Thursday, September 13, 2012

September 14th

Pierre Biscay (14-09-1905 - 30-07-1969) French composer

Pierre Biscay

Pierre Biscay was first a solutionist (French solving champion in 1927 and 1928) and afterwards became interested in strategic moremovers and elaborated theories about the thematical try and the periforms which were publicized by André Chéron in "Les Echecs Artistiques" in 1934. He founded the Union des Problémistes de France in 1935 and was also the president of the French Chess Federation from 1932 until 1954. He was also an International Judge. Four of his problems are quoted on

Biscay, Pierre
Die Schwalbe, 1930
1st Prize

#4 9 + 5

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Владимир Акимович Брон (14-09-1909 - 01-10-1985) Russian composer and Grandmaster (Vladimir Akimovich Bron)

Vladimir Bron

Vladimir Bron was a top Soviet composer of endgame studies. Of course JMRW presents on his website 70 of Bron's studies and they can be consulted pleasurably.
Vladimir Bron also had a brilliant scientific career in the field of refractories and industrial ceramics.
He wrote "Избранные этюды и задачи" in 1969. He composed mainly studies, but also direct mate problems and helpmates. Here are some notable achievements:

Брон, Владимир Акимович
Известия 1929
1st Prize

#3 9 + 9

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Брон, Владимир Акимович
The British Chess Magazine, 1966
1st Prize, ex aequo

#3 9 + 9

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Konrad Kummer (14-09-1918 - 03-12-1986) Swiss composer

Konrad Kummer (right)
[SSZ 1976, page 123]

Konrad Kummer
[Die Schwalbe Fragebogen 1960 page 233]

Konrad Kummer composed mostly direct problems in 2 or 3 moves or helpmates. 15 of his problems were selected in the second volume of "Caissas Schlossbewohner" (1985). He was the director of the twomovers section for period 1914-1928 for the selection of problems that was to be published in the retrospective FIDE Album 1914-1944.
In 1967 he wrote in collaboration with Hans Ott and Hans J. Schduel "Kunstwerke Auf 64 Feldern", a compilation of the best Swiss chess problems of the period 1922-1966. He also wrote an anthology of Hans Ott's problems "Hans Ott. Schachprobleme" published in 1986.

Kummer, Konrad
Schweizer Arbeiter SchachZeitung, 1943
1st Prize

#3  12 + 6

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Stanislaw Gebura (14.09.1924 - 03.05.2009) Belgian composer

Stanislaw Gebura composed direct movers.

Gebura, Stanislaw
Phénix, 1994
4th HM

#2 vvv 10 + 10

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Jan Lerch (Jan Sikora-Lerch) (14-09-1942 - 26-08-2020) Czech composer

Jan Sikora Lerch composed endgame studies and was a strong player (o.t.b. IM) who played against many strong players like: Karpov, Uhlmann, Pachman, Hort, Jansa, Kavalek and many more.
You can find here his interview and his favorite study (1st prize, Sakkelet 1988).
His studies are registered under the name Jan Lerch and his chess games under Jan Sikora-Lerch.
Lerch, Jan
Československý šach, 1997 (8/59)
1st Prize

+ 3 + 3

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Alberto Armeni (14-09-1944) Italian composer

Alberto Armeni composes direct mates.

Armeni, Alberto
Problem Observer, 1998
1st Prize

#2 vv 11 + 8

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Olli Heimo (14-09-1946) Finnish composer

Olli Heimo and other Finnish composers

Olli Heimo
[© Hannu Harkola]

Olli Heimo composes fairy and retro problems.

Heimo, Olli
Die Schwalbe, 1998 (v)
1st Prize

Proof Game 21.0 10 + 14

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  1. I think there's a mistake in the solution for Lerch, Jan after Kd3 d5 it's mate in one.

    1. 1.Kd3 d5 doesn't occur in the solution.
      1...Rc8 and 1...Ke1 are the two variations.
      After 1.Kd3 Rc8 2.Rb7 Black plays 2...d5 and there is no mate in one (3.Rb1+? Rc1!)

  2. Jan Sikora Lerch passed away 26.08.2020
    Odešel Jan Sikora-Lerch
    He was a strong chessplayer with an elo of 2415 and played against many strong players like:

    Karpov, Uhlmann, Pachman, Hort, Jansa, Kavalek and many more. (Source
