Sunday, July 22, 2012

July 23rd

Carel Christiaan Wilhelm Mann (23-07-1871 - 30-11-1928) Dutch composer

Carel Mann
[Jan van Reek]

Carel Mann was the first Dutch composer with international importance. He enjoyed studies with two Queens and some light figures and his studies and problems often showed Zugzwang.

Jan van Reek und Henk van Donk wrote about him "Carel Mann" (1991). An interesting extract, about Carel Mann's paranoid schizophrenia, can be found here.

Mann, Carel Christiaan Wilhelm
Tijdschrift vd NSB, 1911

+ 3 + 4

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Another of his problems has remained famous and is reproduced in anthologies:

Mann, Carel Christiaan Wilhelm
De Amsterdammer, 8th Jan 1893

#4 2 + 4

Black is in zugzwang: 1...f5 2.Qh4# or 1...Kf5 2.Qd5# but White cannot keep this position. What can White do?

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Norbert Ringeltaube (23-07-1908 - 14-11-2002) German composer

Norbert Ringeltaube
[Die Schwalbe Fragebogen 1960 page 127]

Norbert Ringeltaube was a priest and composed direct mates, helpmates and fairy problems.

Ringeltaube, Norbert
Die Schwalbe, Sep 1967 (32-33/2514)
4th Prize
version of Aleksandr Bulavka (2010)

h#4SetPlay 6 + 6

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Ringeltaube, Norbert
feenschach, 1972 (25th TT)
3rd HM

h#4 3 + 14

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Александр Петрович Кузнецов (23-07-1913 - 01-07-1982) Russian composer and International Master (Aleksandr Petrovich Kuznetsov)

Aleksandr P. Kuznetsov

Aleksandr Petrovich Kuznetsov was, like Anatoly Kuznetsov below, an International Judge... they both composed endgame studies and problems.
You can find a selection of studies by Aleksandr Petrovich Kuznetsov on jmrw's website.

Кузнецов, Александр Петрович
Šachové umění 1981 (6035)
3rd Prize

+ 7 + 3

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Кузнецов, Александр Петрович
Tidskrift för Schack, 1978
3rd Prize

= 6 + 4

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Анатолий Георгиевич Кузнецов (23-07-1932 - 23-07-2000) Russian composer and (Anatoly Georgevich Kuznetsov)

Anatoly Kuznetsov
[© А.О.Никитин 2012]

Anatoly Kuznetsov was an International Judge and endgame composer, with many successes in orthodox field such as this one. He was also the editor of the problem column in "Shakhmaty v SSSR" (Chess in the USSR) since 1971 and the author of many articles about chess composition.

You can find a selection of studies by Anatoly Georgevich Kuznetsov on jmrw's website.

A beautiful systematic movement can be admired in the following study:

Кузнецов, Анатолий Георгиевич
Шахматы в СССР 1962
2nd Prize

= 7 + 3

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Alexander Lehmkuhl (23-07-1950 - 20-08-2013) German composer

Alexander Lehmkuhl

Alexander Lehmkuhl composed in all genres (#,s#,h#, fairies). Chess was his hobby and chess problems his great love.

Lehmkuhl, Alexander
harmonie, 1990

a8: Nightrider
b8, e8, h5: Grasshopper
5 + 7

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  1. Here a selection of studies of Aleksandr Petrovich Kuznetsov :

    Here a selection of studies of Anatoly Georgevich Kuznetsov :

    1. Thanks! Both links have been added to the post.
