Adolf Engerth (06-02-1860 - ?) Polish composer
Engerth, Adolf
The Chess Monthly, 1883
Show Solution1.Rh6 ! (2.Qc6+ Sxc6 3.Be6+ Kd4 4.Rh4#)
1...Sc3 2.Qxc3 (threatens 3.Rd6+ exd6 4.Sf6#; 3.Bf5 ~ 4.Be4#; and 3.Qb4 ~ 4.Qe4#)
1...Sd4/Sc7/Sd6 2.R(x)d6+ exd6 3.Sf6+
1...Kd4 2.Rh4 (3.Be6#) 2...Kd5 3.Qc4+ Kxc4 4.Be6# or 2...Sc3/Sd6 3.Be6+ Se4+ 4.Rxe4#
1...e6 2.Rh4 (3.Qc4+ Kxc4 4.Bxe6#)
2...Sc3 3.Qxc3 (4.Sf6#)
2...Sd4 3.Sf6+ Kxe5 4.Qc7#
2...Sd6 3.Sf6+ Kxe5, Kd4 4.Qa1/Qc3, Qc3#
2...Sc7 3.Bxh3/Bf5/Bh5
Many white sacrifices.
Benjamin Glover Laws (06-02-1861 - 21-09-1931) British composer and editor
You may find
some biographic details and a
very interesting lecture by Laws on The Problemist's website.
The very same lecture clarifies the origin of the chess problem term "Cook":
I often saw Horwitz about this period and as the question regarding the origin of the term “Cook” was then being discussed in problem circles, I asked him if he could throw any light on the subject. He corroborated the statement which had been made that Kling (who had frequently collaborated with him in end-game and problem study) would on Horwitz greeting him with: “I have a raw idea,” ironically reply “Well, I will cook your raw idea.” If Horwitz's account can be relied upon, this should settle a debated point.
Laws seems to have been the originator of the
reflex stipulation.
Laws also wrote a 26-page booklet "
The Artistry of the Chess Problem, with special reference to the beauties of the three- and fourmover" that can be read on
Anders Thulin's site.
Laws had an exceptional career punctuated with many prizes. Here is a 1st prize from 1892:
Laws, Benjamin Glover
Jamaica Gleaner, 1892
st Prize
Show SolutionSet play:
1...Be6 2.Qxe6#
1...Bd7/Bc8 2.Qxg2#
1...Sc7 2.Rxc7#
1...Sd7/Sa6 2.Qxa8#
1.Rd7! (2.Qd5#)
1...Kxd7 2.Sde5#
1...Be6 2.Qxe6#
1...Bxd7 2.Qxg2#
1...Sxb6 2.Sce5#
1...Sc7 2.Rxc7#
1...Sxd7 2.Qxa8#
Flight giving key, defences on same square (d7),
Model mates.
And another one from 1948:
Laws, Benjamin Glover
The British Chess Magazine, 1948 (7845)
st Prize, July-December
Show Solution1. Sc5! (2.Sd7+ Kg5 3.Bd2#)
1... Kg5 2. Bd2+ Kf6 3. Sd7#
1... Ke5 2. Sd3+ Kd4, Kf6 3. Bc5, Be7#
1... Bc3 2. Bxc3+ Kg5 3. Se6#
1... Bd4 2. Se4+ Ke5 3. Bd6#
Flight-giving key,
Model mates.
Johannes Dusold (06-02-1871 - 24-08-1946) German composer
Dusold, Johannes
Deutsche Schachbund, 1929
nd Prize
Show Solution1.Qd1! (2.Sf5#)
1...Bxg5/Ba5+ 2.Ka5#
1...Rd2 2.Kxb3#
1...Rd3/Bxd1 2.Kc4#
1...Qe4 2.Sxe4#
1...Bd3 2.Kxc3#
1...Bxb5 2.Kxb5#
5 mates given by the royal battery.
Josef Rašovský (06-02-1881 - 18-12-1961) Czech composer
Rašovský, Josef
Tidskrift för Schack, 1910
Show SolutionSet play:
1...Qxa3 2.Rxa3#
1...Bc1/Bxa3/S~ 2.Rxc1#
1.Rcb3! ZZ
1...Bc3/Bxd4 2.Rb1#
1...Qxa3 2.Rxa3#
1...S~ 2.Bxb2#
Aristocrat, model mates.
