from St. Petersburg: "Поэзия шахмат: творчество шахматных композиторов Санкт-Петербурга" (1993).
Readers deserve a simpler endgame study to recover from all these complex works:
Разуменко, Виктор Алексеевич
Roslov-40 JT Задачи и этюды 2003
Show Solution1. Rf2+
{1. Rh2+ Kd1 2. Bb2 Ke1 3. Kg1 g5 4. Rf2 Kd1 5. Kh2 Ke1 6. Kg3 g4 7. Rh2 Rd1 8. Bc3+ Kf1 9. Bd2 Kg1 10. Be3+ (10. Rf2 Rf1) 10... Kf1 11. Rf2+ Ke1}
1... Kd1 2. Bb2 g5
{2... Ke1 3. Kg1 Kd1 4. Kf1}
3. Kg1
{3. Kh2 g4}
3... g4 4. Kh2 Ke1 5. Kg3 h2 6. Rxh2 Rd1 7. Bc3+ Kf1 8. Bd2 Kg1 9. Rg2+ Kf1 10. Rf2+ Kg1 11. Be3 Rd3 12. Rf3+ Kh1 13. Rf1#
Ismo Lindström (18-02-1938 - 09-08-1983) Finnish composer
Ismo Lindström lived in the town of Pori and was a member of "Satakunnan Tehtäväkerho", the problemist club in Satakunta region on the west coast of Finland. The club was active during 40 years (1963 - ca. 2003).
Lindström, Ismo
Satakunnan Tehtavakerho TT, 1981
2 nd Prize
Show SolutionSet play:
1...Kf5[a], Kd7[b] 2.Qd5#[A], Qxd6#[B]
1.f4! (2.Qg4#)
1...Kf5[a], Kd7[b] 2.Sd4#[D], Sc5#[C]
1...d5 2.Qxd5#[A]
Beautiful changed (pin) mates.
Nicolae Oncescu (18-02-1944) Romanian composer
Oncescu, Nicolae
Coupe de Bucharest, 1986
1 st Prize
Show Solution1.Sg4 Bb7 2.Be7 Bc8#
1.Bg5 Rf7 2.Sg4 Bd5#
Oncescu, Nicolae
Coupe de Bucharest, 1988
5 th Prize
Show Solution1.Qe3! (2.Se7#/Qe4#/Qe5#)
1...Bxd5 2.Qe5#
1...Qxg2/Qf3/Ra4 2.Se7#/Qe5#
1...Qg5/Qh4 2.Qe4#/Qe5#
1...Qxe3 2.g4#
1...Qxh3 2.Qxh3#
1...Qxf4 2.Qxf4#
1...Rxd5 2.Qe4#
1...Bxe3 2.Se7# Latvian Novotny, Karlstrom-Fleck
Юрий Аршакович Лазарев (18-02-1923 - ?) Russian composer (Yuri Archakovich Lazarev)
Yuri Lazarev composes direct mates.
A more recent photo of him can be found
on Svrazchess.
Лазарев, Юрий Аршакович
TT, Themes 64, 1973
1 st Prize
Show Solution1.Qa1-a8 ! ZZ
1...Ke6-f7 2.f4-f5 Kf7-f8 3.Se8-d6#
1...Ke6-d7 2.f4-f5 ~ 3.Sc6-e5#
1...Ke6-f5 2.Sc6-e7+ Kf5-e6 3.Qa8-d5#
1...Ke6-d5 2.Sc6-d4+ ~ 3.Qa8-c6# Black King star.
Secondary variation: 1...Bg8-f7 2.Sc6-d4+ Ke6-d7 3.Qa8-d8#
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