Frederick E. Gamage (21-11-1882 - 24-12-1956) American composer
Frederick Gamage
[Source: Illustrated Western Weekly News, cca 1910
scan © Michael McDowell] |
Frederick Gamage was specialized in two and three-movers and was one of the precursors of the American composition.
In 1941 Alan White published "
Frederick Gamage. An artist in Chess problem" which contains 100 selected problems and can be downloaded and
read from here.
In 2004 Mike Prcic published the anthology "
Frederick Gamage".
His name was given to a problem theme.
Gamage theme: White can directly unpin a black piece because Black has just interfered with it.
Gamage, Frederick E.
The Brisbane Courier, 1915
st HM
Show Solution1.Rc1! (2.Rc4#)
1...Sd6 2.Qxe7#
1...Bc3 2.Qb1#
1...e6 2.Qh7#
Three Gamage variations (bRc6 is unpinned by the Queen move, because it was interfered by the previous black move Sd6, Bc3 or e6)
Secondary variations:
1...Bb6 2.Qxc6#
1...Se3 2.Sf2#
1...Sd2 2.Re1#
Gamage, Frederick E.
The Falkirk Herald, Keeble MT, 1940
st Prize
Show Solution1.Qb1! (2.Qc1#)
1...Rxa3 2.Sg6#
1...Rxg4+ 2.Sxg4#
1...Bc4 2.Sf7#
1...Bd7 2.Sc4#
Four battery mates by wSe5.
1...Sb3 2.Qxb3#
1...Sc4/Rac4/Rcc4/Bd3 2.Rd3#
Gamage, Frederick E.
The Pittsburgh Leader, 1910
st Prize
Show Solution1.Qc1-c2 !
(with two threats: 2.Be4-f3 [3.Bf3-g4#] 2...Rd3xf3 3.Qc2-e4# and 2.Se2xd4+ Rd3xd4 3.Be4-f5#)
1...Sa1xc2 2.Sf6-d7 [3.Sd7-c5#] 2...Ke6xd7 3.Be4-f5#
1...Rd2xc2 2.Be4-f3 [3.Bf3-g4#] 2...Rd3xf3 3.Qc2-e4#
1...Ba4xc2 2.Be4-c6 [3.Bc6-d7#] 2...Sa7xc6 3.c7-c8=Q/B#
Secondary variation:
1...Rd2xe2 2.Qc2xd3 [3.Be4-f5/Be4-d5/Qd3-c4/Qd3-h3#]