Tuesday, February 28, 2012

February 29th

Alois Szerencsics (29-02-1908 - 17-11-1992) Austrian composer

Alois Szerencsics has problems selected in the FIDE Album and some of his works are quoted in "Problempalette. Schachprobleme österr. Autoren aus den Jahren 1901-1970" (1972) or in "Problempalette II" (1991) by Friedrich Chlubna and Klaus Wenda.

Ebner, Bruno & Szerencsics, Alois
1st WCCT, 1972
11th Place, 1972-1975

#3 v 5 + 6

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Szerencsics, Alois
Schach-Aktiv TT, 1983
1st Prize

#2 vv 10 + 11

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Monday, February 27, 2012

February 28th

Александр Фёдорович Феоктистов (28-02-1948) Russian composer and Grandmaster (Aleksandr Fyodorovich Feoktistov)

[Ofer Comay, Paz Einat and Alexander Feoktistov
receiving prizes for the Moskovskaya Matreshka tourney, Dresden congress, 2017
Variantim 73]

Aleksandr Feoktistov is the Grandmaster of the day. He's an expert in many fields and many of his works are memorable. You are certainly waiting forward to see some examples and we won't disappoint you:

Феоктистов, Александр Фёдорович
WCCT, 2008
2nd Place

s#3 9 + 13

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One could also quote a #3 with a 3x3 Zagoruiko with 3 black promotions (1...a1=Q/B/S). But, since we are quite fond of batteries, we choose this one:

Феоктистов, Александр Фёдорович
Сельская жизнь 1969
1st Prize

#3 10 + 10

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Can Feoktistov compose non-direct mate problems? A possible answer is the following item:

Феоктистов, Александр Фёдорович
Всероссийский конкурс 1992
1st Prize

h#34 solutions 6 + 12

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Sunday, February 26, 2012

February 27th

Петко Андонов Петков (27-02-1942 - 11-08-2024) Bulgarian composer and Grandmaster (Petko Andonov Petkov) 

Text withdrawn upon request of GM Petko A. Petkov, who did not have time to send us his updated text before he left us in August 2024.

February 26th

Bo Waldemar Lindgren (26-02-1927 - 04-06-2011) Swedish composer and Grandmaster

Bo Lindgren and Norman Macleod
Benidorm 1990

Bo Lindgren was the son of Fritjof Lindgren (see February 23rd). International Judge since 1966 and Grand Master since 1980, he was the editor of the problem columns of Skakbladet from 1952 until 1957 and collaborated with Stella Polaris from 1966 until 1970.
A collection of 197 of his best problems was published in 1978 by Walther Jørgensen, titled "Maskrosor" (Dandelions).

John Rice wrote an inspiring two-part article "The Lindgren Legacy" selecting 52 of Lindgren's problems in The Problemist November 2011 and January 2012: a worthy homage to the Swedish GM. The problems below were also quoted by John Rice.

Let's start with a longmover:

Lindgren, Bo Waldemar
Probleemblad, 2000
2nd Prize

#12 11 + 13
Show Solution
Lindgren, Bo Waldemar
Mat (Beograd) 1984

3 + 3
Show Solution
One of Bo Lindgren's most impressive achievements was the following series selfmate:

Lindgren, Bo Waldemar
feenschach, 1987
Dedicated to Walter Jörgensen for his 70th birthday
1st Prize

Ser-s#42              9 + 10

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Lindgren, Bo Waldemar
Ujcs, 1951
1st Prize

s#5 12 + 3

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Saturday, February 25, 2012

February 25th

János Lázár (25-02-1909 - 01-05-1981) Hungarian composer

János Lázár

János Lázár was a study composer. He published his first study in 1936 and accomplished his first success in the same year. He was particularly interested in Rook endgames and in twin studies. More details, as well as three other studies, can be seen on this page.

Lázár, János
Magyar Sakkélet, May 1952 (647)
2nd Prize

= 7 + 6

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Friday, February 24, 2012

February 24th

Georges Emile Barbier (24-02-1844 - 16-12-1895) French composer

Barbier became famous for the 1895 endgame study which was initially published as a draw study, until Rev. Saavedra found the winning promotion.

Saavedra, Fernando & Barbier, Georges Emile
Glasgow Weekly Citizen, 1895

+ 2 + 2
Show Solution
For a quick look at the history of this endgame, you may look at the Wikipedia webpage. For further details and a reproduction of Barbier's column in the Weekly Citizen, browse Tim Krabbé's website.

