Fernand Calvet (04-11-1910 - 04-01-1998) French composer
Fernand Calvet published numerous problems - usually fairy problems, in collaboration with Pierre Monréal who invented the Circe fairy condition or with other French problemists). Fernand Calvet invented the Anticirce condition.
He was also an excellent solver.
Calvet, Fernand
feenschach, 1971
ser-=12: White plays 12 consecutive moves and stalemates Black.
Show Solution1. h8=Q 2. Qxf8 3. Q8xb4 4. f8=S 5. Se6 6. Sxd4 7. Sxb5 8. d8=R 9. Rxa8 10. Rb8 11. a8=B 12. Bxb7=
Calvet, Fernand & Oudot, Jean
The British Chess Magazine, 1964
st Commendation
#2 | h8, g3, h2: Lion | 10 + 12 |
Lion moves like a Queen but beyond a hurdle.
Show Solution1.b6-b7 ! ZZ
2.Sa5-c6, Qa6xd6, Kf4xe5#
1...d4-d3, e4-e3, h4-h3, d5xc4, g7-g5+, g7-g6/Bh7-g6, Bh7xf5
2.Kf4-e3, Kf4-f3, Kf4xg3, Kf4xe4, Kf4-g4, Kf4-g5, Kf4xf5#
1...Qa8xb7 2.Qa6xb7#
1...Kb8-c7 2.b7xa8=S#
Яков Вульфович Россомахо (04-11-1935 - 02-04-2024) Russian composer and International Master (Yakov Vulfovich Rossomakho)
Yakov Rossomakho is a twomover specialist but also composes longer direct mates (such as
this #3).
He is the editor of the magazine "
Zadachy i etjudy" and an International Judge.
Россомахо, Яков Вульфович
Мемориал Л. Куббеля 1992
st Prize
Show Solution1. Se~? [2. Sd4 [B] , Qxd5 [D] #]
but 1... Bc3 [c] !
1. Sd7? [2. Qxd5 [D] #] (2.Sd4#?)
1... Rxf8 [a] 2. Se7 [A] #
1... Se6~ 2. S(x)d4 [B] #
1... Bc3 [c] 2. Qg4 [C] # (2.Qg5#?)
but 1... Ra2 [f] !
1. Sf7! [2. Sd4 [B] #] (2.Qxd5#?)
1... Rxc8 [g] 2. Se7 [A] #
1... Sd7 2. Sh6#
1... Sg4+ 2. hxg4#
1... Bc3 [c] 2. Qg5 [G] # (2.Qg4#?)
1... f3 2. Qxf3 [E] # (2.Qg4#?)
Dual avoidance, white correction. The try and key both unpin a black S.
Steen Boe Christensen (04-11-1950) Danish composer
Steen Christensen started composing in 1966 and composed little - mostly fairy problems (Haaner Chess and Sentinelles are his favourite conditions). He tested 77% of the FIDE Album problems until 1988 and published the results.
He wrote "TERMINOLOGI I SKAKOPGAVER: BRÆTTER OG BRIKKER", a terminology of fairy conditions and pieces, in 1998.
Christensen, Steen Boe
Thema Danicum, 1980
nd Prize
Show Solution1. f1=B 2. e1=Q 3. Qxe3 4. Qxd4 5. e3 6. e2 7. e1=R 8. Ra1 9. d1=S 10. Bc4 11. Ba2 12. Bb1 13. Ra2 14. Qa1 15. Sb2 Bc1=
Black Allumwandlung, pin stalemate.
Stanislav Vokál (04-11-1950) Slovak composer
Stanislav Vokál composes in all genres. If you are interested, you can consult his
selected problems on his website.
Vokál, Stanislav
Memorial A Pongracz - 1990
st Prize
Show Solution1.Qb3-a4 ! (2.Sb4-d3+ Kc5-d5 3.Qa4-d4+ e5xd4 4.Sd3-f4+ Rf3xf4#)
1...Ba1xc3 2.Sb4-a2+ Bc3-b4 3.Qa4xb4+ Kc5-d5 4.Sa2-c3+ Rf3xc3#
1...Qe1-e3 2.Sb4xc2+ Kc5-d5 3.Qa4-a5+ Qe3-c5 4.Sc2-e3+ Rf3xe3#
A black unit moves to the square (c3/e3) where the white Knight will come later to force the mate by the black battery; this black unit is pinned in the meantime.
Gunter Jordan (04-11-1952) German composer
Gunter Jordan, Frank Richter and Norbert Geissler |
Gunter Jordan is the editor of "
Gaudium" whose
archive can be found on the Italian website "
Accademia del problema". You can find issue 124 (31st October 2012)
He composes in all genres, but mostly fairy problems.
Jordan, Gunter
Problemkiste, Sep 2008 (178/7168)
h#3 | b) Stipulation h=3 | 2 + 9 |
Show Solutiona) 1.d2-d1=S Rf1xf2 2.Rg1-e1 Rf2xe2 3.Kh1-g1 Re2xe1#
b) 1.Re2-e1 Rf1xe1 2.e3-e2 Kf3-e3 3.f2-f1=B Ke3xd2 =
Argentine theme: h#/h= twins.
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