Lars Richard Carlson (06-02-1885 - ?) American composer
Carlson, Lars Richard & Nelson, Nels H.
Good Companion, May 1922
Show SolutionSet play:
1...Sf4/Qh5/Qh6/Qh7/Qxh8/Qe4/Qxg3/Qg5/Qf6/Bg4 2.Qe4#[A]
1...Re6/Bf5/Be8/Bb5/Ba4 2.Sf5#
1...Rf7/Rh7/Be6 2.Bxe5#[B]
1.Be4? (2.Qd5#)
1...c6 2.Qa4#
1...c2 2.Qa1#
1...Qxe4 2.Qxe4#[A]
1...Be6 2.Bxe5#[B]
1...Bc6 2.Qa7#
but 1...Sf4!
1.Bf7! (2.Qd5#)
1...Sf4/Qe4 2.Qe4#[A]
1...c6 2.Qa4#
1...c2 2.Qa1#
1...Re6 2.Sf5#
1...Rxf7/Be6 2.Bxe5#[B]
1...Bc6 2.Qa7#
transferred mates.
László Apró (06-02-1907 - 29-11-2000) Hungarian composer and FIDE Master
László Apró
Új Magyar Sakkfeladvány Antológia / Szerkeszto G.Bakcsi Budapest, 1979. P. 98, III.
[Thanks to Александр Никитин] |
László Apró was a monumental composer who excelled in all genres. His helpmates are notable for the innovations they brought at their time:
Apró, László
Boletim da UBP, 1970
st Prize
Show Solution1.Sxb3 Rd8 2.Sd4 Sef4#
1.Sxd7 Ba2 2.Se5 Sdf4#
Loss of tempo.
Apró, László
Schach-Echo, 1971
Show Solutiona) 1. Bc8 Bb5 2. Bd7 Be5+ 3. Kc8 Ba6#
b) 1. Be5 Bf2 2. Bd4 Bf5+ 3. Ke5 Bg3#
Umnov, echo mates.
Peter Asbury-Smith (06-02-1929) British composer
Asbury-Smith has composed in varied genres: fairy, retro, direct mates, etc.
Asbury-Smith, Peter
British Chess Magazine, 1957
Show SolutionSet play:
1...S~[a] 2.Bxf2#[A]/Be5#[B]
1...Sf4 2.Bxf2#[A]
1...Bc4/Bxb7 2.Rxc4#
1.S5e3? (2.Rd5#)
1...Se5[a]/Sb4[a] 2.Bxe5#[B]
1...Rxf3[b] 2.Sc2#[C]
1...Sf5[c] 2.Sxf5#[D]
1...Bc4/Bxb7 2.Rxc4#
but 1...Sf4!
1.Sf4! (2.Rd5#)
1...Se5[a]/Sxf4/Sb4[a] 2.Bxf2#[A]
1...Rxf3[b] 2.Se2#[F]
1...Sf5[c] 2.Se6#[E]
1...Bc4 2.Rxc4#
1...Bxb7 2.Rc4#/Rxd3#
A beautiful twomover with 3
changed mates between the try and the actual play.
Asbury-Smith, Peter
feenschach, 1972 (593)
st Prize

When a piece captures (King included), it takes the nature of the captured unit (without changing colour). A King capturing becomes a royal unit.}
Show Solution1.Kf1 2.Kg2 3.Kh3 4.Kh4 5.Kxg5(RK) 6.RKxg4(SK) 7.SKh6 8.SKxg8(QK) 9.QKxg6(BB) 10.BKh5 14.BKxe2(PK) 15.e1=RK 16.RKxg1(BK) 17.BKxf2(PK) 18.f1=SK 19.SKxe3(PK) 21.e1=RK 22.RKxe4(PK) 25.e1=RK 26.RKxe5(PK) 30.e1=SK 31.SKf3 32.SKe5 33.SKc6 34.SKxa7(RK) 35.RKxa8(SK) 37.RKxe6(PK) 42.e1=RK 43.RKxe7(PK) 48.e1=RK 49.RKa1 50.RKxa4(PK) Kxb2(PK) ==
Both Kings end up transformed into Pawns.