Consider solving the problem below, for the fun of it:

Barbier, Georges Emile
Brooklyn Standard Union 27/01/1894

-1 & #1 3 + 2
White retracts one moves and mates in one.
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Thursday, February 23, 2012

February 23rd

Fritjof Lindgren (23-02-1897 - 08-11-1957) Swedish composer

Fritjof Lindgren composed more than 600 problems, most of them three-movers and many excellent miniatures. He also wrote some books about chess composition: "Schackkuriosa", "Moderna svenska schackproblem" (1936) and "33 Schackminiatyrer" (1937).
He was the father of GM Bo Lindgren - more about Bo in another post.
Here is a example of his threemovers:

Lindgren, Fritjof
Stockholms Schacksällskap, O. W. Robert Sahlberg J.T. 1916
2nd Prize

#3 6 + 9

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Wednesday, February 22, 2012

February 22nd

Edith Elina Helen Baird - née Winter-Wood (22-02-1859 - 01-02-1924) British composer

Edith Baird

Edith Baird is renowned for her works (a total of 2000 problems) as well as for the books she wrote : "Seven Hundred Chess Problems" in 1902 (which can be downloaded here) and "The Twentieth Century Retractor" in 1907.

Let's quote the justifiably proud ChessDevon website [broken link]:
In 1893, for instance, she entered The Hackney Mercury 3-mover tournament, with a limit of 6 pieces. Most of the great composers of the time had entered, - B. G. Laws, P. H. Williams and James Raynor among them, but she won 1st prize. As one American critic observed, "The fact that the tourney assumed an almost international character rendered the triumph of the distinguished lady victor as noteworthy as it was creditable".
Here is this first prize: 

Baird, Edith Elina Helen
Hackney Mercury, 1893
1st Prize

#3 5 + 1

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Tuesday, February 21, 2012

February 21st

Let's start mentioning in passing Sawielly Tartakower (21-02-1887 - 05-02-1956) the Polish-French chess player and witty writer whose aphorisms are remembered by all well-read chess players.

Karel Pospíšil (21-02-1867 - 06-04-1929) Czech composer

Karel Pospíšil was a pianist and music composer, but also a chess composer.
The problem below has nice key and a brutal threat, but the variations deserve being sought:

Pospíšil, Karel
Světozor, 1885

#3 9 + 12

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Monday, February 20, 2012

February 20th

Herman Leonard Jonsson (20-02-1860 - 31-12-1936) Swedish composer

"Problem" September 1969
[Thanks to Александр Никитин ]

Herman L. Jonsson mostly composed orthodox direct mates. This one is definitely not too easy to solve:

Jonsson, Herman Leonard
Jamaica Gleaner, 1885
1st Prize

#2 12 + 8

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Sunday, February 19, 2012

February 19th

Francis Charles Collins (19-02-1843 - 29-07-1898) British composer

Francis C. Collins published in 1881 an anthology titled "A Selection of 107 Chess Problems".

Collins, Francis Charles
Collins: Selection of 107 Chess Problems, 1881 (104)

s#3 7 + 9
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Saturday, February 18, 2012

February 18th

Meindert Niemeijer (18-02-1902 - 05-10-1987) Dutch composer and International Master

Meindert Niemeijer

Niemeijer was a prolific author of 600 chess problems and of over 30 books and brochures. He worked in the insurance business like Wolfgang Pauly and also collected chess books. He gave his 7000-book collection to the Koninklijke Bibliotheek in The Hague in 1948, which now detains the richest chess books collection - the "Bibliotheca Van der Linde-Niemeijeriana".

Niemeijer also wrote a monography about Wolfgang Pauly which was the reference book about the Romanian composer until Marian Stere published his voluminous "Challenge of a Legacy" in 2001. Niemeijer also dedicated a problem to W.Pauly at the occasion of Pauly's 50th birthday:

Niemeijer, Meindert
Funkschach, 1926 (Dedicated to Wolfgang Pauly)

#4 11 + 15

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Niemeijer, Meindert
Задачи и этюды 1928
1st HM

#3 10 + 4

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Thursday, February 16, 2012

February 17th

Виктор Александрович Калягин (17-02-1953 - 26-10-2010) Russian composer (Viktor Alexandrovich Kalyagin)

Kalyagin is a study composer. The selected endgame study below is not too complicated and should not give the reader any headache (those who want tougher nuts can take a look at this one)

Калягин, Виктор Александрович
Olimpiev JT Уральский проблемист 2001
Special Honorable Mention

+ 3 + 4

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Wednesday, February 15, 2012

February 16th

Knud Harald Hannemann (16-02-1903 - 01-05-1981) Danish composer and International Master

Knud Hannemann
[Source: "The Danish Wizard"]

Knud Hannemann is another legend of chess problems. He wrote an anthology of his chess problems: "The Danish wizard: one hundred chess problems of Knud Harald Hannemann selected by their author""which was edited and issued by Dr M.Niemeyer (1963).
We have selected only from the problems that have appeared in the FIDE Albums:

Hannemann, Knud Harald
Skakbladet, 1929
1st Prize

#2 12 + 9

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Hannemann, Knud Harald
Skakbladet, 1919
1st Prize

