Vojtěch Košek (08-09-1861 - 01-10-1936) Czech composer
Vojtěch Košek was a Bohemian composer.
Košek, Vojtěch
České listy šachové 1897
Show Solution1.e2-e3 ! (2.Re4xe5+ Kd5-c4 3.Re5-c5#)
1...Sd2-f3 2.Bh7-g8+ Kd5xe4 3.Sd3-c5#
1...Sd2-c4 2.Re4-d4+ e5xd4 3.e3-e4#
Three model mates.
Max Irmscher (08-09-1908 - 14-09-1978) German composer
Max Irmscher composed direct mates with a logical fragrance.
Irmscher, Max
Schach (magazine) 1977 (8433)
Show Solution1.Bg4 ! (2.Be6#)
1...Sf4 and now 2.Rd4+? Kxe5 3.Rd1# does not work because after Kxe5 the white King is in check by the black Queen. Hence:
2.Bd7 ! (3.Bd7-c6#) 2...Rg6 3.Bc6+ Rxc6 4.Re4-d4+ Kxe5 5.Rd1#
The black Rook is attracted to a square where it anticipatorily unpins the white Rook.
László Talabér (08-09-1910 - 25-10-1986) Hungarian composer
László Talabér composed in all genres, but was especially successful in helpmates.
Talabér, László
Tipografia T.E. 1975
Show Solution1.Rd5-f5 Qe4-e5 2.Sc5-d7 Rd3xd4#
1.Se6-g7 Rd3-b3 2.Sc5-d3 Qe4xd4#
Halfpins, selfpins, exchange of functions, pinmates.
Talabér, László
Tipografia T.E. 1975
Show Solution1.Kd5xe5 Qb4-c5+ 2.Ke5-f6 Sg3-e4#
1.Sg6xe5 Bg8-h7 2.Rh6xe6 Bh7-e4#
1.Sg6-e7 Qb4-c3 2.d4-d3 e2-e4#
1.Qa7-c5 Ka3xa4 2.d4-d3 Qb4-e4#
4 mates on e4 by 4 different pieces: a difficult task.
George Teodoru (08-09-1932) Romanian-German composer
George Teodoru & Valeriu Petrovici, August 2012 |
George Teodoru was one of the founders of the Romanian chess problem magazine "
Buletin Problemistic" in 1971 with
Octav Costăchel and Anatole Felix Ianovcic.
His 80th birthday was celebrated by the Romanian Chess Federation (FRS) and an interview (in Romanian) was published
on the FRS website.
He composes direct mates, studies and retro problems.
Teodoru, George A.
Revista Română de Şah, 1957 (36)
rd Prize
Show Solution1.Bd4! (2.Qg4#)
1...Kxd4 2.Qf4#
1...Kf5/Bxd4 2.Bd3#
1...f5/Rf5/Rg5 2.Qe3#
1...Rxd4 2.Re5#
Микола Дмитрович Мансарлійский (08-09-1954) Ukrainian composer (Mykola Dmitrovich Mansarliyskiy)
Mykola Mansarliyskiy composes direct mates, studies, helpmates and selfmates.
Мансарлійский, Микола Дмитрович
Шахматы в СССР 1978
st Prize
Show Solution1.Se5-c4 ! (2.Re7-e5+ Kd5xc4 3.Qa2-a4#)
1...Bd3xc4 2.Qa2-a8+ Rc5-c6, c7-c6 3.Qa8xc6, Qa8-g8#
1...Rd4xc4 2.Rb3xd3+ Bf2-d4 3.Qa2-g2#
1...Rc5xc4 2.Rb3-b5+ c7-c5 3.Qa2-a8#
1...Kd5xc4 2.Rb3-b2+ Kc4-c3 3.Qa2-b3#
The paradoxical key closes the line of the white battery and offers Black 4 possibilities of captures. Each possibility is differentiated with a different battery move (3 moves by the front piece, 1 move by the rear piece).
Мансарлійский, Микола Дмитрович
Mongolian Thematic Ty, 1978
Show Solution1. Sg3+ Rxg3 2. a8=Q+ Reg2 3. Qf3 Rg4 4. Qe4 Rg5 5. Qd5 Rg6 6. Qc6 Rg7 7. Qb7 Rg8 8. Qa8 Kg1 9. Qa7+ Rf2 10. Qg7+ Rg2 11. Qa7+ = draw by perpetual check or repetition of position.
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