Raffaele Arturo Caponetti (06-02-1907) Italian composer
Caponetti, Raffaele Arturo
Il Due Mosse, 1958
nd Commendation
Show SolutionSet play:
1...Sxh5[a] 2.Sh7#[A]
1...Sf5[b]/Bf5 2.Sf7#[B]
1...Bc2/Bd3/Ba2 2.Rg1#
1.Rc2! (2.Rg2#)
1...Sxh5[a] 2.Sfe4#[C]
1...Sf5[b] 2.Sde4#[D]
1...Bxc2 2.Rg1#
changed mates.
Karel Sobek (06-02-1908 - 25-05-2004) Czech composer
Karel Sobek was a prolific composer.
Sobek, Karel
Telescacco 2000, Nov 1999
Show Solution1.Re5 Rg6 2.Rf5+ e5#
1.Rg7 Rc6 2.Rg4+ Rxc3#
Unpinning and crosschecks.
His greatest success seems to be the following :
Sobek, Karel & Libiš, Zdeněk
Šachové umění 1995
nd Prize
Show Solution1.Qd8 ! (2.Sc6+ Kc3 3.Qxa5#)
1...Se3 2.Rxf4+ Kc3, Kxe5 3.Qxa5, Qf6#
1...Kxe5 2.Qg5+ Ke6, Kd4 3.Qe7, Qf6#
1...Kc3 2.Qxa5+ Kd4 3.Sc6#
Reflex white moves, switchback of wQ.
Martin Folkmann (06-02-1909 - 1943) Slovak composer
Folkmann, Martin
Dresdner Anzeiger, 1927
th Prize
Show Solution1.Be5! (2.Bd6#)
1...Se8 2.Bd4 (3.Bc5#)
2...Rc7 3.Bc3 (4.Bb4#) Qxc3+ 4.Rxc3#
2...axb5 3.Bc5+ b4 4.Bxb4#
A classical manoeuvre Ba1-e5-d4-c3.
Cornelis Hendricus Lamboo (06-02-1910) Dutch composer
Lamboo published problems only in the Netherlands.
Lamboo, Cornelis Henricus
Nederlandse Bond van Probleemvrienden JT, 1951
nd HM
Show Solution1.Kc2 ! (2.Re3+ Bxe3 3.Sg3#)
1...Rd2+ 2.Kxd2 (3.Qc2#) 2...Be3+ 3.Rxe3#
1...Rd3 2.Qa8+ Rd5, Rxa8 3.Qxd5, Sxf6#
1...Rxf5 2.Kb1 (3.Qc2#) 2...Rd5 3.f5#
1...Sxf5 2.e8=Q/R+ Re5, Se7, Rxe8 3.Qa8, f5, Sxf6#
1...Bxf5 2.Qa8 (3.Qxd5#) 2...Be6, Rxa8 3.f5, Sxf6#
Umnov, battery play.
Erich Ernst (06-02-1920 - 17-01-2011) German composer and player
Erich Ernst
was president of Schwarzach chess club and mostly composed miniatures.
Ernst, Erich
Badische Neueste Nachrichten, 1998
Show Solution1.Kd2 ! ZZ
1...Ka1 2.Qh8 (2...Kb1 3.Qh1#)
2...Bb1 3.Qh1 Ka2 4.Qa8#
Black Platzwechsel (exchange of places) and corner-to-corner moves.
Heinz Faust (06-02-1928) German composer
Faust, Heinz
Nostalgia 1974
Show Solution1.Qh2! ZZ
1....c4 2.Bxd4#
1....d3 2.Qb2#
1....d5 2.Re6#
1....e2 2.Qxe2#
1....e6 2.Sf7#
1....f3 2.g4#
1....fxg3 2.Qxg3#
1....f5 2.Qh8#
1....g4 2.gxf4#
White battery. 9 different mates appear following the bPs' moves.
Robert Tony Lewis (06-02-1933 - 31-10-2012) British composer
Tony Lewis |
Tony Lewis was president of the British Chess Problems Society for many years. He is famous for his
mutates which earned him the nickname of
His obituary by Michael McDowell can be read
on The Problemist's website.