#3 10 + 10

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Hannemann, Knud Harald
Skakbladet, 1919

s#3 7 + 6

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February 15th

Daniel Papack (15-02-1957) German composer

Daniel Papack was an International Master in May 2020 when he withdrew his problems from all sections of the FIDE ALBUM 2016-2018 and requested that his name be removed from the list of title-holders.
Many problems by Daniel Papack could be quoted. Let's just choose one with a rare combination of themes:

Papack, Daniel
Hlas ľudu, 1995
1st Prize

#2 11 + 7

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Monday, February 13, 2012

February 14th

Jean Dufresne (14-02-1829 - 13-04-1893) chess player, composer and author

Jean Dufresne [Wikipedia]

He is known for the Evergreen game with Adolf Anderssen, whose student he was and for his "Kleines Lehrbuch des Schachspiels" (1881). What's he doing here?, you may righteously ask. Dufresne also composed some studies, of which you can find a sample below. Our readers will enjoy his anthology published in the end of the 19th century and kindly hosted by Anders Thulin:
"Sammlung leichterer Schachaufgaben, I" (1881)
"Sammlung leichterer Schachaufgaben, II" (1882)
"Sammlung leichterer Schachaufgaben, III" (1887)

An easy study:

Dufresne, Jean
bs53-521, 1910

+ 3 + 3

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Sunday, February 12, 2012

February 13th

C. C. Moore (13-02-1830 - ?) American composer

This author is quoted in American Chess-Nuts (1868), for instance:

Moore, C. C.
American Chess-Nuts, 1868 (3-moves / 623)

#3 8 + 4

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Saturday, February 11, 2012

February 12th

Александр Дмитриевич Петров (12-02-1794 - 22-04-1867) Russian composer and chess player (Alexandr Dimitrievich Petrov)

Aleksandr D. Petrov [Wikipedia]

Petrov, the first great Russian chess master, was considered as Russia's best player for half of the 19th century. He is the Petrov of Petrov's Defense (also known under the name of Russian game).
His best-known problem is "The Retreat of Napoleon I from Moscow" (St Petersburg 1824) that can be seen on Wikipedia.

Here is an interesting long selfmate:

Петров, Александр Дмитриевич
La Nouvelle Régence, 01/1861

s#13C- 12 + 7

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And here is a representative moremover (not too hard to solve):

Петров, Александр Дмитриевич
? 1846

#6 10 + 13

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Friday, February 10, 2012

February 11th

Arthur James Mosely (11-02-1867 - 15-04-1930) Australian composer

Arthur Mosely
[from G.Foster and B.Meadley's article in the Problemist]

Some biographical details about Mosely and about his activity at the Brisbane Courier can be found on our Australian friends' website Ozproblems: this is an article by Geoff Foster and Bob Meadly published in The Problemist, November 2005.

Mosely, Arthur James
Good Companion, Apr 1914
2nd Prize

#2* 10 + 10

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Thursday, February 9, 2012

February 10th

Konrad Erlinger (10-02-1856 - 31-12-1944) Austrian composer

Konrad Erlinger published problems under the pseudonym of Konrad Erlin. He was a prolific composer, a lover of model mates and of sacrifices of white pieces, and a precursor of the Bohemian school.

Erlinger, Konrad
Good Companions, 1921
1st Prize

#3 8 + 7
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Erlinger, Konrad
Beobachter, 1889
1st Prize

#3 7 + 7

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Erlinger, Konrad
Illustriertes Familien-Journal 1888
1st Prize
#3......7 + 7

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Wednesday, February 8, 2012

February 9th

Valeriu Petrovici (09-02-1932) Romanian composer and editor

Valeriu Petrovici was editor of Romanian magazine Buletin Problemistic (now defunct and replaced by a new magazine, "Componist"). He is the author of a selection of his best problems. He was also the captain of the Romanian team for WCCT8 and the president of the Romanian Chess Composition Committee. He is very keen on historical research about early Romanian composers and also on the Valladao task.

Petrovici, Valeriu
Jubilé Dmitrenko-55, 1998
3rd Prize

s#6 9 + 6

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Petrovici, Valeriu
Cupa Federaţiei Române de Şah, 1988
1st-2nd Place

#2* 10 + 8

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Tuesday, February 7, 2012

February 8th

Virgil Nestorescu (08-02-1929 - 21-06-2018) Romanian composer and Grand Master

Virgil Nestorescu, Bratislava 1993 [Wikipedia]

Virgil Nestorescu was, with his friend Emilian Dobrescu, Romania's leading composers and only Grand Masters in chess composition. He was less active for the last ten years due to health problems.
He wrote, alone or together with Emilian, several books about chess problems and studies. He is also an International Judge and was Romania's delegate at the PCCC in the 1990s. He composed in all genres, with a predilection for endgames and direct mates.

Nestorescu, Virgil
Szachista Polski, 1991 (90)
2nd Prize

= 4 + 3

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Nestorescu, Virgil
1st WCCT, 1972
12th Place, 1972-1975

s#2 11 + 7

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