Erich Anselm Brunner (11-12-1885 - 16-05-1938) German-Swiss composer
Erich Brunner
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Erich Brunner composed around 600 strategic multimovers. The best of his problems were compiled by Moritz Henneberger and Hans Klüver, who completed Erich Brunner's selection, in "Erich Brunner - ein Künstler und Deuter des Schachproblems". The book can be
read and downloaded from here and
the list of errata, by Anton Baumann, here.
Several themes are named after him or were researched by him, such as the Brunner-Turton, the Brunner-Dresdner, the Brunner-Plachutta, the Swiss theme, etc.
Turton doubling: a piece moves along a line (rank, file or diagonal), then a similarly-moving piece moves onto the same line in front of it, then this second piece moves again along this line, in the opposite direction to that of the firs
The Brunner Turton is differentiated from the Loyd Turton by the fact that the first piece moved is of greater value than the second in Loyd-Turton, while in the former the two pieces are of equal value.
Brunner, Erich Anselm
Akademisches Monatsheft für Schach, 1910
Show Solution1.Rc4-h4 ! Kc6xc5 2.Rg1-g4 Kc5-c6 3.Rg4-c4#
In "
Der Indische Problem"
Kohtz and Kockelkorn mentioned the theoretical possibility of such a critical move followed by a doubling of similar long-range pieces, but they doubted it was possible to show in a problem.
Brunner, Erich Anselm
Münchner Neueste Nachrichten, 1912
Show Solution1.Sc2-e3 ! (2.Rg3-f3/Se3-d5/Rb3-b6#)
1...Bc1xe3 2.Rb3-b6+ Be3xb6 3.Rg3-f3#
1...Re1xe3 2.Rg3-f3+ Re3xf3 3.Rb3-b6#
Brunner-Novotny: the
Novotny interference is followed by a further decoy of the black capturing piece.