Gerardus Hendrik Goethart (04-09-1892 - 17-05-1969) Dutch composer
Gerardus Goethart was mostly a twomover composer.
24 of his problems were compiled by Max Niemeijer in "
Chess Problems of G.H. Goethart" (1962).
He left his name to the following theme, also called "Goethart unpin": White unpins a black piece, taking advantage of an interference of this pinned black piece by another black unit.
Here is a good training for the twomover round of the
coming WCSC:
Goethart, Gerardus Hendrik
Hampshire Telegraph and Post, 1915
st Prize
Show Solution1.Rb4! ZZ
and Black cannot avoid the mate on the 2nd move.
Goethart, Gerardus Hendrik
The Problemist, 1952
th Prize
Show Solution1.Qa6! (2.Rb5#)
1...Kc5+ 2.Rb2#
1...Bc4~ 2.Rb4# or 1...Bb5 2.Rc6#
1...Rxa6 2.Rxa6#
1...Rc5 2.Qxa1#
The good key gives a flight and sacrifices the white Queen. Black correction (with the black Bishop).
Goethart, Gerardus Hendrik
Hampshire Telegraph and Post, 1916
rd Prize
Show SolutionSet play:
1...Rc3+[a] 2.Bc3#[A]
1...Rc4+[b] 2.Sc6#[B]
1.Sc5! (2.Se6#)
1...Rc3[a] 2.Be3#[C]
1...Rc4[b] 2.Sxd3#[D]
1...Kxc5 2.Qxa7#
1...Bxc5 2.Qg4#
Changed mates, battery play.
Frederik Willem Nanning (04-09-1892 - 12-06-1958) Dutch composer
Frederik Nanning was the most famous of the four Nanning brothers. He wrote with A.M. Koldijk the "
Thema Boek" which defined with examples 300 chess problem themes and was published in 1948. Their book can be
read and downloaded from here.
Gerard Smit published in 1958 "
F. W. Nanning", the 8th volume in the
Probleemcomponisten series.
He was one of the founders of the Dutch chess problem society in 1931.
Nanning, Frederik Willem
L'Echiquier Belge, 1955
nd Prize
Show SolutionSet play:
1...Sc5[a] 2.Sc3#[A] 1...Sd6[b] 2.Sf6#[B]
1.Sg5? (2.Be4#)
1...Sc5[a] 2.dxc5#[C] 1...Sd6[b]/Re6 2.Qe6#[D]
but 1...Rg6!
Real play:
1.Sd2! (2.Qe4#)
1...Sc5[a]/Re6 2.Qc4#[E] 1...Sd6[b]/Be5 2.Qe5#[F]
1...Kxd4 2.Sb1#
Nanning, Frederik Willem
Probleemblad, 1951
st Prize
Show Solution1.Qd1-f1 ! (2.Bh7xf5+ Ra5xf5 3.Qf1xf5#)
1...Ra6-d6 2.Qf1-f4+ Ke4-d5 3.Bh7xg8#
1...Bb8-d6 2.Sg4xf6+ Ke4xd4 3.Qf1-f4#
1...Ra5-d5 2.d2-d3+ c4xd3, Ke4xd4 3.Qf1xd3, Sh6xf5#
1...Bg8-d5 2.Qf1xf5+ Ke4xd4 3.Qf5-e4#
1...Bg8xh7 2.d2-d3+ c4xd3 3.Qf1xd3#
1...Qh2-f2 2.Qf1-h1+ Qf2-f3, Qf2-g2 3.Sg4-f2, Qh1xg2#
Pin mates, black self interferences (two Grimshaws on d6 and d5)
Jean-Luc Seret (04-09-1951) French composer
Jean-Luc Seret
[Kevin Spraggett's blog [broken link] ] |
Jean-Luc Seret is a French o.t.b. IM and was four times o.t.b French champion, but what interests us is his contribution to chess problems.
He was a friend of
Jean-Michel Trillon's (they worked for the same company) and they composed a few problems together. He is interested in problems with retro contents (with fairy conditions Volages or Sentinelles Angevines) or in moremovers or studies.
Seret, Jean-Luc
Themes 64, 1975
st Prize
Show Solution1.Kb2? is the main plan threatening 2.Bxa4# but 1...a3+ disrupts this plan.
White could try 1.Bxa4+? Kc1 2.Rc4+ Kb1 3.Bc2+ Kc1 4.Bf5+ Kd1 5.Bg4+ Ke1 6.Re4+ Kf1 7.Bh3+ Kg1 8.Rg4+ Kh1 9.Bg2+ Kg1 10.Bc6+ Kf1 11.Bb5+ Ke1 12.Re4+ Kd1 13.Kb2 Rxc5 14.Ba4+ Rc2+ 25.Bxc2# but 3...Ka1! 4.Kb3 b5! 5.cxb6 e.p. Rb5+!
This is why both pawns a4 and b7 must be eliminated:
1.Be2+! Ke1 2.Bg4+ Kf1 3.Bh3+ Kg1 4.Rg4+ Kh1 5.Bg2+ Kg1 6.Bxb7+ Kf1 7.Ba6+ Ke1 8.Re4+ Kd1 9.Be2+ Ke1 10.Bb5+ Kd1 11.Bxa4+ Kc1 12.Rc4+ Kb1 13.Bc2+ Kc1 14.Bf5+ Kd1 15.Bg4+ Ke1 16.Re4+ Kf1 17.Bh3+ Kg1 18.Rg4+ Kh1 19.Bg2+ Kg1 20.Bc6+ Kf1 21.Bb5+ Ke1 22.Re4+ Kd1 23.Kb2 Rxc5 24.Ba4+ Rc2+ 25.Bxc2#
A logical moremover.
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