Stefan Milewski (02-10-1943) Polish composer
Stefan Milewski is a direct mate,
helpmate and selfmate composer.
Milewski, Stefan
The Problemist, 2000
st Prize
Show SolutionSet play:
1...Rxd6[a] 2.Se7#[B]
1...Sd3[b]/Sc6[d] 2.Se3#[C]
1...Sc4[c] 2.Sb4#[D]
1...b5 2.Rc5#
1...Qh2/Qh3/Qh4 2.Qxe4#
1...Re6 2.Bxe4#[A]
1...Sef3/Sf7/Sg6 2.Se3#[C]/Sb4#[D]
1.Rc4? (2.Se3#[C])
1...Sxc4[c] 2.Sb4#[D]
1...Kxc4 2.Sxb6#[E]but 1...Qh3!
1.Bf8? (2.Sxb6#[E])
1...Rxd6[a] 2.Se7#[B] but 1...Sc4[c]!
1.Qf2? (2.Sb4#[D])
1...Sd3[b]/Sc6[d] 2.Se3#[C] but 1...e3!
1.Rc6! (2.Se7#[B])
1...Sxc6[d] 2.Se3#[C]
1...dxc6[e] 2.Sxb6#[E]
1...Kxc6/Re6 2.Bxe4#[A]
1...Qh4 2.Qxe4#
1...Sg6 2.Sb4#[D]
Transferred mates,
Pseudo Le Grand,
László Czakó (02-10-1946) Hungarian composer
László Czakó composes in all genres.
Czakó, László
Popovski jubileum, 1983
nd Prize
Show Solution1.Se2-d4 ! (2.Qd1-f1+ Ra1xf1#)
1...b2-b1=S 2.Qd1xd2+ Sb1xd2#
1...b2-b1=B 2.Qd1xc2+ Bb1xc2#
1...c2-c1=S 2.Qd1-e2+ Sc1xe2#
1...c2-c1=B 2.Qd1xd2+ Bc1xd2#
1...c2xd1=S 2.Se4-f2+ Sd1xf2#
1...c2xd1=B 2.Rh3xf3+ Bd1xf3#
Festival of minor promotions and Queen sacrifices.
Karel Opravil (02-10-1960) Czech composer
Karel Opravil has composed few problems but with varied stipulations and fairy conditions.
This problem shows his deftness:
Opravil, Karel
Šachové umění 1981 (2/5857)
Show Solution1.g5 2.g4 3.g3 4.Kxe5 5.Kd5 6.g2 7.gxh1=B 8.Be4 9.Bg6 10.Ke6 11.Kf7 12.Kg8 13.Kh8 14.Bh7 Be5#
Note how the move order is forced, especially 8.Be4-Bg6, with very economical means.
Stefan Milewski also composed a lot of h#s (177 entries in the PDB, see e.g. P1078317 or P1077681) and some s#s (8 entries).
ReplyDeleteThanks Manfred, it's been added to the blog post.