Knud Harald Hannemann (16-02-1903 - 01-05-1981) Danish composer and International Master
Knud Hannemann [Source: "The Danish Wizard"] |
Knud Hannemann is another legend of chess problems. He wrote an anthology of his chess problems: "The Danish wizard: one hundred chess problems of Knud Harald Hannemann selected by their author""which was edited and issued by Dr M.Niemeyer (1963).
We have selected only from the problems that have appeared in the FIDE Albums:
Hannemann, Knud Harald
Skakbladet, 1929
st Prize
Show Solution1.Rb4! (2.c4#)
1...Qxd4 2.Qa8#
1...fxe3 2.c3#
1...Sxd4+ 2.Sf7#
1...Sc5+ 2.d5#
Schiffmann theme.
Hannemann, Knud Harald
Skakbladet, 1919
st Prize
Show Solution1.Rh5 ! (2.Bc5#)
1...Rc3 2.Sb3+ Rxb3 3.Bc5#
1...Qd5 2.Re4+ Qxe4 3.Bc5#
1...Qc3 2.Qe3+ Qxe3 3.Bc5#
1...Qf5 2.Qf4+ Qxf4 3.Bc5#
1...Bd5 2.Sc6+ Bxc6 3.Bc5#
1...Rf5 2.Qg7+ Rf6 3.Bc5#
A classical threemover with theme AntiBristol.
Hannemann, Knud Harald
Skakbladet, 1919
Show Solution1.Qd3 ! ZZ
1...e1=Q 2.Qg3+ Qxg3 3.Bc3+ Qxc3#
1...e1=S 2.Qf5+ exf5 3.Sd3+ Sxd3#
1...e1=R 2.Qe3+ Rxe3 3.Bc3+ Rxc3#
1...e1=B 2.Bc3+ Bxc3 3.Qd4+ Bxd4#
A very elegant s#3 with AUW
Adriano Chicco (16-02-1907 - 30-08-1990) Italian composer and International Master
Adriano Chicco is the author of over 500 problems and IM in chess composition. He took care of the Problems section of L'Italia Scacchistica during 16 years.
He gave his name to a twomover theme also known under the name of Moscow:
White threatens a double check. The battery front piece aims on a unguarded field F. Black parries by interposing on the double check line by a figure that also opens a guard line to F by line opening. The parry introduces any error. You can find an example
Let's start with a
reflex-mate that was published in the FIDE Album:
Chicco, Adriano
problem (Zagreb) 1951
Show Solution1.Kf4 ! ZZ
1...Sc3 2.Kg3 Se2#
1...Sxb2 2.Ke5 Sd3#
1...Sxc5 2.Kg5 Se6#
1...Sxb6 2.Ke3 Sd5#
Star of the White King.
Chicco, Adriano
The Brisbane Courier, 31
st Oct 1931 (3387)
st Prize
Show Solution1.g5! (2.Sg4#)
1...Ke5+ 2.Sxc4#
1...Kc5+ 2.Se4#
1...Rxc3 2.Qxc3#
1...Rc5/Rc6/Rc7/Rc8/Rb4/Rxa4 2.Sxe2#
1...Bf1/Bf3/Bg4/Bh5/Bd1 2.Sc2#
1...Bd3 2.Sf5#/Sc2#
Battery play, cross-checks.
František Kubát (16-02-1908 - ?) Czech composer
Kubát, František
Začiatočníci, 1959
st Prize
Show Solution1.Qxc5! (2.Rd4#)
1...Bxd3+ 2.cxd3#
1...e2 2.Sxf2#
1...Qxe6+ 2.Rxe6#
1...Sd5 2.Bf5#
1...Sc6 2.Qf5#
1...Rxc5+ 2.Sxc5#
1...exd6 2.Sxf6#
3 pairs of thematic variations: one with the capture of a pinned white piece, the other with its unpinning.
Rudolf Teschner (16-02-1922 - 23-07-2006) German composer
Rudolf Teschner was a chess player (Honorary GM) and writer. He also composed a few problems. Here is something relaxing:
Teschner, Rudolf
Der Tagesspiegel, Mar 1949 (164)
Show Solution1.Ke5-d6 ! ZZ
1...Kg7-f7 2.Kd6-d7 Kf7-g7 3.Kd7-e8 Kg7-h8 4.Ke8-f7#
Only Kings move.
Klaus Scheibe (16-02-1936) German composer
Scheibe, Klaus
Deutsche Schachzeitung, 1967
rd Prize
Show Solution1.Ra5 ! ZZ
1...Kd4 2.Kd2 Kc4 3.Sd3 Kd4, Kb3 4.Ra4, Bd5#
1...Kf4 2.Ke2 Kg4 3.Bf3+ Kh4/Kh3, Kf4 4.Rh5, Sd3#
1...Kf2 2.Kd2 (3.Se2 ~ 4.Rf5#)
Franco Bertoli (16-02-1954) Italian composer
Franco Bertoli
[© Nikola Stolev] |
Bertoli, Franco
Rossi-80 JT Best Problems, 2005
nd Prize
Show Solution1. Be7+ Kb6 2. Bc5+ Kxc5 3. a8=Q Bh3+ 4. Kd8 Sc6+ 5. Ke8 Re1+ 6. Kf8 gxf2 7. Qa3+ Kb6 8. c8=S+ Kc7 9. Qg3+ Se5 10. Qxf2 Rf1 11. Qxf1 Bxf1 12. Se7 =
Built on the theme of a recent WCCT.
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