Roland Lecomte (12-09-1925 - 02-10-2016) French composer
Roland Lecomte was the editor of the chess column of the newspaper "
Combat". He was an International Judge and a chess journalist for AFP.
Lecomte, Roland
StrateGems, 1999
Show Solution1.Kd6-e6+ Kb8-a8 2.Se7-d5 b7-b8=Q 3.Sh6-f7 Qb8-c8#
1.Kd6-d7+ Kb8-a8 2.Be5-b8 Ka8xb8 3.Se7-c8 b7xc8=Q#
1.Kd6-c6+ Kb8-a8 2.Se7-d5 b3xa4 3.Rg7-c7 b7-b8=S#
1.Kd6-d5+ Kb8-a8 2.Se7-c8 b7xc8=Q 3.Bh1-e4 Qc8-c4#
4 different promotions of wPb7 depending on the square where the bK goes.
Пётр Л. Макаренко (12-09-1927) Russian composer (Pyotr L. Makarenko)
Pyotr Makarenko composes direct mates and selfmates.
Макаренко, Пётр Л.
Mat-Pat, 1993
rd HM
Show Solution1.Qc6-d5 ! (2.Re2xe3+ f4xe3#)
1...Rf6-c6 2.Qd5-c4+ Rc6xc4#
1...Sb8-c6 2.Qd5xd4+ Sc6xd4#
Dentist variations (A black piece indirectly unpins a white unit. Then, that white unit moves and the so created black battery plays.).
1...Sf2~ 2.Qd5-e4+ Ba8xe4#
1...Rf5xd5 2.Sa6-c5+ Rd5xc5#
Валерій Володимирович Копил (12-09-1957) Ukrainian composer and Grandmaster (Valery Volodimirovich Kopyl)
Valery Kopyl |
Valery Kopyl composes direct mates, selfmates and helpmates. He is also Grandmaster for solving. His website can
be found here.
Valery Kopyl will be present at the
World Chess Composing Congress this week, as every year.
Копил, Валерій Володимирович
BIT, 2008 (983)
rd Prize
Show Solution1.Sd6 Rc3 2.Kxe5 Rxf3#
1.Sd5 Rc2 2.Kxe4 Rc4#
1.Bb7 Rc4 2.Bd5 exd5#
1.Re3 Rf1 2.Bg3+ fxg3#
2 pairs of white batteries.
Ladislav Packa (12-09-1958) Slovak composer and FIDE Master
Ladislav Packa composes direct mates. He has become International Judge in 2017.
Packa, Ladislav
Match: Czechoslovakia - Israel, 1992
st Place
Show SolutionSet play:
1...Sf4 2.Sc4#[A]
1...gxf3 2.Sd5#[B]
1...Sh1/Sh5/Sf1/Sf5 2.Sf5#
1.Rf8? (2.Sd5#[B])
1...Rxd3[a] 2.Sc4#[A]
1...Sf5 2.Sxf5# but 1...Sf4!
1.Qf6! (2.Sc4#[A])
1...Bxd3[b] 2.Sd5#[B]
1...Sf5 2.Sxf5#
1...gxf3 2.Qxf3#
Pseudo-Le Grand.
Андрей Евгеньевич Спирин (12-09-1961) Russian composer (Andrey Evgenyevich Spirin)
Andrey Spirin composes direct movers. He is interested in strategic combinations with promoted pieces.
Спирин, Андрей Евгеньевич
The Problemist, 2005
nd Prize
Show Solution1.f7-f8=R ! (2.Rc4xe4#)
1...Be5-d4 2.h7-h8=B ZZ
2...Bd4-f6 3.Bh8xf6 ~ 4.Bf6-e5#
2...Se4-f6 3.Rf8xf6 ~ 4.Rf6xf5#
These two variations explain the reason for the minor promotions in Rook or Bishop, which allow White raising the stalemate at the 3rd move.
Secondary variation:
1...Be5-f6 2.Ba1xf6 (3.Bf6-b2 ~ 4.Rc4xe4#) 2...a1=R/Q 3.Bf6xa1 ~ 4.Rc4xe4#
Александр Михайлович Михолап (12-09-1970) Belarusian composer (Aleksandr Mikhailovich Mikholap)
Aleksandr Mikholap composes in direct mates, helpmates and selfmates.
He will be present at the
World Chess Composing Congress this week, as every year.
Михолап, Александр Михайлович
Информ-прогулка (Лунінец) 2003
th Prize
Show Solution1.Re8-d8 ! (2.Re1-e4#)
1...Bb8-d6 2.Sd1-c3 (3.Sc3-b5#) 2...Ba8xc6/Sc8-a7 3.Sc3-e2+ Kd4-e5 4.d2-d4+ Ke5-f6 5.Rd8-f8#
1...Sc8-d6 2.Sd1-e3 (3.Se3-c2#) 2...Kd4-e5 3.Se3-c4+ Ke5-f4 4.Sc4-e5 (5.Sc5-d3#) or 3...Ke5-d4 4.Sc4-a3 (5.Sa3-c2#) 4...Sd6-e4 5.Re1xe4#
A recent success of the Belarusian team let by Aleksandr Mikholap:
Михолап, Александр Михайлович & Булавка, Александр Геннадьевич & Волчек, Виктор Фёдорович
st Place
Show SolutionTries:
1.Sf4-e2 ? Sf1xg3 !
1.Sf4-h3 ? Bh2xg3 + !
1.Sf4-g6 ? Rg2xg3 !
1.Sf4-h5 ! ZZ
1...Bh2xg3+ 2.Ke5-f5+ Bg3-e5 3.Qf6-g5+ Rg2xg5#
1...Sf1xg3 2.Ke5-d5+ Sg3-e4 3.Qf6xc3+ Sb1xc3#
1...Rg2xg3 2.Qf6-h6+ Rg3-g5+ 3.Ke5-f6+ Bh2-e5#
A superb selfmate battery play.
Bojan Vučković (12-09-1980) Serbian composer
Bojan Vučković |
Bojan Vučković is o.t.b. Grandmaster and also solving Grandmaster. He composes occasionally.
Vučković, Bojan
13.Sabra TT, 2010
th HM
Show Solution1.Sxe5 Qa5 2.Sd3 Bg2#
1.Bxe5 Qb8 2.Bd4 Sg3#
1.Rxe5 Qh8 2.Rf5 Sc3#
Echo mates and manoeuvres.
Éric Angelini (12-09-1951 - 27-09-2024) Belgian composer
Éric Angelini had many passions: typography, maths, Oulipian literature but also chess problems.
His chess problems and chess-related ideas can be found on
this page of his website or on his blog, for instance
here for capped file or
here for Modulo 7 chess.
His obituary in French can be read
The problem below is a good example of his wit.
Angelini, Éric
Europe Échecs, Apr 1990 (376/376/16)
Add a square, then #2 |
| 3 + 1 |
Show SolutionAdd square e9!
1.Se9! Kxe9 2.Qc7#
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