Lincoln, Robert A. & Lewis, R. Tony
Phénix, 1995
st Prize
Show SolutionSet play:
1...Rc3/Rcb1/Ra1/Rd1/Re1/Rf1/Rg1/Rh1/Bc2[a] 2.Qxc3#[A]
1...g4[b]/Qxh4/Qh6/Qh7[c]/Qxh8/Qe2/Qg6[d] 2.Re2#[B]
1...f3 2.Qh2#/Qg3#
1...c5 2.Rd5#
1.Sg3? (2.Qf5#)
1...Bc2[a] 2.Sc4#[C]
1...gxh4/g4[b] 2.Rxh5#[E]
1...Qh7[c]/Qg4[e] 2.Sxf7#[D]
but 1...Qg6[d]!
1.Sd4? (2.Qf5#)
1...Bc2[a] 2.Sxc6#[F]
1...gxh4/g4[b] 2.Rxh5#[E]
1...Qh7[c]/Qg6[d] 2.Sf3#[G]
but 1...Qg4[e]!
1.Se3! (2.Qf5#)
1...Bc2[a] 2.Sec4#[H]
1...gxh4/g4[b] 2.Rxh5#[E]
1...Qh7[c]/Qg4[e]/Qg6[d] 2.Sg4#[I]
Imants Dulbergs (06-02-1936 - 14-04-2018) Latvian composer
Imants Dulbergs [ [broken link]] |
Imants Dulbergs was an original composer who was not afraid to step off the beaten tracks. One of his best problems is the following:
Dulbergs, Imants
Šahs, 1972
st Prize
Show SolutionMain plan: 1.Ka8? g1Q!
The plan is to get a bR to f3 in order to interfere with bBh1 on the long diagonal and to enable the manoeuvre Ka8 and b8R/Q+.
1.Kc7! Rc1+ 2.Sc3! Rxc3+ 3.Kb8 Rcf3 4.Ka8! Rxa2+ 5.Ra5! Rxa5+ 6.Kb8 Raf5 7.Bf7+ Rxf7 8.Ka8 Rc3 9.gxf7#
Roman theme.
Peter Durst (06-02-1954) Slovak composer
Peter Durst has a predilection for twomovers with changed mates, but also composes studies.
Durst, Peter
Vychodoslovenske noviny, 1987
Show SolutionSet play:
1...Sxd7[a]/Sa6[b] 2.Qa8#[A]
1...Re3/Rd2/Rxc2[c]/Rf2/Rg2/Reh2 2.Sxe3#[B]
1...c4[d] 2.bxc4#[C]
1...Be5/Bf4/Bg3/Bh2/Bc7 2.Rxc5#
1...Re4 2.fxe4#
1.Bc8! (2.Rxc5#)
1...Sd7[a]/Sa6[b] 2.Bb7#[F]
1...Rxc2[c] 2.Se7#[D]
1...Kc6/c4[d] 2.Sb4#[E]
Changed mates.
Odd Øivind Bergstad (06-02-1956) Norwegian composer
Odd Bergstad composes direct mates and studies.
Bergstad, Odd Øivind
Tidskrift för Schack, 1981 (2182)
st Honorable Mention
Show Solution1. Kb2 Sb3 2. Kxa2 Sc1+ 3. Kb1
{3. Ka3 Sxd3 4. exd3 Sc7 5. h6 Sb5+}
{3. Kb2 Sxd3+ 4. exd3 Ke5 5. Sxc5 Sxc5 $1 6. h6 Sxd3+}
{3. Ka1 Sxd3 4. exd3 Ke5 5. Sxc5 Sb4 6. d4+ Kf5 7. Se4 Sc2+}
3... Sxd3 4. exd3 Ke5 5. Sxc5 Sb4 6. d4+ Kf5 7. Se4 Sd5 8. Sg3+ Kf4 9. h6
{9. Kc2 Sf6 10. h6 Sh7}
9... Sf6
{9... Se7 10. d5 [10. h7 {or} Sg6 11. Kc2 Sh8 12. Kb3 Kg5 13. d5 Kg6 14. d6 Kxh7 15. d7 Sf7 16. Ka4 Kg7 17. Kb5 Kf6 18. Kb6 Ke7 19. Kc7] 10... Ke5 11. d6 Kxd6 12. Sf5+}
10. Sh5+ the final fork wins
Isn't the Dulbergs problem cooked with 1. Rxh8? Am I missing something?
ReplyDeleteIndeed! The position was incorrect: the black Bishop h8 should stand at g7. Now there is no cook. Thank you for your vigilance.