Henry Wald Bettmann (14-01-1868 - 05-12-1935) American composer
Henry Wald Bettmann
[Source: The Chess Problem, H.G.M. Weenink ; scan by M. McDowell] |
Bettmann, Henry Wald
Babson Task TT, 1926
1 st Prize
Show Solution1.a8=B! with the apparent threat 2.Bxf2/Rxf2 ZZ Rxa6#
1...fxg1=S/fxg1=B/fxg1=R/fxg1=Q 2.f8=S/f8=B/f8=R/f8=Q! ZZ
2... S/B/R/Q moves 3. S/B/R/Q is captured ZZ and 3...Rxa6#
Historically, the first clean achievement of the Babson Task.
Лазарь Борисович Залкинд (14-01-1886 - 25-06-1945) Russian composer (Lazar Borisovitch Zalkind)
Lazar Zalkind composed mostly direct mate problems but also many endgame studies and tried to apply chess problem themes to studies. He was arrested and condemned in 1930 for a supposed Menshevik plot and finally released in 1943.
Залкинд, Лазарь Борисович
Györi Sakk-kör, 1913
2 nd Prize
Show Solution1.a2-a4 ! (2.Qb1-d3+ Bc4xd3,Kd5-c6 3.Sd7-f6,Qd3-e4#)
1...Bc1-e3 2.Qb1-f1 (3.Qf1-g2/Qf1xc4#) 2...Bc4-~/Kd5-e4 3.Sd7-f6#
1...Sh6-f5 2.Qb1-e4+ Kd5xe4 3.Sd7-f6#
1...f7-f5 2.Qb1-a2 (3.Qa2xc4/Qa2-g2#) 2...Bc4xa2 3.Sd7-f6#
Залкинд, Лазарь Борисович
Шахматы (Грекова) 1929 (390)
1 st Prize
Show Solution1. d7 Qxd7 2. c4+ Kc5 3. Sd6 Qh7
{prevents 4.Se4#; if 3... Qxd6 4. Bxd6+ Kxd6 5. Kc3 Ke5 6. Kd3 Kf4 7. Kd4 Kf3 8. Kc5 Kg2 9. Kxc6 Kxh2 10. Kb6 Kg2 11. c5 +-}
4. Kc3 h3 5. Se8
{threatens 6.Bd4/Bd6#}
5...Qg7 6. Sf6
{threatens 7.Se4/Bd4#}
6...Qg4 7. Bd6+ Kxd6 8. Sxg4 +-
Queen domination.
Залкинд, Лазарь Борисович
«64» 1928 (333)
4 th Prize
Show Solution1. Bc3+ !
{1. Bf4+ ? Ke1 ! 2. Bc2 Qc5 3. Kb1 Qb4+ 4. Bb3 Qe4+ 5. Bc2 Qb7+ 6. Bb3 Qxg7 7. Bc1 Qc3 8. Bc2 Ke2 9. Bb3 Kd3 10. Bxa3 Kd2 -+}
1... Kxc3 2. g8=Q Qd1+ 3. Bb1 Qd4 4. Qg1 Qh8
{4... Qxg1 stalemate}
5. Qh1 Qf6 6. Qf1 Qg7 7. Qg1 Qe5 8. Qe1+ Qxe1 stalemate
Eugen Rusenescu (14-01-1921 - 10-04-1990) Romanian composer
Rusenescu, Eugen
Themes 64, 1964
3 rd Prize
Show SolutionSet play:
1...Qb5/Qb4/Qb2/Qb1/Qb7/Qb8/Qc7/Qd8/Qa5 2.Ne6#[A]/Qe3#[B]
1...Qb3/Qe6/Qc5/Qd4/Qf2/Qg1/Qa7 2.Ne6#[A]
1...Qa6/Qc6/Qd6/Qxf6/Qe3 2.Qe3#[B] Tries:
1.Kh7? zz but 1...Qa7!
1.Kg8? zz but 1...Qg1!
1.h3? zz but 1...Qf2!
1.f7? zz but 1...Qd4! 1.Qe2! zz
1...Qb5/Qb4/Qb2/Qb1/Qb7/Qb8/Qc7/Qd8/Qa5 2.Ne6#[A]/Qe3#[B]
1...Qb3/Qe6/Qc5/Qd4/Qf2/Qg1/Qa7 2.Ne6#[A]
1...Qa6/Qc6/Qd6/Qxf6/Qe3 2.Qe3#[B] Transferred mates, Block.
Nicolae Pripoae (14-01-1939 - 2007) Romanian solver and composer
Pripoae, Nicolae
Quartz, 1998 (168/10)
Show Solutiona)
1...Nf4 2.Kc5 Kd4+ 3.Kb5 Kc4#
1...Ne2 2.Kd5 Ne1 3.Kd6 Nc5# b)
1...Nd8 2.Kd4 Kd5 3.Kc4 Nb5#
1...Kd4 2.Kd3 Kc3 3.Kd2 Ne3# Chameleon echo mates, switchbacks.
