Сергій Миколайович Ткаченко (26-01-1963) Ukrainian composer and International Master (Sergey Mikolayovich Tkachenko)
Not to be confounded with
Сергій Іванович Ткаченко.
Ткаченко, Сергій Миколайович
Фестиваль «Бровары-87» 1987
st Prize, TT
Show Solution1. Rc7!
{1. Rc1? g1Q! 2. Bc3+ Kg8! 3. R:g1 =}
1... g1=Q 2. Bc3+ Se5! 3. Bxe5+ Kg8 4. Sg3!
{4. Rg7+? Qxg7 5. Bxg7 Bxe4 =}
4... Bg6+ 5. Ke7 Bxe4! 6. Rc8+!
{6. Sxe4? Qg5+! 7. Sxg5 =}
6... Kh7 7. Rh8+ Kg6 8. Rg8+ Kh7 9. Rg7+
9... Kh6 10. Sf5+ Kh5 11. Rxg1 +-
9... Kh8 10. Kf8! Qc5+ 11. Re7+ Qxe5 12. Rxe5 +-
A spectacular study with multiple finesses.
George P. Sphicas (26-01-1947) American composer and International Master in composition
G.P. Sphicas is the king of seriesmovers. Let's have a look at a typical problem of his:
Sphicas, George P.
U.S. Problem Bulletin, 1991
st Prize
Show Solution1.a8=B 2.Bd5 6.c8=Q 7.Kg8 9.f8=R 11.Rg7 12.Kh8 13.Bg8 18.f8=S 19.Sh7 20.Qh3+ Qxh3=
selfpins and mutual and/or successive
Виталий Владимирович Мединцев (26-01-1974) Russian composer and International Master (Vitaly Vladimirovich Medintsev)
Vitaly Medintsev is a helpmate composer. His excellent personal website can be found
here in Russian
and English version (thank you for that!). Biographical details can be found
here and his favourite problems
Мединцев, Виталий Владимирович
A.Kirichenko-50 JT, 2005
nd Prize
Show Solution1. Ra7 Be7 2. Rf6 Qxb4#
1. Qb1 Qb3 2. Bf8 Bxb6#
The first three half-moves are unpins of the unit that moves next.
Мединцев, Виталий Владимирович
Schach, 2004
st Prize
Show Solution1. Kb4+ Sc5 2. Rxc5+ dxc5#
1. Kd3+ Qc6 2. Rxc6+ bxc6#
An imposing construction with black royal
batteries and white pawn
batteries. And of course some paradoxical sacrifices.
Marco Crucioli (26-01-1942 - 27-05-2015) Italian composer
Enciclopedia degli Scacchi in Italia [broken link] |
Mario Crucioli is a chemist, disciple of Umberto Castellari.
Crucioli, Marco
Sinfonie Scacchistiche, 1970
th HM
Show SolutionSet play:
1...S~ 2.Sxf6#[A]
1...Se6[b] 2.Rf5#[B]
1...Rc4 2.bxc4#
1.Sc4! (2.Se3#)
1...S~ 2.Rf5#[B]
1...Se6[b] 2.Sxf6#[A]
1...Bc1 2.Sxc3#
1...Rxc4 2.bxc4#
1...Re6 2.Qc5#
Reflex mates after 1...S~, Se6.
Simadibrata Yanuarta (26-01-1944) Indonesian composer
Let's welcome the first Indonesian problemist of our blog with a very nice twomover:
Yanuarta, Simadibrata
Magyar Sakkélet, 1991
st Prize
Show Solution1...Rf6[a]/Bc3 2.Sc3#[A]
1...Bf6[b] 2.Qg2#[C]
1...Rf4 2.Sxf4#[B]
1...Re8/Rd8/Rc8/Rg8 2.Sf4#[B]/Qg2#[C]
1...Be5 2.Rxe5#[D]
1...c6 2.Rd6#
1.Bxc7! (2.Rd6#)
1...Rf6[a]/Be5 2.Re5#[D]
1...Rd8/Bf6[b] 2.Sf4#[B]
Changed mates on a black
Karl Werner Kettner (26-01-1908 - 03-05-1942) German composer
Kettner, Karl Werner
BCF 015. Ty.
Show Solution1.Kb4 ! ZZ
1...Qxb1 2.Rc1 bxc1=Q#
1...Qd3 2.Rc2 Qb3#
1...Ke5/Kd5/Kf3 2.Rb3 Qxb3#
Pelle move of the bQ, pawn
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