Boris Tummes (14-01-1969) German solver, cookfinder and occasional composer
Neef, Wilfried
Tummes, Boris
Quick Composing Tourney, Pula 2000
Show Solutiona) 1. Se6 dxe6 2. Kxe6 Bc8#
b) 1. f6 Bd4 2. cxd4 Kxd4#
Semion Shifrin (14-01-1936) Israeli composer
Shifrin, Semjon
Wola Gulowska, 1997
2 nd Prize
Show SolutionSet play:
1...Ke2[a] 2.Bc4#[A] ; 1...Ke4[b] 2.Bc2#[B]
1...Nf7[c]/Ng6[e]/Nd7[c] 2.Rd5#[C]/Qd1#[D]/Qe3#
1...Nc6[c] 2.Qd1#[D]/Qe3# ; 1...Ng4[d] 2.Rd5#[C]/Qd1#[D]
1...Nc4[f] 2.Rd5#[C] ; 1...Nf3 2.Qe3# Tries:
1.Rc5? zz but 1...a2!
1.Ba2? zz but 1...Nf3!
1.Kf4? (2.Qd1#[D]/Qe3#) but 1...Ng6+[e]!
1.Bc5! (2.Qe3#)
1...Ke2[a] 2.Qd1#[D]
1...Ke4[b] 2.Qb1#[F]
1...Kc3/Ng4[d]/Nc4[f] 2.Qd4#[G]
The key gives 2 flights, King Y-flight
Rukhlis, Stocchi
Marcel Lamare (14-01-1856 – 24-11-1937) French composer
Marcel Lamare was also known as “
Amateur de l'Ex-U.A.A.A.R.”. His obituary can be found in “
La Stratégie” décembre 1937, for which he was a regular contributor. Alain Pallier wrote an article about Marcel Lamare’s remarkable collection of 12,000 endgame studies in
EG 121 pg 870-871. In this article he estimated:
“Taking into account the identified lacunae, it may not be over-optimistic to conjecture that Lamare's 12,000 form 80% of the cumulative world production of studies by the year 1937.”
Lamare, Marcel
La Stratégie, 1918 (462)
Show Solution1. Be8+ ! Kxe8
{1... Qxe8 2. Sf6 Qa8 3. g8=Q+ Qxg8 4. Sxg8 Kxg8 5. Kg6 +- ; 1... Ke7 2. Sf6 +-}
2. Sf6+ Kf7 3. Sxg8 Kxg8 4. Kh5 !
{4. Kg5 ? Kxg7 5. Kh5 Kh7 =}
4... Kf7
{4... Kxg7 5. Kg5 Kf7 6. Kh6 +-}
5. g8=Q+ !
{5. Kh4 ? Kg8 6. Kh5 Kf7 =}
5... Kxg8 6. Kg6 and wins.
Emil Richter (14-01-1894 – 16-03-1971) Czech composer
Emil Richter composed about 220 studies but also problems (direct and selfmates). He was a powerful chess player (
Czech champion in 1948). His obituary was published in
Šachové umění, May 1971.
Richter, Emil
Morgenzeitung, 1928
Honorable Mention
Show Solution1. d6 !
{1. b8=Q ? Sxb8 2. Rxb8 Ra3 3. Rb5 Ke4 4. Ke7 Kd4 5. Kxd7 Kc4 6. Kc6 Ra2 = }
1... Rc3
{1... cxd6 2. Rb6 Nb8 3. a6 Sxa6 [3... Ra3 4. Rb3+ ! Rxb3 5. a7 Rxb7 6. a8=Q +-] 4. Rxa6 Rb3 5. Ra3 +-}
{1... c6 2. b8=Q Sxb8 3. Rxb8 +-}
2. b8=Q Sxb8 3. Rb3 ! Rxb3 4. dxc7 Sc6 5. c8=Q Sxa5 6. Qc5 ! Rd3
{Black must lose the Knight or the Rook}
7. Qxa5 +-
Bernhard Rehm (14-01-1899 – 26-01-1971) German composer
Bernhard Rehm composed about 1200-1500 problems in all genres, as was stated in his obituary by W. Karsch in this issue of
feenschach. 60 of his problems, many of them fairies, can be found in the feenschach obituary.
The Bernhard-Rehm-theme is the following: in a
Maximummer, the longest move is determined because apparently longer (or equally long) ones are illegal self checks due to the specific fairy condition.
Rehm, Bernhard
Die Schwalbe, 1955
1 st Prize
Show SolutionSetplay:
1...f5 2.Rb8 Qxb8 3.Rg5 Qh2#
1.Kh3! f5 2.Ra8 Qxa8 3.Rg3 Qh1#
Echo mates.
Rehm, Bernhard
Feenschach, 1956
/8/2N5/8) |
Show SolutionSetplay:
1...Gh7 2.Qg6 Qf5#
1.Qh5 Sb4 2.Qg4 Qf4#
Orthogonal-diagonal echo mates.
An interesting simul game of Tummes' versus Karpov:
He loses, but no differently than Karpov has ground up many a grandmasters ...
Thanks for the link! Karpov wonderfully plays such endgames (I lost a R+S vs Q endgame against him in a simul more than 20 years ago).
ReplyDeleteWas Semion Shifrin born in 1936, or 1956?
ReplyDeleteI find contradictory info online.
In 1936 according to http://www.franziska-iseli.ch/cgi/twiki/bin/view/PCCC/ComposersNamesInVariousAlphabetsS
Delete(therefore, the date has been corrected above).
You can see him on a picture here: http://www.pazeinat.com/chess_problem_composition/chess-art/am2011/am2011.htm